Full Moon in Sagittarius: a joyful time

The Moon is one of the stars with most impact in our lives. Depending on which of the four phases it is, its influence has a different type of energy. Full Moon puts everybody more disquieted and sensitive because it relates to our mood and emotional state. In this article, get to know more about Full Moon in Sagittarius and its aspects.
Full Moon in Sagittarius
While its predecessor Full Moon in Scorpio invites us to an even more intense look at our emotions, Full Moon in Sagittarius also focuses on our inner self. The difference is that Scorpio asks for a more surgical and insistent look. On the other hand, Sagittarius prefers a lighter and more carefree look.
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There will be a sense of understanding, almost of resignation, in everyone. Full Moon in Scorpio makes us look for the truth no matter what in painful ways. Sagittarius also likes to seek knowledge and truth, but its Full Moon will allow it to arrive more openly and comprehensively.
The main mark of this sign is optimism. With a unshakeable faith, they “shake” through life always waiting for things to work out for themselves. Do not confuse with sloth or laziness, what happens is that Sagittarius strongly believes that flashes of intuition and connection with the Divine will bring more correct answers sooner or later.
Do you know that story that time heals everything and nothing like day after day? Every morning, Sagittarius renews hope and likes to live like this, one day at a time. This Full Moon will cover people of all signs with this feature.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: adventure time
Full Moon in Sagittarius influences people to be more adventurous. People will find it easier to leave their problems aside and play the pleasure of living just for living.
This is a good time for a getaway without much preparation. This is an impulsive sign and does not like to waste time. They grab and go.
But as the positives marks increase, the negatives also seem larger. People will have to work well on the energy of this moon to not be carried away by exaggeration.
There is the likelihood of high spending in the short period that Full Moon in Sagittarius is at work. And in an attempt to bring out all the strong emotions that are inside, people can commit excesses with food, parties and alcohol.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: take a break and find your way
This is a very cheerful sign and carries an almost childish vibe. They are usually hopeful and have a playful attitude towards life.
Earthbound people (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) will benefit more from the energy of this Full Moon. For the simple reason of feeling allowed to relax, without thinking much about the consequences.
Take advantage of this relaxed atmosphere to visit friends and be close to nature. It will be the unexpected moments that will bring the best insights into your life purpose.
This sign is all about your journey and how you achieve success, as its ruler Jupiter demands. Full Moon in Sagittarius will not disappoint you by not putting you face to face with what you most want, in the most loving and happy way possible.
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