The 7 habits of highly ineffective people

You certainly have heard about the book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” written by Stephen R. Covey. With his book, the author presents the behavior patterns of – or to become – a successful person. Thinking about it, we decided to list here the 7 habits of highly ineffective people; people who do not achieve the desired success, constantly reproducing unsatisfactory results.
Take a look into our list and always remember: you should do exactly the opposite.
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The 7 habits of highly ineffective people

Habits of Highly Ineffective People – Procrastination
People who leave everything for tomorrow are also procrastinating the possibility of achieving success today. Tomorrow does not exist. It’s an illusion for which we are prepared, but we will never know if it will in fact occur. Procrastination is the enemy of success.

Habits of Highly Ineffective People – Complaint
The person who has that annoying habit of complaining is focused on the problem and not on the search for solutions and results. Spending your life complaining, in addition to alienating people, also creates a heavy, negative and stressful environment.
The habit of complaining is directly related to what Napoleon Hill calls Negative Mental Attitude and becomes an obstacle to success because, in addition to blocking creativity, it does not open space to find opportunities.

Absence of defined objectives
Lewis Carroll’s old motto could not be more current, after all, if you don’t know where you’re going, any place will do. A person with no direction in life is the same as a boat drifting in the storm. There is little point in running if you don’t know the way to the finish.
People who do not have well-defined goals do not achieve success because they do not know what they want. Having goals is like having a map that you follow to achieve what you want. Absence is like wandering in the middle of nowhere towards nothing.

Lack of planning, flexibility and focus
The absence of a defined objective is directly related to the absence of planning and focus for its realization. One needs the other. The problem is that we will not be able to prepare for changes, much less build a strategy to achieve effective results. Planning coupled with the flexibility to change when needed and focus is the key to success.

To build something that will last and that will make your name echo in eternity, you need to be part of a cooperative and collaborative current. The selfishness of those who do not share knowledge, time, goals and information hampers the process and blocks success. You must have always on your mind that several heads bring different solutions.

Habits of Highly Ineffective People – Bad faith
Living life by doing it well and doing gambling to get along is a lethal poison when it comes to effective results. People who have this kind of behavior do not know how to measure the long-term consequences of their actions. In addition, these people are also able to act in bad faith by passing others around, lying, by passing ethics and by resorting to corrupt actions that denote their lack of character.
It may even be that in the short term they appear successful, but you will fall into your own trap and lose whatever you have achieved. Using bad faith takes away success because you don’t build anything lasting based on lies.

Believe there is nothing more to learn
The worst possible death is when people decide to die in life and the best way to do that is intellectual suicide, refusing to learn, refusing to evolve, refuse gaining knowledge.
The world is dynamic and full of information that allows us to generate creative and innovative ideas to achieve effective results. Whoever refuses to update knowledge loses the chance to boost the brain. Learning is food for the mind.
If you don’t know what to do to succeed, but at least know, with these habits of highly ineffective people, what you should start not doing.
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