Healing of the conscience with self-forgiveness: atonement

True peace comes to us with self-forgiveness, when we heal our perspective and our thoughts coming from the judgment of the Ego. The goal is always peace, our natural state, the healing of the erroneous consciousness therefore dual with self-forgiveness, the healing of our perspective created by the Ego.
In reality ”I think therefore I create my reality”, referring in parallel to what Descartes once said: ”I think therefore I am”.
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Our existence comes from our beliefs forged even before we were born as part of the collective consciousness. We are drops in the ocean of the immutable objective Presence of the Universe sifted through the filter of our subjective thoughts and our Ego, the dual separating consciousness, the erroneous thought system.
The healing of consciousness
Everything that keeps us from Peace because of the judgment of our thoughts is already wrong.
If you are not at peace, then you know that you have decided to be wrong even if you are not conscious because you are not at peace. You yourself have made that decision that disturbs you, consciously or unconsciously, therefore, you can make another one. Deep down, consciously or unconsciously you already know!
You have the power! The freedom of choice even to be wrong has been granted to us by the Presence, God. It is your willpower that moves “mountains”. When you wish to return to your natural state of peace, you then want to make another choice because you wish to be at peace.
By allowing the Holy Spirit, the mediator of consciousness with Source, to heal the guilt, all the consequences of our wrong perspective, wrong judgment, and the decision to feel separate from the presence, the dual consciousness, are nullified.
Surrender your guilt to Holy Spirit for healing from the cause. Leave all your fears in His hands. Let the will of the Presence, of the Universe be done in you!
So choose to allow it, by letting the Universe decide in favor of the goodness of the Source for you and thus claim your inheritance.
In a state of stillness, contemplate the harmonious Presence within you, observe its purity and give thanks for the fact that guilt has never left its mark on you. Free yourself from guilt!
Remember, if I am truly innocent, I have nothing to fear. I choose then to bear witness to my acceptance of the Atonement. I want to accept my innocence by showing it and sharing it. Truth is objective in the Presence, the only thing that is real and the only thing that exists; the consciousness of Oneness.
Remember only, We are One with the All! We have nothing to fear.
Let yourself go. Recognize that you do not know the meaning of anything, including this. You do not know, therefore, how to respond to it. Create the purest act of love with surrender to the source. Therefore do not use what you have learned in the past to guide you now. There is only the holy instant in the present time.
For the healing of guilt turn to the Holy Spirit, mediator with Source when you want to heal your perception and recite the following prayer for the healing of our erroneous thought system, of the Ego through the Holy Spirit with Self forgiveness.
I do not have to do anything except not interfere.
I am host to the Presence, I am worthy for it even my body is its temple.
He who established His abode in me created it as the Universe intended it to be.
It is not necessary for me to prepare it for Him, but only that I do not interfere with His plan to reinstate in me the consciousness that I am ready, eternal state.
I do not have to add anything to His plan.
But to accept it, I must be willing not to substitute it for my own.
Forgive us our ego illusions for feeling separate, Universe, and help us to accept our true relationship with you, in which there are no illusions and in which none can ever infiltrate.
Lead us not into temptation, for the temptation of the Son of God is not Your Will. And let us receive only what You have given, and accept only that in the minds You created and love.
Recollect yourself in the unconditional acceptance of what has been given to you
The Holy instant does not come only from your dose of goodwill. It is always the result of combining our goodwill with the unlimited power of the Will of the Universe. We co-create with the Presence by allowing its will to be done!
Your goodwill is necessary in order to teach you what you are, with the Universe. If you hold that you are not worthy to learn this, you will be interfering with the learning. Remember that when the student is ready, the teacher arrives, he is perceived now when you did not see him before.
Simply send the question to the messenger, waiting to receive the answer as it is given to you. Open yourself to the receptivity of your being, without expectations.
The Atonement comes to those who offer their goodwill to make its arrival possible, in short to those who are receptive, leaving behind the blockages of the dual mind, the Ego.
Try to think in this way
Everything in reality is love in the Presence, the Oneness consciousness of which we are a part and therefore feeling separate makes no sense at all.
When you feel that the sanctity of your relationship is threatened by something, in any aspect, when you feel separate and you think you see your enemy, you feel fear or threat, stop immediately and, that fear you may feel, offer to the Holy Spirit your consent so that He changes that instant to the holy instant that connects you with the Source and with your brothers, the other drops of the ocean of the sea of the Universe. We are all one. To help you to change your perspective and fear to leave your mind.
When something seems to you to be a source of fear, when a situation takes away your peace, remember that it is always for the same reason: the ego has perceived the situation as a symbol of fear, and threat.
When you are faced with such apparent uncertainty regarding the meaning of something, do not judge the situation. Turn the situation over to the Holy Spirit for the Presence to judge it for you, and say:
I give this to you to heal and judge for me. Teach me not to make it an obstacle to peace, but to let You use it for me, to facilitate its arrival.
Everything has a meaning even if at this moment you are not able to perceive it.
Leave your guilt, your perspective from the dual separation consciousness, in His hands so that He may correct it and you may come to the right perception, the Unity consciousness. Peace.
Once you accept the plan of the Presence, the Universe, there will be nothing that the Holy Spirit will not take care of for you. Trust. Rest
Let go of your Ego’s perspective that makes you believe you are separate from Source. Make the “quantum” leap in your mind, the shift in perspective from separation, dual consciousness to unity consciousness.
We are all one. And we have finally come home, together with the Universe.
(Prayer to the Holy Spirit from A Course in Miracles)
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