KSHAM Mantra: what is its meaning?

The KSHAM mantra is not the most common mantra, but its use will be of great help in your day to day life. The KSHAM or KSHAMA mantra is the one used to ask for forgiveness, when we do not pronounce the other mantras well.
But let’s go a little further back, and let’s see what mantras are. Why it is so important to ask for forgiveness when one does not pronounce them well?
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KSHAM Mantra: what are mantras?
If you are just getting started in the world of meditation, or you don’t have much knowledge about these issues, you probably don’t know what mantras are.
Etymologically, the word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words: mans which means mind and tra that translates to liberation.
Mantras are, then, sacred words or phrases that are recited to help in the process of meditation or to invoke deities.
They can also be syllables, words, phonemes or phrases. In the case of the KSHAM mantra, it is a single word, but as a rule it is used as a complete phrase KSHAM PRARTHANA or KSHAMA PRARTHANA.
Although its use, traditionally, has been in Hinduism and Buddhism, in recent years it has spread throughout the world, regardless of the religious beliefs of those who practice them.
Those who practice them point out that the mantras, and especially the KSHAM PRARTHANA mantra, have very high vibrations, which helps to focus and calm the mind; and that when practiced judiciously, it helps those who use them spiritually and mentally.
By having such a high vibrational level, mantras help us connect with higher energies. Therefore, they serve to achieve peace, mental and spiritual cleansing, harmony and protection.
How are mantras used?
Repetition and good pronunciation are the key for the mantra to achieve its mission.
Start with few repetitions, so that you familiarize with its pronunciation; although experts say that mental repetition has the same effects as if you practice out loud. The most important thing is that you vibrate with the mantras; interact with them, so that they can give results.
When you use the mantras, place yourself in a quiet place where you know they will not interrupt you; connect with the intention of what you want to achieve with them and pronounce them calmly.
Undoubtedly, the most common mantra is OM; you can start with it and then learn and connect with others, according to your tastes and needs.
The KSHAM Mantra
This is where the KSHAMA PRARTHANA mantra appears, since with its previous use we are asking for forgiveness in advance, in case we mispronounce a mantra.
Even some people point out that the KSHAMA mantra can be used at the end of reciting the other mantras.
This mantra arose from the Vedic tradition; it states that you incur fault or sin if there are poorly written or pronounced mantras. It also generates bad karma for those who incur this. There is also a complete prayer of the KSHAMA mantra whose purpose is to give as an offering, the song of the mantras, and thus achieve the protection and cleansing of the mind and spirit.
Do you intend to immerse yourself in the world of mantras? If so, it is so important to learn the KSHAM mantra and use it when you go to other songs.
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