House 4 and your emotional roots

We are about to get emotional! Or we wouldn’t be talking about House 4 of the birth chart. Related to the family and childhood, it gives you important hints about your roots, but also your endings. It tells you a great part of your own story, but it goes beyond that, it has the secrets of your ancestrality.
Consequently, it’s an important placement of the natal astrological chart to understand how a person feels in the world. It’s also about the most intricated habits and challenges. Learning about house 4 is a journey to your past and your feelings.
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House 4: first home and family
House 2 is ruled by Cancer and the Moon.
Related to the real physical house you live and lived, the house 4 is most of all about your emotional home. It tells you about your first years of life and the emotional inputs you had. Consequently, it’s connected to the mother (and to the entire lineage of women before your mom), and in a less intense way, to the father. Those first life experiences, you can observe it know under the light of the aspects in your 4th house.
This is probably one of the most emotional processes a person can go through. No family is perfect! Therefore, every single person on the face of Earth doesn’t matter how awesome their family was, is facing some sort of difficulties. The heritage an individual has is not only of money or physical aspects, is of structures, patterns, challenges, secrets… for the good and for the bad, we are a continuation of our ancestries.
By exploring those first years of life, the environment you were surrounded created by your family, you’ll learn about your traditions and the norms you were taught as growing up. It will bring light to your current beliefs and the way you approach your days and future.
It’s your memories and your sense of belonging.
The signs, planets and aspects related to house 4 in your natal chart will tell you a lot about that past!
Private life and your sacred refugee
To most of all, arriving home is that moment of relief. You can finally drop your bag, your phone and your keys, smile or cry without thinking of the others. Well, at least that’s how it should be and what everyone aims.
It happens because we always need a refugee, a place where to call home. Even those who don’t have it in a conventional way, find an unconventional one. Home is about emotions and feelings, hidden habits, your misteries.
Because of that, home represents private life. More or less private, depending on the aspects that are present in this piece of your natal chart, it’s exactly connected to how you live your family, home life in the present and through your life.
It’s the place where you get to chose the ones you let in, the place you decorate and where you go back to recharge your energies. All of those aspects will become clear once you look into your birth chart.
From the physical aspects to the emotional ones, it will tell you more about your needs of grounding and where you find that in your life.
The past and the future
It’s said that to better preview the future one must understand the past. The birth astrological chart covers all aspects of our lives and follows that same order of ideas. It starts with our most deep sides, and by learning about those, you can understand better your external actions and where the future will take you.
The house 4 has on the other extreme the house 10. The first is about the inside, the home, the emotions, the mom, the past; while the second is about the external life, the work, the actions, the dad and the future. One is not possible to be fully understood without the other.
With the knowledge of your past, you bring clarity about the challenges of your present and you prepare for your future!
But house 4 also tells you a little bit of how is going to be your ending, your late future, how you’ll get ready to leave this world and move on to another dimension.
House 4 must be analysed by also exploring the placement of the moon and of the sign of cancer. This action of understanding your past can have a great deal on unlocking matters for your future. Remember, the better you know yourself, the better you can develop your potential and mission in this world.
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