Health predictions for October

Looking for the health predictions for October? Stars have shown what to expect for October 2018 in what comes to health. Come and check it out.
Health predictions for October according to your zodiac sign
Health predictions for October Aries indicate that the physical condition of its natives, will not have significant variations. The presence of Pallas in the House 6 of the sign, points towards the reorganisation of schedules and routines. In low vibration, this position of Pallas can cause in the subject certain hypochondria, and stress.
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The retrograde of Venus in the House 8 of Aries on October 5th, alerts on the possibility of suffering the consequences of ailments, which had not been manifested or believed to have been retracted.
In this sense, it is advisable to go to the medical specialist of confidence, in case of presenting any anomalous symptom, especially those related to the genital organs and the reproductive system.
Emotionally, the phase of apparent regression of the planet of desire is able to release the effects of ancient traumas, associated with the sexual theme and taboos. Considering that Chiron continues retrograde in the 12th House of Aries, like Neptune, it is a good time to embrace reality and request formal psychological support, if necessary.
Chiron retrograde in House 12 facilitates the expression of emotional wounds that were buried in the unconscious, something that can overcome the tendency to escape, sponsored by retro Neptune.
Both Neptune and Chiron, in retrograde movement, alter sleep patterns, either by the manifestation of nightmares, a high dream activity, with constant lucid dreams, or simply because it becomes difficult to rest.
t is important to establish a routine that helps you sleep better, such as practicing relaxation exercises, always going to bed at the same time, removing electronic devices from your immediate environment, and reducing the intake of highly spiced, greasy or sugar-laden foods.
If you have the opportunity to take a short trip or take an expired vacation, use it. The entry of the Psyche asteroid in the House 9 of Aries indicates that mobilizing you to unknown territories out of your comfort zone will favour self-knowledge, understanding and self-pity.
Remember that Psyche teaches us to love the most vulnerable parts of the soul, accepting them as a strength, as well as the most direct path to the connection with the inner world and spirituality.
More predictions for October here.
There will not be big ups and downs for the natives of Taurus, in what comes to health. The first fortnight of October, the Sun will remain in House 6 of the sign, highlighting the physical strength the natives of this sign.
Similarly, the planet Ceres remains active on the same Taurus House – House 6 – which translates into finding satisfaction in taking care of yourself, not only about your physical aspect, but also the spiritual, emotional and mental ones. Remember that Uranus continues to retrograde in Taurus, indicating some imbalance at the psychic level.
On the other hand, retrograde Juno will enter Taurus, on October 24th, which means you will have to ask yourself how serious is the commitment you have to yourself and to your life goals.
With Juno retrograde in Taurus, questions arise about how you become your main detractor, building beliefs that undermine personal value.
On October 24th with the Full Moon in Taurus, you will have the opportunity to strengthen the work of consciousness, which involves getting rid of old patterns, and shine with your own light. You should also pay attention to the Venus retrograde in Scorpio, starting on October 5th, which suggests that you pay attention to the possibility of sexual transmitted diseases, or associated to the intimate area. Also, there is the possibility of facing strong intestinal disorders.
It is advised to drink enough water, maintain proper hygiene of the genitals and go to the doctor in case of anomalous symptoms. You should also limit the intake of fats, processed flours, fried foods or with excess sugar.
As far as possible, avoid performing surgical operations of aesthetic nature, during the retrograde of Venus, as well as you should avoid radical image changes.
More predictions for October here.
On October 5th, the retrograde of Venus in the 6th House of Gemini will begin, which increases the susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases, and reproductive system issues, including fertility problems. It is essential, during this period of the year, to maintain an adequate hygiene of the intimate area, and not to hesitate to go to your trusted medical specialist, before the appearance of any anomalous symptoms.
Another aspect to consider, in October, is the entry of Mercury in the 6th House of Gemini, on day 9. This transit, can cause irritation in the throat or predisposition to colds. To minimize the risks, do not abuse the intake of very hot or very cold liquids; protect the throat area if you find yourself in a particularly cool climate and reduce tobacco consumption.
As the Sun will enter the House 6 of Gemini, on the 23rd, you will have excellent chances of recovery, before any physical mishap that may arise, as long as you respect the opinion of the health professional in charge of your treatment.
Important: House 6 of Gemini is under the regency of Scorpio, so the entrance of the Sun in this location can bring up conditions that remained hidden or were in the process of remission.
