How to raise your frequency in 5 steps

When we are blessed with good days, our vibrational energy is more inclined to the positive side, but there are days when nothing seems to be going in the right direction. But don’t feel discouraged, learn how to raise your frequency in less than 5 minutes.
Nikola Tesla once said that “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. And in your daily life, every moment, action, interaction, and reaction impacts your overall energy level and state of well-being. Each choice you make will help you increase or decrease your vibration. And because we are vibrational beings, every day we are in a constant state of change because the energy never remains the same.
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How to raise your frequency
1. Focus on the present
Living in the present moment is the greatest source of your power and energy.
If you are constantly living in a state of anxiety about the future or reliving the past, then you are wasting the energy available to you in the present moment.
Don’t hold grudges, forgive and forget. Let go of the past and cut your ties with these low vibrating energies. By doing this, you open yourself up to experience the magic and beauty of living in the present.
2. Focus on your breathing
To experience immediate energy improvement and raise your frequency, just close your eyes and try to focus your mind on your breathing.
This practice takes you into your body, calming your nervous system and increases your awareness of the present moment. By focusing on the breath, you become aware of your mind.
The simple discipline of concentration brings you back to the present moment and allows you to experience all the good things that you may be forgetting to live.
3. Focus on nature
Nature is a natural mood lift and is an excellent way to raise your vibrational frequency. We recommend that you don’t wait until your energy runs out to spend time in nature.
And, if you’re wondering what kind of activities you can do in nature, let me stimulate your mind with some ideas:
- Take a walk in the park;
- Gardening;
- Meditate outdoors;
- Go to the beach;
- Watch the early evening.
These are just a few ideas, and there are a million other ways to experience nature at its best, so be creative. Doing any of these activities will remind you of Mother Nature’s beauty and will lift your spirit and frequency.
4. Focus on what inspires you
We spend our days in a constant state of multitasking. This leaves us drained, and most of the time frustrated because we feel that our to-do list grows more and more and our time is shorter.
So what’s the solution? Take inspired action. Prioritize and act on the things that add the most value to your life and the lives of those around you.
Slow down and focus on what matters most.
5. Focus on you
This is the main action you can take. Nobody knows you better than you. So, take the time to process your feelings.
There is a misconception that if a feeling is not positive, you must eliminate it. This is the absolute opposite of the spiritual being. Spirituality is about experiencing all of our feelings, so you should experience and process your feelings.
In fact, the sooner you do this, the easier it will be to release any low energy feelings and create more space for good high energy feelings, such as joy, contentment and well-being!
In reality, you are responsible for your energy. Your energetic state attracts the experiences you live on a daily basis. So, be sure to engage in daily practices like mindfulness, high energy habits, and healthy eating to ensure you are at your best vibrational energy.
When you operate at a high vibrational frequency, you become a magnet that attracts love, abundance, experiences, events and positive relationships.