How to manifest with New Moon and Full Moon rituals

Do you know how to manifest with new moon and full moon rituals? We’ll give you some suggestions and some tools that will help you express your wishes. The more aligned you are with the Moon, the more easily life energy will flow.
Learning to manifest with New Moon and Full Moon Rituals
With each lunar cycle you have the opportunity to observe yourself and rediscover yourself in correlation with a new reality.
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The connection to the energy of the moon and the awareness of the potential of each lunar phase is a blessing of the universe and a power tool at your fingertips. It is enough for you to connect and align yourself in this wonderful vibration.
Take advantage of the phases of the new moon and the full moon to create your intention, specify your reality and follow the path of your heart. Here we present you how to manifest with new moon and full moon rituals.
How to manifest with new moon and full moon rituals: some conditions
We are wanting to know how to manifest in the best way in the rituals of full and new moon, for this, it is important to know that for these rituals to fulfill the desired objective we need to fulfill twelve conditions:
- Define the objective accurately.
- Respect the law of action and reaction.
- Define the elements to be used.
- Carefully prepare the mind and emotions to turn them into images, “seeing” the achievement of the goal, thus creating the necessary mental change.
- Study and choose the details: moon phase, time, place, objects and elements, altar to focus and radiate energy. Remember that power does not reside in them, but in the mind and will of the practitioner.
- Create power words, force phrases that have meaning for the practitioner.
- Try to connect with divinity (through symbols, invocations, meditation, visualization, offerings).
- Follow the magic script: purification (of space and participant), creating the circle of protection, asking for the presence and assistance of guardians, protectors, allies, deities.
- Clear and silence the mind and visualize the target, impregnating the mental image with emotional energy.
- Activate personal power and transfer it to magical objects (using mental projection, dances, songs, gestures, rhythms, visualization, movements, material elements, words of power).
- “Seal” the ritual with a magic phrase (“so be it” or “it is done”, “amen”) or a mantra.
- Close the ritual. Thank the invoked forces, direct excess energy to Earth, some environmental or spiritual project, undo the magic circle. Take note of impressions and perceived messages.
To put these suggestions into practice, we present you a new moon ritual and a full moon ritual so that you can express your intentions.
New Moon manifestation ritual
Take advantage of the New Moon to access your heart, listen to your inner voice and write the wishes, dreams, goals and intentions that you want to be fulfilled in your life, whether in the short, medium or long term. Here we will see how to do all this in the best way.
The ideal time to make our manifestations is at the exact moment of the New Moon, or until the next 8 to 10 hours, never before and not after this period.
You must be clear about what you need. The first thing is a quiet, safe and cozy place where you can connect with yourself and not be interrupted. You can light a candle as a symbol of connection with the Divine.
You may have an altar made by you, or you may not have any symbols or an altar. The important thing is that you find a way to generate that connection with the Moon, with the great Spirit, with the Universe.
Express your intentions with faith, asking your protective beings and deep guides. Give thanks and close the ritual.
Full Moon manifestation ritual
In this Full Moon manifestation ritual, the first thing you should do is prepare your mind, your subconscious to try to eliminate your negative energies and be purified so that this ritual is more efficient.
In a silver or glass container, leave pure water for a few hours (2 minimum) to receive sunlight (if the container is glass, cover it on the outside with brown or black paper so that they keep the light inside the container).
Then, energize the water by putting your hands on it, without touching it, making some runic symbol or another that has meaning to you and relates to your manifestation.
After this you can make an infusion with this water and add a mixture of lunar plants in order to enhance their energies. When the water is ready and warm you can use it for a bath, which you should do with a cloth or sponge.
Run the cloth with this water through some specific points for a triple blessing, starting with the third eye chakra, the throat, the belly. Take a sip of water and then formulate your manifestation or make a simple prayer, invoking the light, the protection of your profound guides. End the ritual giving thanks.
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