Hair care by the Lunar Moon cycles

Should you base your hair care by the Lunar cycles? Everything on our Earth that grows naturally is affected by the Moon. The ocean’s tides are proven to be driven by the moon phases, and we as humans are made of over 70% water. This makes it inevitable that we too are affected by the phases of the Lunar Moon cycle, including the growth and health state of our hair!
How our hair is affected by the phases of the moon
It is extremely beneficial to base your hair care by the Lunar Moon cycles. Why or how, you ask? In this article we will be discussing the various ways that the phases of the Moon affect your hair, and the best times to cut, trim, nourish and add growth to your hair.
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In the farming and harvesting of crops, it is a well known fact is that activities performed at different phases of the Moon will yield different results. Many farmers utilize their knowledge of the Lunar Moon cycles when planting their crops, as is demonstrated in the yearly editions of The Farmer’s Almanac.
But did you know that the Farmer’s Almanac even mentions the effects of the Moon on hair growth? It literally outlines the best days to cut hair to encourage growth, based on the phases of the Moon throughout the year.
The lunar moon cycle and how to utilize it in hair care
When a plant has dead parts, it naturally sucks the nutrients toward those portions, leaving the rest of the plant with less nourishment. This causes the growth of the plant to be stalled. So, the same thing applies to our hair. When we cut our hair, we are removing those ends that have died, enabling the rest of the hair to receive the maximum amount of nutrients possible.
There are certain phases of the Lunar Moon Cycle where the “pull” of the Moon on the Earth and our bodies is the strongest. If you trim hair during this time, you have a better chance of the natural nutrients being pulled from the body, and into the roots. Undoubtedly, the healthier your hair is, the stronger it will be and the faster it will grow.
Below, we have provided a guide to hair care by the Lunar Moon cycles by outlining the specific effects the Moon has on our hair during each phase.
Hair Care by the Lunar Cycles – New Moon
During this phase, your hair is substantially weaker. You may experience the most hair loss during this time of the Lunar Cycle, and therefore this is not the time to make a drastic cut to your hair if you are hoping for it to grow back quickly. This is, however, a good time to make that drastic short cut if you are hoping to keep it short for a while. Utilize recovery treatments too, as the hair is about to start the process of retaining and storing nutrients pulled from the body as the Moon expands and will soon start the Waxing Phase.
This is the phase of the Lunar Cycle that is mentioned in the Farmer’s Almanac as being the best time for hair growth. The Waxing Phase is the best time for a trim, because as the Moon gets larger, it is pulling those nutrients from the body the most powerfully. By ridding your hair of the dead ends, you are allowing the healthy portion to fully absorb nourishment without it fleeting to the dead ends. This period is about 7 days after the New Moon and continues until the Full Moon.
Full Moon
Full Moon cutting your hair anytime from the First Quarter Moon right up to the peak of the Full Moon will enable your hair to grow back in a rejuvenating way – strong, healthy, lusciously and full. Your hair will be thickest at the peak of the Full Moon, so this is ideal if your hair is damaged or particularly brittle. Once the Full Moon is over, and the Waning Phase begins, the pull from the Moon starts diminishing, causing less nutrients to be pulled from the body.
Hair Care by the Lunar Cycles – Last Quarter
The Waning Phase begins after the Full Moon, and the Last Quarter Moon is 7 days after the Moon is completely full. During this time, until the New Moon, your hair is growing slower as moon is shrinking (and lessening its pull on the Earth). Just as with the New Moon, the Last Quarter Moon through the New Moon is the best time to cut your hair if you want that short haircut to last long. It is also the best time to perform hair waxing because it will last longer! Even the Farmers Almanac states that the Waning Moon phase discourages hair growth.
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