Health predictions for December

Looking for the health predictions for December? Stars have shown what to expect for December 2018 in what comes to health. Come and check it out!
Health Predictions for December for each zodiac sign
The retrograde of Uranus in Aries (transit initiated on November 6th) will affect the nerves of the native of this zodiac sign, which, together with the preparations of the Christmas festivities, can trigger strong episodes of stress. To counteract this trend, you will have the Full Moon in Cancer on December 22nd, which invites you to reconnect with the closest relatives, and everything that for you is familiar (and safe).
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It is worth remembering that, since November 15, the North Node is in House VI of Aries, where the lunar event of December 22nd will also take place, which favours the expression of the sensibility. Although the natives of Aries are not accustomed to lower their defenses, the beginning of the direct phase of Chiron in House XII of the sign (as of December 9th) can help them to assume a more receptive position.
Chiron direct in the XII House of Aries confers the understanding on the events of the past and what they have taught you, especially those that at the time were considered painful, tragic or negative. With this in mind, plus the North Node in House IV of Aries, it is understood the need to turn the page into familiar situations, which could create patterns in the native’s childhood.
It is important to turn the page. It does not mean readmitting a person who is toxic in your inner circle or who knows you will hurt at the least opportunity (physical, emotional or psychological). It is about getting rid of the heavy burden of negative thoughts and memories.
Keep in mind that “turning the other cheek” does not mean continuing to endure abuse, but knowing when to turn and leave. This knowledge will be useful as of December 31st, when Mars (regent planet of Aries) enters the sign giving greater vitality and physical strength, but also highlighting the most reactive and impulsive side of the character of the natives.
More predictions for December here.
Venus, ruling planet of Taurus and Libra, culminates its passage by the House VI of Taurus, on the 1st of December, reason why it is convenient to avoid the excesses with the meals, especially the desserts, but pay attention as there are chances of food poisoning. Fortunately, the asteroid Pallas is present in this sector of the astral map (House VI of Taurus), which favours the prudence and the analysis as opposed to compulsive behaviours.
The presence of Pallas in House VI of Taurus, gives the native the ability to control himself to these stimuli, and to deepen what is hidden behind this type of behaviour (the real detonators). It does not mean that he will be barred from eating or spending according to his will (it is practically impossible to resist Taurus when he insists on something), but he will do so with awareness of his process.
Another transit that you must take into account, during this time of year, is the retrograde of Uranus in House XII of Taurus, transit that can generate difficulties to fall asleep (nervousness, insomnia, abrupt awakening). It is advisable to make time for relaxation and rest and respect that. Try to lie down and get up at the same time; decrease intake of foods high in fats, sugars and condiments, at night especially before bed; disconnect from electronic devices; and cultivate habits that induce a state of tranquillity.
The beginning of the direct phase of Juno in Taurus, starting on December 23rd, will invite the natives from Taurus to commit themselves to their own well-being, through actions that will have long-term results, even if this means sacrificing immediate satisfaction.
More predictions for December here.
The presence of the dwarf planet Ceres in House VI of Gemini, indicates that natives of the sign will enjoy a successful recovery process, particularly those who suffered minor ailments, during the last months. However, this is not a reason to abuse physical resistance. Keep in mind that the first week of December, Mercury will be retrograde in the same location of the astral map (House VI of Gemini).
The planet of the communication is regent of the twins (and of Virgo), reason why its transits usually have a greater effect in the natives of both signs. Both the retrograde of Mercury in the VI House of Gemini (from the 1st to the 5th December), as well as its shadow period, which will extend until the 24th and will include its passage to House VII, are temporary periods in which the sons and daughters of Gemini must pay attention.
The events that involve the presence of the planet of communication in House VI of Gemini, can increase the predisposition towards respiratory diseases (influenza, asthma) and susceptibility to viruses. If winter is part of the climate of your region, during these dates, it is prudent that you elevate the precautions and take shelter from the cold, rain and snow. Do not forget to keep warm, and avoid wet clothes in contact with your body (if it is inevitable, for short periods of time).
The beginning of the direct phase of Juno in the XII House of Gemini, from December 23rd, indicates a favourable time to reconcile with the past, and work the energy of forgiveness. Important: working the energy of forgiveness does not mean accepting without reservation toxic people or that you know they do not have good intentions for you. The intention is to relieve you of the feeling of burden that the old negative events left in your soul.
The available alignments are favourable if you want to participate in consultations or sessions with therapists and psychologists. Likewise, they facilitate the processes of recapitulation without judgment and self-knowledge.
More predictions for December here.
The December 2018 health predictions show that you will feel happier and it will be easier for you to stay calm, if you sleep deep and long and if you blood flows in a regular way.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t just sit in front of the TV, instead, nurture yourself. Around December 10th, you will see the big picture and understand what is the meaning of it all right now. You should explore these issues, and do it while exercising, as it will help clear your mind.
Around the 15th, you should turn your attention inward, to see what you could change to make yourself healthier. This internal change can make things look easier, but you need to be commited to it. By the 25th of December, Cancer natives will fill ready to make major changes in their life. Whatever it is, it will benefit your health immensely due to your positive approach.
