Jala: everything you need to know

Jala Neti is a yoga technique that allows you to rinse and clean nasal cavities with warm salt water. A daily and essential gesture, to adopt for open airways and good health. As a prevention, but also to get rid of excessive mucus, dust and, of course pollen, to relieve sinusitis and even some headaches, as some say, to have clearer ideas.
There are also other Jala yogas, such as Jala Dhauti et Jala Bast. Discover how to practice them and what are their benefits.
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Jala yogas: how to practice and their benefits
Jala Dhauti
Mix two liters of hot water (38 to 40 °) with a teaspoonful of salt.
Stay upright and drink the water quickly glass after glass. Lean forward slightly, press your left hand on your lower abdomen and push your forefinger and middle finger with your right hand at the back of your throat. At the same time, press the tongue down to cause nausea. All the amount of water taken in comes out in 30 seconds. Its benefits include a positive influence on acidity, allergies, and asthma, eliminates bad breath and relieves nausea. As a precaution, do not practice this exercise in case of high blood pressure or ulcer.
Jala Basti
First, to be able to do the Jala Basti, you must master the practice of Uddiyana Bandha, Nauli, and Ashwini Mudra. Jala Basti is the aspiration of water into your anus and release for cleansing purposes. In ancient times yogis entered a river to the navel and sucked water from it. Due to bacteria and the current situation of most rivers, it is not advisable to do so nowadays.
Beginners can use a helper like a hollow tube, the lotus root, a catheter or a Basti yantra, which is a narrow tube at one end and wide at the other side. To perform this technique, you can fill a tub with water and squat in the water in Utkatasana. If you use a tool, insert one end into the anus to keep it open to the rectum.
Perform the Uddiyana Bandha and use your sphincter muscles and Ashwini Mudra to suck water from the anus to the rectum and colon. Very good practitioners can even pull up the water up to the descending colon. Once the water is inside, carefully remove the tool if you use one.
You can repeat this practice up to three times in a row.
In the coming days, it is necessary to eat light because the intestines are very sensitive after this procedure. Cheese, milk, fruits, raw vegetables, black tea, and coffee should be avoided. Also, for 20 days you should not consume beans, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, onion and spicy spices, soft drinks and especially meat, fish, eggs, and alcohol.
It is very beneficial to practice 2 to 4 times every year.
Do not practice: before the age of 15, during pregnancy, if you have large kidney or gallstones, severe diabetes, hernias or mental disorders.
It cleans blood, removes toxins from the body and helps a better functioning of the digestive system. It has beneficial effects on allergies and on skin diseases.
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