With respect to the mental area, the retrograde of Uranus in the 12th House of Gemini can give you the urge to want to return to the past, either metaphorically or connecting with some old love.
It is worth noting that Juno will enter the 12th House of Gemini on October 24th, reinforcing the energy of Uranus. However, in this same location (House 12) the Full Moon will be produced in Taurus, on the 24th. Take this opportunity to be aware of your evolutionary process, know that it is no longer your responsibility to live in the past, but to assume it as part of your learning.
More predictions for October here.
In general, the health predictions for October indicate that the physical health of the natives of Cancer will not go through major setbacks, during the month. However, the beginning of retrograde of Juno in House 12 of the sign on Ocotber 11th, can have an impact on the mental area. The apparent regression of the asteroid of commitment in the 7th house of Cancer, alludes to psychic and emotional imbalances, motivated to negative events to be overcome.
The entrance of Psyche into the 6th House of Cancer on the 5th of October, invites you to experience other options when attending to your inner world.
For example, on one hand, you can share your concerns with close friends or who accompany you from childhood or adolescence. On the other hand, if your usual routes of approach are the psychological accompaniment and afternoons of confidences with friends, you can alternate these activities with trips to natural spaces or other cities.
The presence of the planet Ceres in House 4 of Cancer, where the New Moon will also take place in Libra on October 8th, indicates that family trips are well taken during this season, and will have a repairing effect on your mood.
It is important that you avoid disqualifying yourself. The fact of requesting support from third parties or professionals does not mean that you are weak. Actually, interaction with others is an important part of your evolution, as well as recognizing that we sometimes you need others, and vice versa.
Another activity that can bring you great benefits is to connect with your spirituality, regardless of whether you follow a certain religious path or not. Prayer or meditation will be a great ally in your processes of introspection.
More predictions for October here.
After the conclusion of the phase of apparent regression of Saturn and Pluto in the House 6 of Leo, during the month of September, you may experience episodes of exhaustion or sudden tiredness. Although in October will enjoy greater strength, it is advisable that you do not exceed the time of physical effort, do not neglect rest periods, and especially respect the night sleep periods. For Leo natives who are recovering from a recent illness, this recommendation is essential.
As far as possible, move electronic devices away from your bed, and minimize the sources of noise around you, so that your bedroom is a space of relaxation and rest, where you are able to disconnect easily from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Therefore, and considering that Venus will retrograde in your House 4 on October 5th, this is a good season to get rid of stuff that does not bring positive energy or warmth to your spaces.
If you have objects in your home that bring you negative memories, or that you know you do not use and only function as a dust collector, it is preferable to donate it or sell it. This advice applies to household appliances, clothes and furniture and for some natives even to their relationships. The idea is that your house is a harmonious space that brings you happiness and good memories, and not that it becomes a storehouse of forgotten or unfortunate elements.
Remember that you need to open space so that the new things, people and energies can enter your life. If the rooms of your house are crammed with objects, which do not bring you joy, you send confusing signals to the Universe; the same happens with the relationships.
There is an old Chinese saying that teaches that “if you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home”. When talking about “moving” 27 objects in the house, it means both to change their position from one room to another, and to identify if they are useful, if so, they can be retained, otherwise it is better to change it by another element, or completely dispense with it. Take advantage of this period of the year, and in the company of family and friends reorganize your spaces, to attract peace, welfare and joy.
More predictions for October here.
With the presence of the asteroid Pallas in Virgo, October is seen as a good time to enter into connection with your own body, and listen to its needs. It is also an excellent season to follow the new habits of life, and apply the discipline to ensure their development, in the short, medium and long term. It is worth noting that Mars is in Virgo’s 6th House, which gives the natives of this sign great strength and vitality, especially for the practice of team sports.
This position of the warrior planet favours the spirit of competition and the activities that involve a great use of energy. The outdoor exercises will be more stimulating than the indoor ones. Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, will be traveling through the 3rd House of Virgo, from the 9th to the 30th of October, which translates into an excellent opportunity to analyze your communication patterns and internal dialogue.
As the transit of the messenger of the gods will happen under the influence of Scorpio, it will develop a favorable climate for self-knowledge exercises and confidences with intimate friends, partner or even your therapist. It is important to remember that the Sun will also be in the 3rd House of Virgo, from October 23rd and that, in this sector of the astral map, the retrograde of Venus will also take place on the 5th.