More predictions for December here.
The entry of the Sun into Leo’s VI House on December 21st, indicates significant improvements in the health conditions and physical condition of the natives of the sign. However, we should not forget that Pluto, Saturn and the South Node are also in this location.
These alignments allude to let go of what you know that affects your well-being, and dedicate yourself to building the foundations of the lifestyle you deserve and will lead you to a true transformation. In other words, if you know that a certain food or drink produces an adverse reaction, it is convenient to eliminate or reduce its consumption, always with the accompaniment of a nutritional specialist.
In the same way, if the sedentary lifestyle is affecting your circulatory system or you are a victim of stress by assuming an exaggerated number of obligations, at home or at work, you must take the necessary measures to balance the situation.
Occasionally, it is a good idea to be a little selfish and work on building healthy limes (even with your loved ones). You should not expect to fall into absolute exhaustion (or illness) to remember the satisfaction of attending to you, and pampering yourself.
Keep in mind that, just as it is important to give, but so is receiving. The Full Moon in Cancer of December 22nd, in the XII House of Leo, is a clear invitation not to fall into the cycle of perpetual sacrifice. The presence of the asteroid Pallas in the III House of Leo, will help you organize your thoughts, so you can enjoy the Christmas festivities as a family, with vitality and joy.
More predictions for December here.
Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo and Gemini, will begin its direct phase (under the influence of Scorpio), starting on December 6th, which translates into progressive physical recovery, for those natives of Virgo who were affected by some ailment, during the last months.
The presence of the dwarf planet Ceres in Virgo House III, coupled with the entrance of the asteroid Vesta to House VI, is an interesting planetary alignment to engage in meditation and self-knowledge. Although the first week of December, the influence of retrograde Mercury in the Virgo House III, will hinder the process of concentration, it is a passing trend, which will culminate with the beginning of the direct phase of the communication planet, and its transfer to House IV on December 12th.
However, Ceres in House VIII is an excellent planetary position to deepen the study of those elements that contribute to nourish your soul, and overcome phases of grief. In the same way, the asteroid Vesta, as a channel for the spirituality and passion of the individual, activates the connection with yourself at different levels (material, mental, spiritual).
The transit of Vesta in the VI House of Virgo is presented under the influence of Aquarius, which suggests that there is a conscious search for the evolution of being, and the need to share progress with others. In this sense, you can participate in meditation or prayer groups, or include friends, family and colleagues in some of your spiritual routines, to create a feedback flow.
It is important to keep in mind that Lilith remains in Virgo’s VI House, which means that the search for self-knowledge and evolution is not free of obstacles, that is, you must meet your shadow. The shadow are those aspects of the personality that we struggle to hide or suppress. An important part of personal improvement is accepting our shadow (not fighting against it) in integrating it into what we are, since it is in charge of reminding us that we are constantly learning.
On the other hand, as the days go by, Virginians will feel that they will gain more and more physical vigour. However, emotional (and mental) fatigue can harm them, if they do not consider it.
More predictions for December here.
Chiron will begin its direct phase in House VI of Libra, on December 9th, which for the natives of the sign means a greater emotional balance. With this stellar transit, you will have the opportunity to work in those patterns that were detected, during retrograde, as the need for control and perfection.
Remember that Neptune is also present in House VI of Libra, which in addition to encouraging creativity applied to your work, is a powerful connecting element with the unconscious. In this sense, there is a lot of available energy that is favourable to fulfil psychological therapy processes, and participate in spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer.
Additional to Neptune and Chiron in the VI House of Libra, the asteroid Juno will initiate its direct phase in the VIII House of the balance on December 23rd, which translates into the commitment to face the internal demons (traumas, blockades). On the other hand, Venus (ruling planet of Libra and Taurus) will return to Scorpio on December 2nd, sign in which its retrograde phase took place, during the month of October.
The new step of the planet of desire to the II House of Libra, now in direct phase, talks about retaking issues related to self-esteem and personal value, which remained pending in the last round. Now, with direct Venus in House II and the influence of Jupiter in House III (where the New Moon of December 7th will also take place), the Libra natives will review their internal dialogue and will be willing to become its main support and motivational force.
More predictions for December here.
Although the presence of retrograde Uranus in Scorpio House VI can provoke episodes of nervousness in the natives of the sign, these effects can be counteracted with meditation practices or relaxation techniques. The return of Uranus to House VI of Scorpio, during its retrograde phase, is an opportunity to check if you continue to react to external stimuli, instead of offering an answer.
Remember that the basis of your balance must be linked to your inner world, and not to external objects or events, which can easily change or disappear by the action of third parties.
Pluto, principal ruler of Scorpio, is under the influence of Capricorn what he pays in favour of the natives of the sign, since it confers greater physical strength. However, this planetary position also confers a strong tendency to authoritarianism, ambition and perfectionism, energy that in the House of Scorpio is directed towards House III (communications, relationship with brothers and neighbours, studies).
Keep in mind that in House III of Scorpio, Saturn and the South Node are also present. In addition, the Sun will enter this site on the 21st of December, the same day that the Winter / Summer Solstice is celebrated. With this alignment, it is evident that Scorpio natives should focus their work of consciousness towards the blockages that hinder the positive and affirmative use of communication.
