Haircut lunar calendar 2021: plan it by the moon

Although there is no scientific evidence for this influence, many women – and even men – rely on the phases of the moon to deal with their locks. If you are one of them, be sure to check the Haircut lunar calendar 2021.
The influence of the Moon is not only noticeable when it comes to fertility, sowing certain foods, tides or the behavior of animals. It is also said that it can help keep our hair healthy. To do so we must to know which is the best Moon for cutting your hair in 2021.
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According to popular tradition, if your hair is in bad condition, dull and dry, the best thing you can do is take advantage of the Full Moon to cut it. This way your hair will heal and grow stronger and shinier.
Although this is an old belief, there is much behind it that still keeps it alive. One theory is based on the influence of the moon on the tides. Given this, it is believed that because we are composed mostly of water, the moon would have an influence on our lives.
Another possibility, which connects the moon to the female figure, is the cyclic factor. The moon is divided into 4 cycles, completed in 29.5 days – pretty much the same as a woman’s menstrual period.
Haircut lunar calendar 2021
New Moon
As its very name suggests, the New Moon is a time to radicalize, renew and feel energized for the next phases to come. Are you eyeing a celebrity’s bold haircut? Always been brunette and now you want to be a redhead? So treat yourself.
Inside and out, this is a time of renewal. In addition, the phase is especially interesting for those who need to strengthen the hair locks or recover from a procedure that caused damage to them. Cutting and treating hair during New Moon will allow them to grow stronger and healthier.
Dyes, cuts and hairstyles tend to last longer in this lunar cycle, and your hair will be more resistant to more aggressive chemicals. But be careful. Do not abuse this resistance. Do not attempt complex home procedures such as discoloration and straightening. Always look for a good professional to make you even more beautiful.
Here are the dates of all New moons in 2021:
- Jan. 13
- Feb. 11
- Mar. 13
- Apr. 11
- May 11
- June 10
- July 9
- Aug. 8
- Sept. 6
- Oct. 6
- Nov. 4
- Dec. 4
First Quarter
Again related to its own name, the meaning of the First Quarter is valuable to anyone who wants to make their hair grow faster. This is the best moon of the Haircut calendar 2021 to cut hair for the purpose of strengthening.
Take advantage of this phase to maintain your cut, short, medium or long. Trim the ends and even give a peal if you think it’s cool, but don’t make too radical changes. During this time, the roots get stronger, the hair grows quickly and gets brighter.
It is also believed that because hair grows faster this can also thin the hair. If you choose to follow this belief, it may be interesting to use the First Quarter as a time to get rid of poorly made chemicals, stretches that have already lost shape – and grace – and take care of the nutrition of the strands.
Here are the dates of all First Quarter moons in 2021:
- Jan. 20
- Feb. 19
- Mar. 21
- Apr. 20
- May 19
- June 18
- July 17
- Aug. 15
- Sept. 13
- Oct. 13
- Nov. 11
- Dec. 10
Full Moon
For many people, this is the best haircut moon. In 2021, you should prioritize it if you want a bulkier, fuller, more lively look – even if you grow slower. People with thinning thin hair feel the benefits of this period.
Remember that during the Full Moon, people tend to feel more emotional, and feelings of impulsiveness become part of the routine. So hold on to the excitement when you dare.
It is very common for people who radicalize their look during the full moon to regret it later. Think carefully and, if you find it convenient, ask others for their opinion before going out with scissors or painting the strands a very difficult color to reverse.
Invest in more elaborate hydration, nutrition, and reconstructive treatments, as the effects often intensify during this phase of the Haircut calendar 2021. During the Full Moon in Leo and Virgo signs this power is even greater.
Here are the dates of all Full Moons in 2021:
- Jan. 28
- Feb. 27
- Mar. 28
- Apr. 26
- May 26
- June 24
- July 23
- Aug. 22
- Sept. 20
- Oct. 20
- Nov. 19
- Dec. 19
Last Quarter
Another phase of renewal, the Last Quarter is suitable for people who suffer from thinning hair or sensitized hair – whether due to chemicals or vitamin deficiency. A cut at this stage favors the elimination of weakened yarns and makes room for the growth of stronger and healthier yarns.
Despite its strengthening, the Last Quarter makes your hair grow thinner and slower. Therefore, nothing better than devoting nutrition and hydration to the hair and scalp. Beware of chemicals during this phase as you are in a period of hair transition and recovery.
If you have hair with a lot of volume and want to reduce it, it is worth making a cut during the Last Quarter to slightly change your look and tame the rebel strands.
Here are the dates of all Last Quarter moons in 2021:
- Jan. 6
- Feb. 4
- Mar. 5
- Apr. 4
- May 3
- June 2
- July 1
- July 31
- Aug. 30
- Sept. 28
- Oct. 28
- Nov. 27
- Dec. 26
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