This is related to the repetition of patterns of self-destructive thoughts or that attempt against the native’s own love, and their capacity for interaction with third parties. However, with the entry of the Sun into this location you will be able to clearly identify the negative lines of your behavior, and act accordingly.
In terms of health, October will not be the best time for the natives of Libra. The presence of Neptune retrograde in House 6 of Libra indicates the possibility of suffering from issues related to the kidneys, genital organs and the urinary system.
You should be especially careful with the intimate area, the reproductive system (female or male) and the level of blood sugar, due to the retrograde of Venus in Scorpio, from October 5th to 30th. This retrograde of Venus will increase the susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases, and the manifestation of ailments that remained hidden or in remission.
In case of presenting any anomalous symptom, do not hesitate to consult your trusted medical specialist promptly and follow his instructions, as Neptune retrograde in House 6 can lead you to believe that you are well, when in reality it is not like that.
We cannot forget the emotional component with retrograde Chiron in House 6 of Libra that together with retro Neptune indicates a predisposition towards psychosomatic disorders.
You must be clear that these processes are not there to make you feel bad, but to help you to be aware of the real degree of attention you must give to your body and to your soul.
The New Moon will take place on October 8th, which on this occasion will happen in the Libra sign, gives you the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself, connect with your essence and identify the true desires of your soul.
Additionally, with the asteroid Pallas in your House 12 you can make peace with your past, free yourself of expectations, and work on your present. It is time to reconnect with your spirituality.
More predictions for October here.
On October 5th, the retrograde of Venus in Scorpio will begin, which for the natives of this sign can be translated into issues associated with the urinary system and the genital organs. In general, the physical condition of the natives of Scorpio will remain stable during this period of the year. However, it is advisable to pay attention to the possible appearance of anomalous symptoms.
Likewise, it is recommended to take the precautions at the time of sexual intercourse, such as the use of contraceptive methods and protection. Do not forget the correct hydration of the body, and the hygiene of your intimate area. In case of any sign or symptom that bothers you, do not hesitate to go to your doctor.
The central axis of the retrograde of Venus in Scorpio focus is the psychological and emotional plan. It is a propitious season to work internal healing. Topics such as the construction of self-esteem and healthy and positive life beliefs will be at the order of the day.
Keep in mind that, particularly for Scorpio, the healthy limits do not only involve work colleagues, people from your community or environment, but also your partner and family members, especially parents and children. The fact that Venus leaves your sign and enters the 12th House of the Scorpio, on October 31st, does not mean that the pressure on these matters will decrease, on the contrary, they may actually intensify.
Remember that on October 26th Venus Star Point, an astrological event that prompts to reveal the true desires of the soul, will occur, emphasizing introspection and helping you recognize what you really want for yourself. On the other hand, the entrance of retrograde Venus in the 12th House of Scorpio on October 31st will give you the opportunity to free yourself from the past, or continue to keep sorrow in your heart.
October is a good time to go to sessions of psychological therapy, especially with the entrance of the asteroid Psyche into your House 3 on the 5th, which will help you explore new ways of nurturing self-love.
More predictions for October here.
Health predictions for October indicate that the month will be a complicated one for the Sagittarians, in terms of health. The presence of retrograde Uranus in House VI of the centaur, refers to episodes of stress, ailments associated with the joints, allergies, and muscle injuries in the area of the back.
If you feel uncomfortable or unhappy with your work environment, you might become ill due to nervous imbalance, fake some illness or resign, in order not to have to return to your usual functions.
The entry of Juno into House 6 of Sagittarius, on October 24th, as part of its apparent regression process, should draw the level of attention you pay to your body needs.
It is worth noting that on October 24th, the Full Moon in Taurus, will affect House 6 of Sagittarius. As you will remember, the full moon refers to the closure of cycles, or change of status. The Full Moon of October offers the opportunity to recognize the patterns that attempt against the integral well-being of the individual, and to take the necessary actions to restore balance.
This line of conduct can involve changes in diet, changes in the domestic or work routine, start an exercise plan, resume old hobbies or find new ones. If you are considering a change of work, it is convenient to wait for Mercury to enter Sagittarius on October 31st to evaluate the situation with a broader and organized approach, minimizing the effects produced by retrograde Uranus.
More predictions for October here.
