Horoscope for Capricorn 2021

Do you want to know everything about your Horoscope for Capricorn 2021? With WeMystic, you’ll find the predictions for the 12 months of 2021.
Horoscope for Capricorn 2021: are you ready?
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in January
The Full Moon in Leo on 01/28 will take place in House VIII of Capricorn, pointing to the factors that prevent creating a true relationship of trust with your family or partner.
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On January 8, Mercury will enter House II of Capricorn, placing the focus on the diversification of income sources. However, the native’s plans will have to pause, due to the retrogradation of the planet of communication in this location (House II), from 01/30 to 02/20.
The presence of Venus in Capricorn, on 01/08, refers both to the enjoyment of sexuality and to the internal work of self-esteem. Keep in mind that the planet of desire will return to the sign of Capricorn on 11/05, and will also retrograde in that astrological position, starting on 12/19.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in February
The entry of Ceres into House IV of Capricorn (02/21), promotes the native’s interest in cultivating deeper family relationships, and enjoying time at home.
The beginning of the direct trajectory of Mercury in House II of Capricorn (02/20), will allow the native to put their ideas to the test about a new fund management system and alternative sources of income.
The presence of the asteroid Juno in House XII of the sign of Capricorn, speaks to us of assuming the challenge of going beyond the material, and connecting with the realm of the intangible and spiritual/divine.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in March
With Eros in Capricorn, on 03/23, the sons and daughters of the sign of Capricorn will be invited to embrace sensual pleasures, through romantic encounters and the satisfaction of individual whims.
The entry of the asteroid Pallas into House III of Capricorn (03/07), constitutes an excellent ally for planning presentations, events, correspondence, research work, and exhibitions.
The arrival of Mars to House VI of Capricorn (03/03), signals the opportunity to take charge and reformulate your routines and lifestyle, aiming at the state of comprehensive well-being.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in April
The arrival of Venus in the V House of Capricorn (04/14), signals a tendency to flirt, romantic games, and participation in social encounters and recreational activities.
With Mercury in the V House of Capricorn, on 04/19, the native will explore the possibility of venturing into different creative, personal and professional projects.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Pluto in Capricorn (04/27), may mean the appearance of hidden pathologies, or chronic ailments that were not properly addressed at the time.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in May
The New Moon in Taurus, on 05/11, will happen in House V of Capricorn, pointing to a new romance; the exchange of experiences with loved ones (especially children); or a new way of connecting with the inner child.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Saturn in House II of Capricorn (05/23), indicates certain financial restrictions, or the need to honor old outstanding debts.
On May 3, Mercury will make its entrance into House VI of the sign of Capricorn, which favors trying different options for food, physical activity, organization and time management.
The fact that the planet of communication will be retrograde in this location (House VI), from 05/29 to 06/22, indicates that the selection of one or another alternative will obey a reflective (not impulsive) process.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in June
From June 02 to 27, Venus will be traveling through House VII of Capricorn, promoting a climate of harmony, romance and complicity in couple relationships.
On 06/20, Jupiter retrograde will enter House III of Capricorn, so it is convenient to be careful with the people in whom you trust your plans, in the medium and long term.
The Full Moon in Capricorn on 06/24 is a good opportunity to take stock of your lifestyle, personal goals, aspirations, and advances in strategic planning.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in July
The apparent retreat of Chiron in House IV of Capricorn, on 07/15, may involve the manifestation of uncomfortable family situations, past or present, that require attention.
From July 11 to 27, Mercury will visit House VII of the sign of Capricorn, stimulating the exchange of ideas between associates, and the renegotiation of contracts and agreements.
With Lilith in House VI of Capricorn, on 07/18, there may be some resistance to continuing treatments, or following medical instructions, even when the native is aware of the importance of this.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in August
With the beginning of the retrogradation of Uranus in the V House of Capricorn (08/19), generational conflicts between parents and children may arise; or the breakdown of a relationship just beginning.
From August 11 to 30, Mercury will visit House IX of the sign of Capricorn, a transit that favors the execution of trips (literally or metaphorically speaking); the foray into the academic world; and publications.
The Double Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22, will touch House II of Capricorn, so you can take advantage of it to identify obsolete beliefs, and work on your scale of values.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in September
The entry of Venus into the XI House of Capricorn (09/10) favors participation in social, artistic or recreational events, in the company of friends and work colleagues.
On 09/14, Mars will enter House X of the sign of Capricorn, prompting the native to assume leadership positions; promote your professional profile; and meet with mentors, authority figures, and potential employers.
From September 27 to October 18, Mercury will be retrograde in the X House of Capricorn, a planetary movement that you can take advantage of to dismantle the illusion of control and authoritarianism.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in October
The Full Moon in Aries on 10/20 will happen in House IV of Capricorn, indicating the need for family reconciliation; reunion with the roots (origins); and the practice of self-compassion.
In October 2021, Saturn and Jupiter will begin their direct trajectory in House II of Capricorn (on the 10th and 10/18 respectively), which points to greater responsibility in the management of available resources, as a basis for the construction of the vision/future.
The beginning of the direct phase of Pluto in Capricorn (10/06), will reveal an individual more aware of the importance of physical and emotional health, and its power of transformation/regeneration, in the face of adverse circumstances.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in November
On 11/14, the asteroid Juno will enter the sign of Capricorn, which implies resuming the commitment to personal improvement, and self-care, which is part of your soul.
The beginning of the direct trajectory of the asteroid Pallas in House III of Capricorn (11/08), benefits the planning of promotional activities; brainstorming; and presentation of plans and projects.
The presence of the Sun in the XII House of Capricorn, on 11/21, invites us to rediscover the desires of the heart; simplify your vision; cultivate positive (internal) dialogue, and trust in a higher power.
Horoscope 2021 – Capricorn in December
The retrogradation of Venus in Capricorn, on 12/19, will bring to light insecurities based on old deficiencies, negative beliefs, and low self-esteem.
The activation of the North Node in the V House of Capricorn (12/22) speaks of the importance of self-expression, and confidence in one’s abilities and talents to get to the top.
The entry of the Sun into Capricorn, on 12/21, will bring greater physical strength to the natives of the sign. This astrological position is especially beneficial for those who are going through processes of recovery, therapy, and search for their true vocation.