The worship of Lakshmi and a life of abundance

Lakshmi gets her name from the Sanskrit word Laksya, which translates into “end” or “objective.” It is conjured by the Hindus to request plenitude, riches, influence, flourishing, love and safety. She is the Home Goddess of pretty much every Indian house. Learn how to appeal to this goddess to request success and security in your life.
Its four arms symbolize the four directions of room with its omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. That is, they are images of their flawlessness and opportunity.
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At long last, the symmetry of her body demonstrates the parity, equity and harmony that her figure radiates. Notwithstanding sitting on a huge batch of 100 petals, symbol of her greatest holiness and self-control over creation.
Lakshmi: the powerful goddess of wealth
The traditional cultures in India represent through deities all aspects of the manifestation, both the entire Universe and the humankind. It’s always possible to find both poles of energy and their balance and recognition are important for the order of the universe.
All these representations have important mythology associated and many deities are considered to have avatars. Avatars are incarnations in different forms, that put the deities in the real world. Lakshmi is not an exception. As the Hindu deity of femininity, Lakshmi is represented by a beautiful woman, who may be sitting or standing on a lotus flower, with golden skin and four arms.
In two of them, she carries earthen jars with precious things, like gold, in the other two she usually carries lotus flowers. Next to her, there are always two elephants, who give her presents, wreaths of flowers or splash water on the goddess.
In some representations, the goddess appears flying mounted on an owl. This bird is a symbolic representation of Indra and is called Uluka. Indra is a God associated with the bird, partially blinded by daylight, and this warns of the pursuit of spiritual wealth.
The Indians invoke this goddess for several reasons: to ask for material as well as spiritual prosperity. They also call for physical health, spiritual well-being and harmony within their homes.
She represents female power, purity, fertility, the embodiment of wealth and abundance. She encourages her faithful to enjoy the pleasures and riches of the material and spiritual world, stimulates them to seek wealth and enjoy the fruit of their work.
The story of Lakshmi
The story of Lakshmi is intimately connected to the story of Vishnu. While Vishnu is associated with the masculine energy of the sun, Lakshmi is associated with the feminine energy of the moon. The two are a romantic pair through their different lives.
It’s said that Lakshmi would always find a way to be with Vishnu. Therefore, she has taken different forms for it to be possible. When Vishnu as Vamana, the dwarf, she was known as Padma, and was born from a lotus; she was also is wife Dharan, when he was Parashurama the warrior, and his queen Site, when he was King Rama.
Lakshmi is present in everything that is beautiful, every manifestation, everything that grows.
Consequently, she is also considered the goddess of money, but in all its forms. Both money and prosperity are socials expressions of the universal order. These expressions are part of healthy living, and Lakshmi promotes a healthy relationship with it in society.
This healthy relationship is about eliminating the fear of scarcity and be thankful for everything we have in any given moment. By promoting an attitude of being grateful, we become closer to Lakshmi. By being open to abundance, we give life the opportunity to grow in prosperity.
Being grateful, generous, receptive, know how to share, kind in relationships, a leader without authoritarianism, brings one closer to Lakshmi. Harmonious relationships in life, interior light and meditation are also part of this relationship with the goddess.
So, in a few words, the way Lakshmi is represented has several meanings:
- Her golden skin represents prosperity;
- With one of her hands, she is infinitely giving away;
- The other hands hold the lotus flower, representing love and compassion;
- Her four arms pointing in the four different directions and demonstrating omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, perfection and freedom;
- The symmetry of the body, for balance, justice, and peace.
How to evoke Lakshmi?
To praise the goddess, ask and thank her; it is appropriate to set up an altar for her alone. The worshipers place offerings like coins, flowers, cups with water and incense to the goddess. Set aside a portion of your day to stand by the altar and meditate and ask her for her blessing. She usually blesses the altars during full moon nights.
Here is a short prayer to the goddess of prosperity and wealth:
“O goddess Lakshmi, I thank you for the abundance that feeds my material life and offers me a multitude of wonderful opportunities to radiate the divine light. May we all benefit together from this. Thank you for the peace, joy, happiness, and love you cover my life with, I thank you for the energy which I have to fulfill my highest aspirations, my most distant dreams and my most needed desires. Thank you for being the strong support for this material abundance. I gratefully acknowledge all your blessings and ask you to continue helping me for the rest of my life.”
Remember, life is a balance between the energy of creation and action, of masculine and feminine, and these notions can be constant in our every day and improve our path along with the this life.
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