October will be a propitious period for the natives of Capricorn to reflect on their current lifestyle, and the repercussions that it has on their physical state and well-being. The retrograde of Juno in Capricorn House 6, from the 11th to the 23rd of October, indicates that the growing interest in consolidating personal or professional objectives, will leave your health to the second plan.
This transit can also be reflected in difficulty to fall asleep or an unusual activity of the dream world, accompanied by frequent episodes of stress and exhaustion, during the awaken period.
In that sense, not only the adjustment of life habits for healthier alternatives is important, but also the practice of meditation or relaxation exercises should be included in those habits. This practice entails multiple benefits, and can be observed by people of all ages, regardless of whether they belong to a formal religion, or are considered non-believers.
The meditations designed to regain the connection with one’s own body and the present moment, will be an excellent activity for you, during this time of year. In the same way, consulting with specialists in nutrition and exercises, about routines adjusted to your current condition, will be helpful, but it is important to go with an open mind and a receptive attitude.
Do not be fooled by restrictive eating plans, and consider with special attention the alternatives that are sustainable over time.
Another aspect to consider during October is the entrance of the asteroid Psyche to the 12th House of Capricorn, on the 5th. With this transit, the focus is on recognizing hidden vulnerabilities. It will also allow you to remember how you faced painful processes in the past, and how you have managed to overcome them. This asteroid favors the sharing of knowledge with others and travel as a means to self-knowledge.
The natives of Aquarius will not have major surprises, in matters of health, during the month of October. However, it is convenient to remember that Uranus, Aquarius’ ruling planet is fulfilling its annual process of retrograde, which can lead to certain inconveniences.
The apparent regression of the planet of change results in a high activity of the psychic plan. As this transit occurs under the influence of Taurus, the subject will feel confronted with his deepest beliefs, especially those built by the family.
It should be noted that the retrograde of Uranus in Taurus can affect the relationship that the native maintain with food, so do not be surprised if eating disorders or overweight happen at this moment. It is also recommended to pay attention to blood sugar levels, muscle injuries in the neck and shoulder area, or throat conditions.
Another aspect that you must take into consideration during this period, is the presence of Pluto and Saturn in the 12th House of Aquarius, now in direct phase, pointing out a great potential for transformation. Saturn in House 12 makes the individual enjoy solitude, as part of the process of self-knowledge and reconnection with his own essence. While Pluto, confers a greater psychological perception on the different aspects of life, especially events of the past.
Keep in mind that the asteroid Vesta is also in the 12th House of Aquarius, so we speak of a favourable time to participate in sessions of psychological therapy, or consultations of spiritual healing. If you feel attraction towards mystical or esoteric themes, the existing alignments favour these topics, as well as therapies associated with the balance of the chakras, past lives and energy balance.
It is important to have clear expectations about your growing process, if you decide to join a spiritual study group, or join the disciples of a certain guru, avoiding this way to get in touch with unscrupulous people.
More predictions for October here.
Despite the retrograde of Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, health predictions for October indicate that there will be no major health complications for the natives of this sign, although this does not mean that they should be completely neglected. While both celestial bodies (Neptune and Chiron) point to the psychological – spiritual profile of the individual, Neptune is known for its influence on the nervous and lymphatic systems.
Neptune retrograde also alerts on psychic disorders, such as episodes of sleepwalking or drowsiness, substance abuse, and obsessions, which may be accentuated by the presence of retrograde Chiron. Similarly, the apparent retrogression of Neptune is usually associated with clinical symptoms that hide other issues, sensitivity to certain medications, and misdiagnosis.
In this sense, if in the first instance you did not consult with your doctor, or you have doubts about the results of some exams, do not hesitate to request a second opinion or a new review of the information. On the other hand, the presence of Mars in the 12th House of Pisces, indicates that you will be confronting your internal demons, abandoning the pessimistic visualisations, and opting for practical actions.
If you decide to request psychological or spiritual help, it is advisable that you accompany the entire process, and do not abandon it because at some point it causes you boredom or seems pointless. You may experience some dissatisfaction in some areas of your life. You can check this, referring to its real cause and not to the visible effects. At this point, the Pisces natives must think about what they really love, or what attracts them, and not what satisfies third parties or the acceptance of certain circles (family, work colleagues).
Participation in humanitarian activities that interest you, will also be favourable at this time of the year, especially if you are willing to extract learning through the experiences of others, instead of living in denial.
More predictions for October here.
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