Gemini in house 12: how to overcome your challenges

If you found Gemini in house 12 of your natal chart, now it’s time to learn about this aspect!
In this article, we’ll help you understand how Gemini influences your experience in this lifetime. Each of the 12 houses of the natal chart represents a different area of your life. The twelfth house is where you can understand more about your relationship with spirituality, but not only.
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To understand how Gemini vibes influence you, it’s better to separately learn the energies of Gemini and house 12. The next step is to gather both information. Let’s walk that path together. Find out which secrets astrology has for you!
Find out why you should learn about Gemini in house 12
All signs influence your life in different areas! They have high that you want to reinforce, and low vibes, the ones you want to let go. Everyone can learn how it works and make the best of the combination of energies in their chart.
To interpret how you have been using Gemini’s energies, you can start with an exercise. Check your attitudes and feelings in the area of your life in focus, in this case, all that concerns the twelfth house. You want to be realistic about your challenges, your negative attitudes, but also the positive and healthy ones. Take notes and organize your ideas. It will help you figure out how you can boost the positive energies of Gemini. It’s a tool of self-knowledge, but even better a development exercise.
Astrology is an amazing tool because it helps you understand yourself better. It shows your tendencies; indicates you a pathway of self-understanding, and allows you to consciously improve the energies of your life.
Keep reading and learn more about Gemini in house 12.
Gemini in house 12: your spirituality
Gemini vibes: the refreshing breeze
The third sign of the Zodiac, Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, the one who represents communication. Gemini is soft and easy-going energy, refreshing and graceful. Likes freedom and is extremely flexible. It’s about bridges between people, ideas, situations, it’s about connections and communication.
The energy of the breeze is subtle and doesn’t like compromises or heavy issues, searching for strategies to soften situations. It’s, in fact, one of its great gifts and a way to help the world. You just need to understand it!
Gemini is flexible and flowable, it’s also hard to catch. Its biggest struggle is the lack of consistency and sometimes identity. Gemini vibes can make you go with the wind, without being able to find some consistency, focus, and an individual path.
Relationships are the biggest challenge for Gemini’s, who are amazing traveling friends and partners but need to learn commitment. They will always need more space than the rest, this applies to the areas of your life where you have Gemini, represented by the houses of your natal chart.
They are driven by experiences, curiosity, and love to share their life. Sometimes fall in gossip, or get lost in pleasure without taking responsibility.
In its lowest vibes, Gemini is too noisy, disorganized, and destabilizes the energy around. There is always some restlessness.
Gemini’s best qualities are his capacity to fly, constant curiosity, and availability to explore new journeys. Its pure connection and acceptance of everyone as they are, accepting all the differences.
House 12: the transcendent
The twelfth house represents the transcendental aspect of the natal chart, associated with experiences of deep internalization. It’s your way out of the daily reality. It’s the end and beginning of everything, the connection with something beyond yourself.
This is the aspect that forces you to retreat and rest, think and reflect and get in touch with the deepest part of yourself. It’s associated with patterns of isolation, abandonment, and recovery.
It shows the necessity of developing your spiritual world and meditative capacities to overcome existential crises or self-destructive patterns. These patterns can be related to profound fears with roots during pregnancy and childhood or even past lives.
Funny enough, it’s also the house that represents nightlife and fun, nature activities, and small breaks to recharge batteries. Consequently, there is also the area of drugs and trance, mediums and communication with the other world. It’s a misunderstood yet fascinating house.
In its highest vibes, the twelfth house is linked to spirituality, connection with nature, and the defense of social causes.
Gemini in house 12: embrace your challenges
This house is complex and challenging to interpret. Even though many people are under the same tendencies, it’s always an option of how you use the energies. To know more about Mercury in your natal chart will add valuable information to the one we are now sharing with you.
Sometimes people with this positioning end up disconnecting from their spirituality. Consequently, you might have so much curiosity about different spiritual practices, that you end up not deepening any of it, and not creating a strong relationship with yourself and your spirituality.
It’s good for you to compromise with a practice. Although it’s ok to try different ones, you want to make a commitment and put some energy on your connection with yourself.
Communication and compromises are probably your biggest challenges during life. Adding to that, you might even lack following your dreams because you get too disperse and you lack focus.
You can work consistency through your spirituality. In fact, you need to have isolation moments of learning in order for you to find your path in life.
Another tendency is for an extreme necessity for finding a scientific and rational explanation for everything in your life, and you end up not surrounding yourself.
Learn how to say no to the things you don’t want. Align with your intuition, it will help you know what you actually want in life.
You don’t need to let go of all rationality, but let yourself just be and feel a little bit every day and improve your connection with yourself!