How to know if you are a good partner

For starters, partners must establish a relationship of equality and not of dependence where one dominates the other. Happy couples are made up of two well-centered and well-differentiated partners who, while retaining their own identity, work together to take up challenges, carry out projects, face inevitable conflicts and manage problems that are for the most part insoluble. It may sound simplistic to say but, to form a couple, it takes two people. Obviously, to establish a long-term harmonious relationship, the two partners must share a maximum of compatibilities and adjust their respective needs and interests. Here we’ll show you how to know if you are a good partner.
How to know if you are a good partner
How to know if you are a good partner: the way you look at them
If you look your partner in the eye, creating an invisible but real bond between you, you are not just looking at them, you are scrutinizing his/her soul.
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You know you are a good partner because you seek to see what is hidden behind the eyes of your partner, the things that he/she prefer to keep for themselves. By wanting to put your finger on what really constitutes them, you do more than see his/her soul, you also seek to test the compatibility of souls.
Generous without being submissive
There are super aggressive men who systematically seek to gain the upper hand over others. There are also submissive men who carefully avoid confrontation and decision-making. If you are one of these two archetypes, then you are probably not a good partner.
There is also a type of man who can display strength of character and sympathy. He’s the kind, but determined, man. The kind not to start a fight but not to hesitate to finish them. This kind of man is much more pleasant since he is wise enough to choose correctly between strength and compassion.
Pleasantness and desire for cooperation
This character trait plays a role as a social link, as it facilitates relationships with others. Thus, it plays a prat in making you a good partner. Empathetic and warm, people with high agreeability – or kindness – tend to have compassion.
Conversely, those who have a less pleasant character live their lives without worrying too much about the feelings of others. In short, they place their personal interest before cohesion with the other. Not to mention that they tend to be competitive. In high doses, this attitude can lead to dissatisfaction of the partner.
The tendency to be hardworking and very structured
Organized, persistent in achieving their goals and disciplined, individuals with this trait could be interesting candidates to be a great partner. This kind of social construction corresponds to their values. Studies do not, however, attribute to a conscientious person the title of ideal partner towards building a fulfilling life for two.
You actively appreciate your other
You offer your partner gifts with no special occasion. Also, you tell them how much they attract you, even when they don’t feel desirable. Your partner’s opinion is important to you, you seek to impress and delight them.
You respect your partner
You don’t disrespect your partner at any level, and you will never make fun of their emotions or their ideas. He has your approval and support whenever he needs it.
Your partner is a priority
You respond to your partner’s messages, take the time to relax, and think of them when you are not together. If you have little free time, you explain what’s going on and keep your other half posted.