Full Moon in Capricorn: focus on what really matters

The Moon is a satellite that spins around the Earth. This satellite has a huge impact on human’s life and you certainly feel it. The cycle of the Moon has four phases and its influence varies depending on the period. Full Moon is the most critical one because puts everybody in a very emotional state. Get to know now how Full Moon in Capricorn will act on your life.
Full Moon in Capricorn
While the predecessor Full Moon in Sagittarius is all about relaxing, Full Moon in Capricorn is quite the opposite. After a period of taking time for fun, it is time to become serious and focus. Capricorn is a tough and persistent sign. That means they have a natural ability to handle challenges without getting too unsettled.
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The Full Moon is the phase that brings what is hidden to the light and amplifies all aspects of a sign, whether good or bad. So Full Moon in Capricorn will bombard us with challenges that were dormant for the moment. We will all feel compelled to find a solution for them without losing our sanity.
This is not a very emotional sign. But as Full Moon has a responsibility to make people more sensitive, what will happen is that people can get a little nervous and anxious. There will be a tension in the air to deal with these personal issues that Capricorn usually has.
They are very closed and hardly let anyone in. The main task of this moon is to be able to find an escape valve to release all this energy.
Full Moon in Capricorn: persistence and discipline
It is a great time to focus on your work when Full Moon in Capricorn is acting. All projects that require a lot of discipline (including personal ones) will be more likely to be realized now. Even if you do not have a very defined goal, this moon will help you find what needs to be done.
Aries is the sign of the warrior and the fight, having as element the fire. We can say Capricorn is very similar, but as its element is the earth, the battle will always be less intense and longer. It is time to think and reflect before making a rash decision.
But do not worry, this will not be a very difficult task. Full Moon in Capricorn will present everyone with wisdom and maturity. It is usually when childish attitudes seem eradicated and you can see that everyone is working in a conscious and productive way. There is no time to lose.
Full Moon in Capricorn: an important opportunity
For Capricorn, work is often more important than anything else. And as its Full Moon will direct you more willingly to this field, the other tip we give is to try to turn the wheel a little so you do not hit with such speed and strength.
We remind you that family, friends, your health, etc. also need to be cared for, especially during a time of as much tension as the Full Moon.
Full Moon in Capricorn is also likely to bring to light certain resentments and failures of the past. Take the time to reflect on your guilt in the happenings and if possible, apologize.
Capricorn may not do it for evil, but they often leaves their feelings and those of others aside. This makes them reputed to be cold and insensitive. The Full Moon is a window of opportunity to show more sympathy for the suffering you may have caused in the other.
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