Holistic Gynaecology: why is everybody talking about it?

Holistic Gynaecology has been one of the trending topics on the internet lately. Thousands of women begin to awaken to a new form of knowledge and treatment for their bodies. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Holistic Gynaecology.
What is Holistic Gynaecology?
First, let’s explain what the term “holistic” means. The word comes from the Greek “holos” and it means “all”. From that, we can start saying the Holistic Gynaecology does not treat problems as isolated cases but rather as a whole.
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Holistic Gynaecology is neither a regulated medical specialty nor a recognized sub-specialty of traditional gynaecology. It is, above all, a strand that proposes a new view of our bodies.
Some traditional gynaecologists who were already hanging on to the natural side of things along with the women who formed this demand began this movement. It is a movement that has gained strength from feminism and the need to know and own our bodies.
How does Holistic Gynaecology work?
If a woman loves her body, she gains consciousness about it. If a woman gains consciousness about her body, she will consequently love it. An empowered woman takes pride in herself and loves her condition of being a woman. Then, she begins to look for alternatives to those already imposed methods that do not suit her anymore.
We can add the fact that now people seek healthier and sustainable lifestyles recommended not only for ourselves, but for society as a whole and for our planet.
Holistic Gynaecology preaches that it is not enough to treat what is bothering you and suggests you modify other things in a much larger context, such as emotions, for example. For them, some emotional patterns and their causes, such as the way a woman sees herself or problems in the relationship, are responsible for some sexual diseases.
That is, most likely if you arrive at a holistic gynaecologist’s office, she will not give you medication and tell you to leave but investigate with you the cause of this problem and which habits you can change so that the problem does not repeat.
Is Holistic Gynaecology for me?
We know that changes are not always welcome, especially if they move patterns that have long been established. In order to take advantage of the best that Holistic Gynaecology has to offer you have to be open-minded and open-hearted.
One of the greatest examples of this openness is the search for natural medicines. Many women who are disappointed with traditional medicine seek this holistic version and ask to exchange pills with herbs, for example.
Holistic doctors say that this is still an old-fashioned thought because patients are still looking for a medicine and it is not always the way they treat it. Of course, they do not leave herbs, teas and baths totally aside and some patients can benefit from herbal medicine, but the change of mindset is the most important here.
While holistic gynaecologists have the doors open to everyone, this is a question you really should ask yourself and think about for a while. One of the first things that this strand proposes is a new look, a new paradigm. Are you ready for it?
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