5 habits of unhappy people you should avoid

There are certain circumstances in life that drive yourself through a less happy road, but much of the unhappiness comes from the way you look at life: your thoughts, behaviors and habits. Here are 5 habits of unhappy people that can drag you into misery.
5 habits of unhappy people
1. Looking for perfection
Is the path to happiness the same to perfection? Do you think you have to be perfect to be happy? If your answer is yes, you should know that happiness can be quite difficult to find. Setting such high standards for yourself makes you have low self-esteem and constantly feels that you are not good enough – even if your results are great.
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To get rid of your perfectionist habits, you should follow these three simple steps:
- Try to be good enough;
- Have a deadline for each action or situation;
- Understand the costs that the idea of perfection has in your life. Trying to be perfect ends up generating projects that are never finished.
2. Surrounding yourself with negativism
No man is an island. Who we socialize with, what we read, watch and listen to has a big effect on the way we feel and think. It’s really more difficult to be happy when you are surrounded by negative voices that tell you how you should live your life.
Try to exchange these negative voices for positive influences. This may mean read a happier book, surround yourself with positive people or have a nice chat with someone close to you about your negativity.
3. Being stuck in the past or future
Stuck in the past thinking about missed opportunities, painful memories and conflicts can hurt you a lot. Spending a lot of time imagining everything that can happen in your workplace, in your relationship and with your health can be even worse.
Obviously we need to plan our future and learn from the past, but to overcome this habit, make a conscious effort to be in the present. Focus on your work, your day or any activity you are doing. If necessary, reserve a moment of the day for negative thoughts, this way you can isolate them in just one moment and prevent them from spilling over into your routine. But keep that time short, for example, 10 minutes.
4. Always comparing yourself to others
Comparing your life to the life of those around you is an extremely destructive habit. Comparing cars, jobs, shoes, popularity and many other things and feelings in real life or through social networks inevitably messes with your self-esteem.
Replace this habit with two others: compare yourself to the person you once were and be kind. Think about how you’ve been growing, avoiding compare your chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20. Also take the opportunity to be kinder to others, being a critical person to those around you inevitably makes you have a better critical sense to yourself.
5. The world is revolving around you
If you believe that the world revolves around you, you are imposing great limits on your life. You shut yourself off to new things that could boost your growth, and you are affected by situations that have nothing to do with you, just because you believe that everyone conspires against you. But most of the time, people are just acting naturally, thinking only about their lives and actions.
Get rid of this habit, realizing that people do not live to evaluate your life. This is also a greater start to become a happier person.