Healthy habits in the New Year: 7 ideas and how to start them

To be healthier, we don’t need to resort to treatments, operations, loads of creams, crazy diets, or even spending hours at the gym. We do not need to radically change our lives and start all over again. No. The truth is that full health depends solely on small, super-basic routines that are easily introduced into everyone’s daily life. Check our simple healthy habits in the new year and change your routine today.
7 healthy habits in the New Year: shall we try them?
Health is a capital that manages for the highest future income.

Healthy habits in the new year: Exercise
Regular physical activity helps prevent overweight and obesity, as well as high blood pressure, among other conditions. It improves “good” cholesterol levels, increases joint and skeleton health, and positively influences self-esteem and mood. Need more reasons to get started?

Go to a doctor and do a checkup
Just in case, to prevent from unpleasant surprises, you must go to a doctor and do a checkup. Prevention and early diagnosis of diseases are indispensable if you are to be able to.

Try a healthy diet
Along with regular physical activity and water intake, diversified and balanced nutrition is among the most important cares we can provide.

Manage your stress
Lack of time is often stressful: plan your daily tasks well, setting priorities and, whenever possible, delegating. Set aside 15 minutes to relax every day: walk, listen to music, look at positive images, practice creative visualization.

Healthy habits in the new year: Quit smoking
Tobacco takes years from life, causes skin ageing and is responsible for cardiovascular, heart and lung diseases, in addition to being implicated in the increased occurrence of various types of cancers. Think about how you want to live your life. Quitting smoking can be easier than you think. Do not hesitate to seek help.

A deep and calm night of sleep
Insufficient sleep reduces resistance to stress and infections and is responsible for such things like lack of concentration and tendency to gain weight. If you sleep less than 7 hours a night, institute this ritual: have a light dinner, swap the TV and smarthphone for your pajamas, and make sure your room is dark and warm.

Sunscreen and sun exposure
According to the American Cancer Society , excessive sun exposure is responsible for 80% of skin diseases, from photoageing to skin cancer. The best prevention is to use sunscreen every day, even in the mistiest. Apply it about 15 minutes before leaving home.
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