Horoscope for Virgo 2021

Do you want to know everything about your Horoscope for Virgo 2021? With WeMystic, you’ll find the predictions for the 12 months of 2021.
Horoscope for Virgo 2021: are you ready?
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in January
The entry of Venus into the V House of Virgo (01/08) alludes to the native’s interest in lovemaking, and the desire to be conquered (romantically). This astrological position also favors creativity and artistic inspiration, oriented to the professional area.
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On January 19, the Sun will enter House VI of Virgo, pointing to (positive) changes in the work environment and interaction with colleagues. However, the process will not be except for setbacks, since Mercury will retrograde in this sector of the astral map (House VI), from 01/30 to 02/20.
The apparent retreat of the asteroid Vesta in Virgo, on 01/19, suggests a return to the essential, to reconnect with the needs of the body, and nurture the link with the spiritual.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in February
The arrival of the Sun to House VII of the sign of Virgo (02/18) favors the celebration of marriages, commitments, agreements and contracts.
From February 1 to 25, Venus will be passing through House VI of Virgo, so we are talking about a propitious period to enjoy the small satisfactions, obtained through work and completed tasks.
The Full Moon in Virgo on 02/27 encourages an analysis of the native’s lifestyle, with emphasis on the habits that must be modified, the organization of personal goals, and the time devoted to serving higher causes.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in March
The entry of Venus into House VIII of Virgo (03/21) will feed the native’s passion, the expression of repressed sexuality, and the desire for greater dedication, in the relationship with the other.
With the arrival of Mars in the X House of Virgo, on 03/03, these natives will be determined to take risks, to progress in their professional career, and to get closer to their true goals.
The Full Moon in Libra on 03/28 will take place in House II of Virgo, becoming a particularly favorable event for those interested in identifying the “enemies” of self-esteem.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in April
From April 03 to 19, Mercury will be traveling through House VIII of Virgo, a planetary movement that encourages intimate conversations, and the exploration of traumas and family secrets.
The entry of Mars into the XI House of Virgo (04/23) will encourage the native to assume a leadership position in teams and collective projects. However, you must be cautious, and avoid that the experience is distorted, by competition with other groups.
On 04/27 the retrogradation of Pluto in the V House of Virgo will begin, a transit that can affect the native’s ability to concentrate, and confidence in his creative power.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in May
The total eclipse of the Full Moon in Sagittarius on 05/26, will happen in House IV of Virgo, will place the focus on family needs, and the native’s desire to enjoy time and space for themselves.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Saturn in House VI of the sign of Virgo (05/23), aims to review the way you manage responsibilities, in the work environment, and if you are assuming tasks that do not correspond to you.
The apparent retreat of the master planet of karma (Saturn) in House VI of Virgo, on 05/23, refers to episodes of stress or anxiety, related to the professional life of the native.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in June
For Virgo singles, the entry of Venus into the XI House of the sign (06/02), can mean the beginning of a romantic relationship with someone belonging to the native’s social circle (colleagues, friends), or linked to it.
The New Moon in Gemini on 06/10, will touch the X House of Virgo, pointing towards how to generate changes in your professional life, believe in your ambitions, and help others through the work you do.
The presence of Mars in the XII House of Virgo, on June 11, tells us about the just repressed anger (in the face of injustices), and the self-imposed restrictions, by old personal beliefs.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in July
On July 14, the retrogradation of the asteroid Pallas will begin in House VII of Virgo, translating scheduling problems, which prevent the carrying out of scheduled activities as a couple.
Jupiter retrograde will move to House VI of Virgo, on 07/28. This transition alludes to distrust in one’s professional abilities, and delays in the implementation of new work systems, or a process of commercial expansion.
The arrival of the Sun to the XII House of the sign of Virgo (07/22), promotes an introspective attitude, with emphasis on reflections on the past, and the connection with the spiritual path.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in August
On August 2, the asteroid Juno will begin a direct trajectory in House IV of Virgo, resulting in the acceptance of family commitments, without underestimating the independence of the native.
Venus will enter House II of Virgo, on 08/16, favoring transactions related to the increase in marital wealth, and the purchase – sale of real estate, property, shares, art objects, jewelry and family antiques.
From August 11 to August 30, Mercury will be transiting Virgo, the sign of which it is the ruling planet. This planetary movement indicates that these natives will dedicate themselves to organizing the mental plane, and defining their immediate objectives.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in September
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 20, will touch House VII of Virgo, aiming to pay attention to the partner; find the balance between your own needs and those of the other; practice the art of negotiation; and cut off relationships, which were in the final phase.
With the arrival of the Sun to House II of Virgo (09/22), the opportunity to receive salary increases, or new income for pending payments, royalties, and interests.
The New Moon in Virgo on September 6, speaks both of personal reinvention, and of the reorganization of the lifestyle and assets of the native.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in October
The entry of Venus into House IV of Virgo (10/07) alludes to the native’s interest in reconnecting with the family, and creating a harmonious (safe) space, in which they can feel at home.
The beginning of the direct trajectory of Saturn and Jupiter in the VI House of Virgo (on the 10th and 10/18 respectively), suggests a more mature and objective perspective on one’s own expansion potential, and long-term plans.
The New Moon in Libra on October 6, will happen on House II of Virgo, constituting a favorable aspect for those who are working on a new scale of personal values and beliefs.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in November
On November 5, Venus will enter the V House of Virgo, a particularly important transit, since the planet of desire was in this same position from 01/08 to 02/01 (2021); where it will also star in a retrogradation, starting on 12/19.
In November 2021, Venus in House V of the sign of Virgo, can suppose a new passion for someone of an authoritarian or severe character; or the native’s desire to formalize a romance that is just beginning.
From November 05 to 24, Mercury will be passing through House III of Virgo, promoting the dissemination of programs, events, ideas and projects, both professionally and personally.
The entry of the asteroid Eros into House VI of Virgo (11/28), refers to a tendency to self-indulgence, and the satisfaction of whims, which must be watched by the native.
Horoscope 2021 – Virgo in December
The beginning of the direct trajectory of Neptune in House VII of Virgo (12/01) indicates that the native will have a clearer vision, about the state of their personal relationships, and the goals of the couple.
The total eclipse of the Sun in Sagittarius on 12/04 will take place in House IV of Virgo, inviting the native to leave the comfort zone, and open up to the process of growth/evolution, through new experiences.
Chiron will begin a direct trajectory in House VIII of Virgo, on 12/19, so we are talking about the opportunity to be kinder to yourself, and free yourself from old guilt and fear, through forgiveness.