How to be more resilient and live life with open arms

How to be more resilient? In this article we’ll show you different ways to get the control of your life back. Resilience is a term originating from physics. It is related to the property of some bodies to return to their original shape after being subjected to elastic deformation.
In psychology, resilience is the ability of an individual to cope with problems, adapt to changes, overcome obstacles, or resist the pressure of adverse situations – shock, stress, some kind of traumatic event – without going into a psychological, emotional or physical outbreak, finding strategic solutions to face and overcome adversity.
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We all have different ways of managing stress and different strategies that can drive us to a sense of resilience. More than that, our spiritual beliefs and cultural contexts can also come into play when developing a sense of resilience.
Resilience is a feature that can be widely developed, and that’s why we’ve selected some tips and strategies about how to be more resilient.
7 tips about how to be more resilient

How to be more resilient – Stay flexible
Resilient people expect to face challenges at different points in their lives. They are able to adjust their goals and find different ways to adapt themselves.

Learn the lessons that life teaches you
When a difficult situation arises, do not focus on who is guilty. Stop asking “Why me?” and leave aside the role of victim. Ask yourself what you could do differently next time for a better result.

Positive thoughts, always
Think about what you can do to improve your situation and then do it. Resilient people work on solving a problem rather than being paralyzed by negativity. For example, if your boss has reduced your hours at work, you might look at this as a chance to explore other job options. This can be an opportunity for you to grow in your career.
A more positive and hopeful outlook in life will make you much more resilient. Remember that many of the problems you will face in life are temporary and that you have overcome other problems in the past.

Keep yourself connected
Take care of your relationships with friends and family. When you are going through a tough time, don’t get away from other people. Accept the help of those who care about you. Yes, it’s true, even the most resilient people have someone around. Always.

Get rid of the stress and tension
Make sure you have alternatives to express your emotions and relieving tension, like writing a diary, drawing, meditating, dancing or singing, spending time with your family, volunteering or other activity that makes you feel stronger and distracted from your problems. Do things that add meaning to your life and keep your mind clean.

Believe in yourself
Be proud of your skills and what you have done. Recognize your personal strengths. Believing in yourself is extremely important, not only for increasing confidence and self-esteem but for achieving success. If you believe in yourself, no one will be able to stop you from reaching your goals. Those who believe in themselves have a handful of advantages:
- They have a more focused life;
- They reach their goals;
- They are more productive;
- They take more risks;
- And they always remain positive in adversity.

How to be more resilient – Smile
Keep your sense of humor even in rough times. Laughter relieves stress and helps you control things. Those who smile live longer and look younger. Smiling increases longevity, helps keep the immune system strong and lowers blood pressure.
Smiling helps you to increase work and business performance, makes you look friendlier in your dealings and interactions with others. The habit of smiling helps our mind moving into a more positive atmosphere.
Those who smile are more productive, more creative and healthier. Smiling is free. Just smile.
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