How to win a Cancer’s heart

If you want to learn how to win a Cancer’s heart, you need to know some basics so that you get on the right track and you don’t mess it up from the start. We will give you some hints to win a Cancer’s heart: either man or woman.
How to win a Cancer’s heart: some useful tips
The Cancer man
Cancer is a very dramatic sign, it is always needy and emotional. The male natives of the zodiac sign of Cancer like demonstrations of affection and are the perfect cureless romantic men.
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They are sensitive and caring and seek for much more than the physical connections. They seek for mental and emotional connections.
- Be emotional and leave reason a little aside. Although they are very intelligent people, the man of Cancer does everything with his heart. He chooses arts, friends and relationships letting himself get carried away by his emotions. So, if you get emotional, it will surely attract him.
- Try to be cute and show him what you actually feel. Being cold and distant, can hurt a Cancer’s man heart, even if you do it without intention. The Cancer natives will love dinner by candlelight, love letters and all those romantic movie stuff.
- Show him that you are a family person. Do you know that old story of assuming his the right guy right away, going to dinner at his mother’s house and making plans to build a future together? He loves it all.
- Although the Cancer man is a sensitive one, he will try to protect himself in the beginning and he will open up to you little by little. So, you have to take it easy. Show him all the affection of the world without wanting to rush things. They need to feel comfortable and trust someone first, and then they let the person into their lives.
- You may have to take the first step and kiss him. That’s because they take a little longer to open. If you want to wait, fine. But it can take a lot longer than normal for this to happen.
- Accept his way of being. He’ll be kind of an old-fashioned man and it will seem that he has just got out of those romantic tales. But on the other hand, he will always be extremely loyal to you and you will be able to enjoy the true personality of that sign.
The Cancer woman
Women from the zodiac sign of Cancer are extremely dreamy, romantic and want to please everyone who is by their side. In order to conquer her, you will need to give the best of your romanticism without sparing praise. But pay attention as you should not seem like your being false and you should take care not to frighten her.
The best way to start your approach is to gradually get her and let her get involved in your demonstrations of interest.
- Keep a little physical contact whenever you see it possible, as the female natives of Cancer are extremely affectionate, so give little demonstrations of affection whenever you can. A hug, a kiss on the cheek or just pass your hand slightly through her hair. She will like it.
- If you want to learn how win a Cancer’s heart, you need to prove to that woman that you are able to think about the sensitive aspects of life, write poems, recommend music to her and introduce her to different things like movies, series and even books.
- Show that you are interested in her personal problems, as the natives of Cancer are extremely family-related and may even be somewhat traditional. So, if you want to captivate her ask questions about her family and childhood. She will love to talk about it for sure. However, in no case criticise her parents, as Cancer women tend to be very attached to them.
- Be willing to do different programs, especially family-related ones. Be prepared to meet her parents in a short time and also to take care of cousins, siblings and other relatives who may appear. She likes quiet programs, so you should bet on those, so she will build her trust in you.
- Give simple and meaningful gifts, as Cancer women are hardly captivated by expensive gifts, but rather by those with sentimental value. Therefore, to attract them, send them flowers, a romantic card or chocolate and that should be enough.
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