Fortunately, you have the presence of the asteroid Pallas in House XII, a strong ally when it comes to capturing hidden patterns, especially those that have their roots in the past, or the way you handle relationships with yourself, your loved ones and third parties.
More predictions for December here.
During the month of December, the natives of Sagittarius will enjoy strength and vitality. Not only do they have the presence of Jupiter in their sign, but the Sun will remain under the influence of the centaur, until December 20th.
Remember that Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, but as a planet of expansion, it can encourage excess, especially in regards to shopping, food and beverages (something typical of the holiday season).
It is convenient to avoid this type of behaviour, especially what has to do with excessive intake of food and liquor. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences of your actions, in the short and medium term.
The retrograde of Mercury in House XII aims to face past events that remained hidden, because they are considered painful or traumatic to address. The transit occurs under the influence of Scorpio.
You must not underestimate the progress you have made, in your path of personal development. Situations that previously seemed difficult to face, are now observed with a different perspective, and a higher level of maturity. This transit of Mercury, favours individual psychological therapy, and treatments against addictions, with the advice of medical personnel specialised in the subject.
On the other hand, the New Moon in Sagittarius of December 7th, is an event oriented to the reinvention of the subject, in what refers to beliefs, philosophy of life, personal and professional objectives. Mercury’s direct entry into Sagittarius, on December 12th, will awaken the enthusiasm to share with friends and family.
This trend will be reinforced with the beginning of the direct phase of Chiron in the IV House of the centaur (on the 9th), which translates into overcoming emotional grudges and wounds, which foster feelings of uprooting or hinder the relationship with the closest relatives.
More predictions for December here.
The entrance of the Sun in Capricorn, on December 21st, confers vitality and physical strength to the natives; however, we must not forget that Pluto, Saturn and the South Nodes are in the sign, where the asteroid Psyche will also enter, on December 12th. These alignments invite us to explore our own vulnerability (Psyche), something that is complicated for Capricorns, who fear losing control or remaining in a subordinate position before third parties (including their loved ones).
Equally, the planets in Capricorn allude to overcome old structures, which are obsolete for the achievement of new objectives, and the work of consciousness. This process is not something that you will experienced in a day, but it will have to fulfil certain stages, and therefore it will take its own time.
An important aspect of this type of transits is the opportunity to learn to take better care of yourself, avoid excesses (especially in food and drinks), and attend your hours of rest and fun, because you are much more than your ambitions (you are not a machine).
Take advantage of the presence of the asteroid Eros in House VI of Capricorn, and practice self-care. Do not be afraid to pamper yourself and enjoy moments of relaxation, doing pleasant activities. You deserve it after a year of intense work, internal and external.
More predictions for December here.
The entrance of the asteroid Vesta in Aquarius, on December 1st, awakens interest in one’s own spirituality, regardless of whether you follow a specific religious path or not, which is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with your divine part. The transit of Vesta in Aquarius also encourages participation in humanitarian or social causes, and the practice of self-care, (with the premise of attending to the body, as if it were a temple).
While there is a tendency to rebel and satisfy all the whims, the presence of Vesta in the sign of the water carrier, bet on moderation, reflection and assessment, choose what is best for you. On the other hand, the retrograde of Uranus in the House III of Aquarius, and under the influence of Aries, indicates tendency to suffer from migraines, colds, allergies, and episodes of anxiety.
Although these are temporary ailments, which you will find relief with speed, the manifestation of them will lead you to question yourself if you are really paying attention to what your body needs. It is not simply about the plan of food and exercise, but the time you spend resting, enjoying friends and loved ones, participating in family activities, and cultivating a hobby.
The entrance of the Sun into the XII House of Aquarius on December 21st where Pluto, Saturn and the South Node are also located, invites reflection and overcoming those patterns of behaviour that do not contribute to your current lifestyle. It is possible that when you let go of the old conditioning you feel naked or vulnerable, but remember that it is a process of rebirth, that will allow you to express your true essence and wishes of the soul.
More predictions for December here.
In general, the physical state of the natives of Pisces will have a positive balance, during December 2018. However, the presence of Neptune in Pisces indicates that it is necessary to avoid excesses, particularly in regards to sweets, processed food and alcoholic beverages. It is not about completely eliminating the consumption of these products, but to be prudent in their intake, to avoid later unpleasant situations (upset stomach, hangover, small accidents).
At this time of year, the sensibility of the Piscean will be close to the surface, but the beginning of the direct phase of Chiron in Pisces on December 9th, will help them maintain their internal balance and overcome the traps of nostalgia, if they place the intention in it.
In the same way, the entrance of the asteroid Vesta to the XII House of the sign, invites to offer support in humanitarian or charitable causes, to make peace with the past and to dedicate time to spiritual practices (meditation, prayer).
Remember that Lilith is also present in the XII House of Pisces, so, by reactivating your connection with the divine, you will consciously access your shadow, and all the riches that it contains (learning is to accept and integrate the dark aspects, do not repress them).
More predictions for December here.
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