Full Moon in Scorpio: a tidal wave of emotions

The Moon is one of the stars that most impacts our lives. Its influence changes depending on which of the four phases it is. Full Moon is responsible for putting people more disquieted and sensitive. It relates to our mood and emotional state. In this article, we will talk about and learn more about Full Moon in Scorpio. In 2021, the Full Moon in Scorpio takes place on April 27th.
Full Moon in Scorpio
Have you already heard that Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac? This sign is all about deep and strong emotions. Scorpio is always looking inside like a detective. Its gaze is investigative and never fears the truth. So, Full Moon in Scorpio comes to invite everyone to closely examine what goes through your heart and mind.
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Scorpio’s magnetism power is as potent as that of Full Moon. So you can expect a whirlwind of emotions. We even use to say that Full Moon in Scorpio is a dangerous time. People of all signs will feel as if they have a very strong magnet pulling them to themselves. It is quite difficult to escape from that and we will explain why.
Scorpio is a sign that is constantly in touch with their thoughts. It is almost an obsession. That is where the danger lives. Although Full Moon in Scorpio asks to look at your deepest issues, it is tricky to master all that force. Especially for people of more relaxed and easy going signs that do not have access to this type of energy usually.
The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are most affected by this moon, but they are also more accustomed to dealing with tidal waves of emotions. This is a delicate time and asks for a lot of discernment not to hurt yourself. More than others, be aware of what your mind can do to you.
Full Moon in Scorpio: comfortable with “nudity”
This is a great time to see things as they are. Full Moon in Scorpio will make you feel like you are naked and helpless. It might seem horrible to read this but remember that the Universe always wants the best for you. Everything has a purpose and a right time to happen. That is why cycles are so important.
Take your time to pause your life a little in order to make a total cleanse. We talk figuratively and literally. We suggest you scan your house looking for things you do not use anymore. Objects, clothes, shoes and everything without service can go straight to the trash. Write in diaries and notebooks what bothers you and what you have not yet overcome.
Full Moon in Scorpio gives you new eyes to look at the issue in a different way. You will probably find a way. The good news is that it will be a path with no return. Once over, it will be very difficult for you not to come out lighter and refreshed like a phoenix.
Give light to your shadow
On a more positive note, Full Moon in Scorpio brings to light all the problems you insist on hiding. But sooner or later, you will have to face them head-on to have them resolved and overcame. We are always saying that Full Moon acts like a magnifying glass, but this one also acts as a lantern.
It will be responsible for putting you face to face with your greatest fear or trauma. Take advantage of this delicate moment and try not to run away.
The intention is to break to rebuild. Scorpio has this ability to regenerate like no one else and always comes out stronger from a battle. Do not worry, because Full Moon in Scorpio will surely reward you for using your energy for your own good.
Full Moon in Scorpio on April 27, 2021
This Full Moon in Scorpio, taking place on April 27th 2021, creates the need to dive into your feelings as deep as possible. Emotional exchanges are wanted, even if the path is not smooth. You will also question shallow relationships that do not satisfy you truly.
According to AstroSeek, this Full “Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many things. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough.”
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