Jupiter retrograde 2020: how does it affect us?

Planet Jupiter is retrograde about once every twelve months. In astrology, retrograding is a phenomenon of an optical nature (as seen from Earth the planet appears to be moving backwards) and has profound astrological significance. As a rule, any planet, when it is straight, is in its masculine/extrovert function, basically focused on external action. Retrograding adds feminine/introvert nuances, with the action taking place largely within the individual. When a planet is retrograde, it can therefore be said that there is some impairment of its external functions with gain in its internal ones. So what does the the next Jupiter retrograde 2020 have in store for us?
Jupiter retrograde 2020: what to expect
Retrograde Jupiter 2020
Jupiter takes about 12 years to make a full revolution around the Sun. This planet goes back every year for about 120 days. When it becomes retrograde, it is wise to review our visions, morals and conviction systems in life.
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Jupiter will be:
- Direct in January 1, 2020 Capricorn 06 ° May 14, 2020 Capricorn 27 ° 134;
- Retrograde in May 14, 2020 Capricorn 27 ° September 13, 2020 Capricorn 17 ° 122;
- Direct in September 13, 2020 Capricorn January 17, 2021 Aquarius 02 ° 110.
Effects that can be felt during Jupiter retrograde 2020
- Retrograde Jupiter is a phase that makes you rethink the paths you are following, carefully analyzing them, find balance, and then correct them;
- You will become more thoughtful and will want to review the principles you follow in your life. For some, this will be a very philosophical and doubtful phase, and may lead you to esoteric, religious, spiritual and metaphysical studies;
- As you will be seeing things more clearly and changing your ways, new financial opportunities may arise, although you may not always be able to handle it yourself;
- There is a sense of need for reaffirmation of your faith (in yourself, in the world, and in the great invisible force that governs the laws of the universe and existence);
- Because of this, the phase is the entry point for an internal journey and self-realization. Jupiter is curious and an explorer, which means that you will be like that too.
Travel during Jupiter Retrograde
What to expect from traveling during Jupiter retrograde 2020? Again, not perfection. Maybe a certain amount of unforeseen, doubt, tension. But the place must be chosen so that the journey is inward, not just outward. It must have meaning.
Often, when things don’t go as expected, we want to blame someone and focus on the negative instead of trying to deal with the situation and figure out how to get the best out of it.
Another possibility is that the trips have a certain suspense, either to buy the ticket or confirm that a friend of yours will go with you.
How to act at this stage?
It is a time to expand your mental, emotional and spiritual sides. use the lone side a bit properly to grow. It’s no use being alone regretting this. You need to use this phase to learn more about yourself.
Be careful not to sabotage, lie not to expand, or try to expand only by the exaggerated will. Use your faith and your understanding of your beliefs to understand yourself.
If you are spending time abroad searching for new knowledge and discoveries, if you are sightseeing as a tourist or even planning a future trip, more unforeseen may happen during the Jupiter retrograde. Just relax, laugh at the situation and move on.
Are you starting a new job now? Give your best on the new journey, but be careful not to overdo it and get over the point. Of course you want to settle in that environment, but the wild pursuit of expansion can scare those already there; you can put everything to lose before you even show your true potential.
Jupiter Retrograde 2019: dates and meaning
Jupiter retrograde 2019 dates and what to do
In 2019, Jupiter was retrograde from April 10th until August 11th. This was not a short period and you probably felt that it was a hard time. You were probably angry.
During these four months, take some time for yourself in order to learn how to deal with Jupiter retrograde. This is a very personal process and can last for days, weeks or even months.
The important thing here is to access your journey through life and unravel it in small parts. Am I happy in my job? How do relationships affect my peace? Am I becoming the person I have always wanted to be?
With the answers at hand, it becomes easier to know what we are doing right and wrong. Keep the right and work in the wrong, readjusting some points of view and attitudes.
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