Horoscope for Aries 2021

Do you want to know everything about your Horoscope for Aries 2021? With WeMystic, you’ll find the predictions for all months of 2021.
Horoscope for Aries 2021: are you ready?
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in January
The Full Moon in Leo on 01/28 will touch House V of Aries, resulting in the culmination of a creative project; the reunion with a child figure (children, inner child); or a romantic adventure that goes to the next level (breakup or engagement).
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The entry of Mars into House II of the ram (01/06) alludes to the determination of the native when it comes to obtaining resources; However, the desire to obtain funds quickly can lead to high-risk, ill-advised investments.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Vesta in House VI of Aries indicates that it is possible that the native tries to evade concern for her physical or emotional state, attending to the needs of third parties.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in February
The entry of Venus into the XI House of Aries (02/01) alerts about the possibility of getting involved in a love affair, with a person belonging to the circle of colleagues or friends.
Keep in mind that Mercury will be retrograding in this location (House XI), until 02/20, so it is advisable to act prudently, to avoid misunderstandings.
The apparent retreat of Mercury in House XI of the ram, until 02/20, represents an opportunity for the review of group and collective projects, before their presentation.
The Full Moon in Virgo on 02/27 will affect House VI of Aries, constituting a particularly favorable event for those natives who want to distance themselves from harmful habits.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in March
On March 21, Venus will enter Aries, a sector of the astral map where the conjunction between the Sun and the planet of desire will also take place, known as Venus Star Point (03/26).
This alignment, in addition to enhancing the native’s charm, will emphasize self-confidence; and the willingness to take risks and challenges in the achievement of the proposed goals, and the wishes of the mistress.
The transfer of Mars to House III of Aries (03/03) suggests that the sons and daughters of the ram will be willing to promote different initiatives, and assume key positions in the execution of professional and academic projects.
The entry of the Sun into Aries (03/20) will confer greater physical strength to the natives of the sign, especially those who are going through a recovery process, after accidents, surgical interventions or strenuous days.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in April
The presence of Mercury in House IV of aries, as of 04/19, facilitates the processes of residential moving, domestic installation of electronic devices, and communication services.
With Mars in the VI House of aries, from 04/23, the subject will be willing to project himself as a leader in the work environment, promoting value, new initiatives, and organizational improvements.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Pluto in House XII of the sign of the water carrier (04/27), can reveal the existence of hidden diseases, or traumas of the past to which attention should be paid.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in May
The Full Moon in Scorpio on 04/26, will touch House VIII of Aries, pointing to the resolution of a conflict, which caused unease both to the native and members of his family group.
On the other hand, the beginning of the retrogradation of Saturn in the 11th House of the ram (05/23), signals a propitious season to analyze the responsibilities before the groups (friends, colleagues, associations), and how to manage those that truly correspond to you.
On May 13, Jupiter will make its entrance into the XII House of Aries, presenting an opportunity to get closer to the experience of divine love, through support for humanitarian causes and vulnerable groups.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in June
The presence of Mars in House V of Aries, as of 06/11, will stimulate the native’s desire to launch into the conquest of the love interest of the moment, and take the lead in new relationships.
On June 22, Mercurio will begin its direct phase in House III of the ram, which will benefit the exposure of ideas, and a better use of communication channels, in the work environment.
On the level of physical health, the beginning of the retrogradation of Neptune in the XII House of Aries (06/25), alerts about the possibility of experiencing sleep disorders, injuries to the lower extremities (feet), and food poisoning.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in July
The entry of the asteroid Vesta in House VII of Aries (07/19) refers to a certain devotional character in the relationship with the partner or partner. The native will be more understanding towards the points of view and experiences of the partner.
On July 21, Venus will enter House VI of the ram, an event that will be preceded by the arrival of the Sun to House V of the sign (07/22). This configuration speaks of an immense creative potential, which can be directed to professional projects, which awaken the enthusiasm of the subject.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Chiron in Aries (07/15), can generate conflicts with self-esteem, the expression of individuality, and the identity of the native.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in August
The arrival of Venus in House VII of Aries (08/16) promotes a climate of understanding and romance among constituted couples, which will especially favor those who seek reconciliation.
The Double Full Moon in Aquarius on 08/22, will affect House XI of the ram, announcing the distancing of those individuals (friends or colleagues), who do not add value in their relationship with the subject.
The transit of Mercury through House VI of Aries, from 08/11 to 30/08, signals a favorable season to initiate changes in the lifestyle, with the accompaniment of professionals in the field.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in September
September 2021 can become a period of emotional tension, for the sons and daughters of Aries. Although the entry of the Sun into House VII of the sign alludes to the celebration of commitments, and success in the face of difficulties; The presence of Mercury retrograde in this location (House VII), as of 09/27, speaks of indiscretions and uncomfortable conversations, as a couple.
The entry of Vesta in House VIII of Aries (09/20) will invite the native to act with prudence in the administration of the family patrimony, and the management of the assets that it shares with partners and investors.
The New Moon in Virgo on 09/06 will touch House VI of Aries, implying the beginning of an organizational process (internal and external), or a new conscious eating regimen.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in October
For the singles of Aries, the arrival of Venus in House IX of the sign (07/10), presents the possibility of starting a romantic relationship with a classmate, or a person of another nationality or culture.
On October 6, Pluto will begin a direct trajectory in the X House of Aries, facilitating interaction with authority figures, and the management of professional projects, from the perspective of a leader.
The Full Moon in Aries on 10/20 refers to a moment of personal reflection for the sons and daughters of the ram, in which they will evaluate the status of their life goals, and how to identify what is truly important.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in November
The New Moon in Scorpio on 04/11, in House VIII of Aries, indicates the creation of a new dynamic, in the relationship of trust that the native maintains with a partner, family or partner.
The entry of the Sun into House IX of Aries (11/21) suggests the possibility of travel to distant destinations, international professional contacts, or a new academic training. This trend will be reinforced by the entry of Mercury into House IX, on 11/24.
From 05 to 11/24, Mercury will be touring House VIII of Aries, a transit that facilitates open communication as a healing element of traumas and beliefs, in psychological therapy sessions.
Horoscope 2021 – Aries in December
The activation of the South Node in House VIII of Aries (12/22) constitutes an invitation to abandon jealousy, possessive attitudes, obsessions, and the desire for control, to advance towards the evolution of being.
On December 22, the North Node will position itself in House II of Aries, which gives particular importance to the search for financial security, without falling into the trap of material attachment.
The beginning of the direct trajectory of Chiron in Aries (12/19) will stimulate serenity and internal balance of the sons and daughters of the ram, although this will not be an excuse to forget the lessons learned.