The 12 Karmic laws: a judgement of our actions

Karma is the judge of our actions, it is the unseen energy that derives from our behavior and brings with it corresponding consequences and retribution. Karmic laws in Buddhism or Hinduism simply tell us that the effort we made in something ten minutes ago or ten lives ago comes back to us, eventually.
It is closely linked to the future rebirths and transforms into the energy we will use to purify our soul until we reach perfection. While karma symbolizes responsibility and retribution for our actions, rebirth offers us the opportunity to move forward.
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To stop being scared and start being autonomous in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, here’s what you need to know about karmic laws.
Explaining the 12 Karmic laws
To receive happiness, be happy; to have love, be loving; to be rich, be generous.

Karmic Laws – 1st law
We harvest what we have planted. Therefore, to receive happiness, be happy; to have love, be loving; to be rich, be generous. What we send to the Universe is that which comes to us.

2nd law
We are the ones who create our lives. We are part of the Universe and act on it. If you are not happy with your life, look around. The environment that surrounds you tells you how your interior is. Surround yourself with what you want to have in your life and be yourself.

3rd law
It talks about humility, which many of us refuse to accept. Be it by beliefs, shame, traumas, etc. But anyone who abandons arrogance and hatred becomes humble.

4th law
According to the 4th karmic law, we are the ones who have to change. Not others, not places, not things or circumstances. When we change, everything else changes as well. We only have control over ourselves. It is our growth that is assigned to us as our responsibility.

5th law
If something is not right in your life, then something is not right in you. Our lives reflect us. Therefore, we are responsible for it and for everything that exists in it.

Karmic Laws – 6th law
Even if something seems disconnected it is important to understand that everything in the Universe is connected. Each step leads to the next step and so on. The past has built the present and the present builds the future.
What is in our life has its reason guarded in the distant past, and what is unheard of now is the treasure already stored in our future.

7th law
We cannot think of two things at once. This law means a single thought to create or modify something in this current existence. It’s the law of staying focused, dedicated, of donating body and soul.

8th law
All things in the Universe are flowing in circulation which continually expands outwards. This is reflected in giving, whether it’s intangible or tangible, and receiving. The joy of giving to others is infinitely greater than taking from others. It is impossible to grow spiritually if you are not disinterested.

9th law
Looking back and examining our past prevents us from living in the present moment from here and now. The old methods of thinking, the old patterns of behavior, our old dreams, prevent us from renewing ourselves.
What has happened in our past is already done and regret will not change anything now. Tomorrow, our present will become our past. So let’s work on our present to make our past more beautiful.

10th law
History repeats itself until we retain the lessons needed to change our journey.

Karmic Laws – 11th law
When we begin to take stock over our thoughts and shift our attitude in life, things do change for the better but always in their own time. Lasting rewards require patience and persistence. True joy follows doing what we are supposed to do and waiting for the reward to come when the time is right.

12th law
The true value of something is a direct consequence of the energy and intent that is put into it. Each personal contribution also contributes to the whole. The absence of contribution has no impact on the whole. Generous contributions bring life and inspire.
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