Gemini Season: how it is going to be, according to your sign

Gemini season (21st May to 20th June) is marked by an overall lighter energy and we’ll all starting to find new ways of feeding the social needs and use the teachings of last months in the best possible way. Find out how will be the Gemini season for you according to your zodiac sign.
Gemini season: movements ruling the sky
Things are changing, and honestly, even if in different degrees, there is no way out of this tendency. Therefore, things will be easier if you open your heart and embrace that the world won’t be the same, and if possible put your own energy to be part of a change for better, and not for worst.
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Most of the things will be temporary, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t starting over for good. There is a new start for everyone, and you can make use of all you have been feeling and going through to make it a good new start. A new start closer to who you really are.
Gemini season influence on your zodiac sign
Let’s find out the main energy influence according to your zodiac sign. For a better understanding of what you are going through during Gemini Season, please check both your sun sign and your rising sign.
Aries, if you have decided to make career changes earlier this year, now you’ll be asked to revisit and evaluate the path you are following. If you have been thinking about it, but you didn’t put it in practice yet, you might be putting it in doubt right now.
Don’t give up that easily! The current vibes are not asking you to just let your dreams and projects on the side, it’s on the other forcing you to plan it better, to evaluate the effort you need to put on things, and ultimately it can be crucial for your success.
We have some good news for you, Taurus. If you have been waiting for some payment that is taking a long time to arrive, it might be now. There is energy towards you of reward from the efforts you have made in the past.
It can also happen that in the interaction with people from your past you find a lot of love and acceptance, and that will have a positive impact on how you value yourself, and how good you feel is who you are.
Gemini Season for Gemini
Dear Gemini, time to put some love and energy taking care of yourself. You need to take care of your body, of your health, love your physical aspect, and be beautiful.
You feel empowered, you know that all you have been through in the last months has made you strong, and you are ready to not just embrace it, but show it. So you might feel that reborn, the reborn of yourself, how you put yourself in the world, and how the others see you. You have conquered a lot of your demons, my friend, and you deserve to enjoy who you are.
Beautiful Cancer, you have been making the best out of the challenges in the last months, You have been connecting with yourself, growing stronger, finally taking the courage to look inside yourself and face, deal and conquer your (a lot) of emotions. And… you may want to keep in the process for a little longer. Just do it!
The astrological movements are favoring and supporting the overcome of demons, traumas, old blockages. That makes it the right time to connect with yourself, to work on your spirituality, and your psychological challenges.
Another nice news is that you might also be experiencing a new sexual chapter in your life. With someone else, or with yourself, it’s time to open your mind about and enjoy the pleasures of life.
Leo, Leo… we think you’ll like the Gemini season. It will be nicer to you than in the last couple of months. Well, first of all, there are great chances you have the opportunity to be with your loved ones soon, in case you have been apart for a long time.
Despite that, the main energies will focus on your work plans. Because of the retrograde motions, these plans are probably connected in some way with projects you were working on in the past, and you’ll have the chance to pick it up and start again. Consequently, we can tell you there is a lot of work coming your way. The good thing is you have the energy to go ahead with your projects.
Also some focus on working life, like our friend Leo! You can share some ideas. It will be a fantastic time for your career, with good opportunities for work, old projects finally reuniting the conditions to proceed, and a lot of enthusiasm.
Also on your partnerships, both romantic and working, you’ll have the chance to sort out some things there you were afraid, to be honest about.
Virgo, you’ll probably get this sense that you are protected from the biggest challenges now, and you are right. Therefore, you need to enjoy it, for the sake of everyone else suffering a bit more than you.
Gemini Season for Libra
Libra, you have been feeling the tension in one of the hardest aspects of everyone’s life: your family and your roots. The good news is that things will start to ease and getting easier.
Nonetheless, even if with more positivity, you are still on the motion of looking inside yourself and evaluate your foundations.
You’ll have the chance to be more social and to have more fun. Do it, but don’t overdo it, it is our advice for you.
Scorpio, dear friend, something you love is about to hit your life. A new chapter on your intimate relationships, with a lot of passion and good sex. You’ll be able to enjoy it more if you take the time to talk with the person you share your intimacy with, and you deepen the levels of communication.
On other matters, more good vibes. You’ll be able to get income from your passions! Therefore, focus on it, put your energy on the things you have pleasure doing. The results are coming your way.
Let’s start with a serious piece of advice: don’t make long term commitments. Ok, Sagittarius? And why are we saying that? Because this time will focus on your love relationships.
In case you are already in one, you’ll have the chance to enjoy a lot of pleasure with your significant other.
Nevertheless, if you are single, there is a great chance you either know someone new or reconnect with someone from your past. Wait until the end of June, at least, to make a deep commitment. Take your time to feel of this is just something for the moment or something that will last in time.
Gemini Season for Capricorn
Despite these long months of challenges and hard work, you are growing stronger and stronger. Gemini season will finally make it easier and lighter for you, and you’ll be able to enjoy life more.
You might feel an urge to make some changes to your look, but we advise you not to try anything new. Alternatively, go for something you have tried in the past, and even better, take care of yourself.
Work-related aspects, as well as your friendship relationships, will be especially happy during this season.
The polarities in your life will be strong, and you need to work on your balance. Especially between love and career, and fun and responsibility. The radical changes you have been going through in the last months will put the need for balance in focus. Aquarius, try to work on it, and accept that it’s not always easy, and takes time.
Very good energy of the Gemini season is recognition and abundance. You have been focusing on materializing all the study and investment of energy you have made in the last months or years, and now it’s starting to bring results. Congratulations on that!
You might even start getting financial rewards for all that effort. Enjoy it!
Gemini Season for Pisces
And suddenly, you are the king and the queen of interior journeys! You have enjoyed the last months, making the best of the need to be with yourself and work on your spirituality and growth.
As a reward for all of that, the Gemini season will bring a lot of love and comfort to the aspects related either to your family or your home. And some big changes might take place, Pisces.
Just be careful to not overdo things and waste away your energy.
Dear friends, we hope you can have a great Gemini season!
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