Lent Prayers for Penance and Conversion

Lent prayers allow us to prepare for Holy Week and in this way live intensely the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The word Lent is translated as the forty days before Easter, a period marked by penance and conversion. Prepare our hearts to accompany the Son of God on his way of the cross.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on the eve of Easter Sunday. The color used by the Catholic Church during this liturgical season is purple, which represents penance and sacrifice. It is also commemorated for the Orthodox, Anglicans and some evangelical churches.
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Lent prayers and how to live this special occasion
“If we die with Christ, we will rise with Him“. This phrase reflects the spirit that accompanies Lent at all times. First, reflection must prevail to renew all the promises that were made during baptism.
Additionally, the fasting that in many places includes not eating red meat on Fridays and not having excesses in terms of other types of food. It is not a period of celebration but of introspection.
Helping others should also be practiced through almsgiving that involves collaborating not only with money and material goods but with our time. Visiting the sick in hospitals, helping the elderly who have no one is just a small sample. Last but not least, Lent prayers are a way to speak with God and prepare our hearts for the Resurrection.
Lent prayers to promote forgiveness
In the face of doubts about yourself, you responded with forgiveness.
In the face of the persecution and the many murmurings, you responded with forgiveness.
Before the insidiousness and the impious offense, you responded with forgiveness.
Faced with the infamy of the conspiracy against the just, you responded with forgiveness.
Faced with the betrayal and the pain that it entails, you responded with forgiveness.
Mother of Mercy, your kind heart overflows with mercy, so I implore you to obtain forgiveness for the many wrongs I have done, and also, oh Mother! Teach me to forgive, as in the face of so many evils that they did to you, even taking your divine Son aside, you always responded with the most magnanimous forgiveness.
Lent prayer for Fridays
Look at me, oh good and sweet Jesus, in your presence I fall on my knees and with the greatest fervor of my soul I ask and beg You to imprint in my heart living feelings of faith, hope and charity, true pain of my sins and firm purpose to mend myself, while with great affection and pain I consider and contemplate in my soul your five wounds, having before my eyes what the prophet David already put on your lips about you: ‘They pierce my hands and feet, I can count all my bones.’
Lent prayer to increase our faith
Give me faith, Lord.
Faith in the possibilities of a new creation.
Faith that human beings are capable of something truly great.
Give me faith, Lord, that despite how fragile we are, nevertheless your strength can manifest itself in us.Help me to believe in the human being, in me, in my husband and my children.
Give me faith and strength to begin this journey of conversion today. Help me, my God, for your goodness.
Forgive me for what I do not do well, you know how I am.
I know that you do not look at what is wrong, but at the good that is possible.You like a sincere heart and inside you give me wisdom.
O God, create in me a pure heart, renew me within with a firm spirit, do not let me wander away from your face, do not take your holy spirit from me.
Teach me to live the deep joy of your salvation, Make me vibrate with a generous spirit, then my life will announce your greatness, I will teach your ways to those who are far away, those who are far away will return to you.Make me grow, God, my savior and my tongue will sing your justice.
Lord, you will open my lips and my mouth will proclaim your praise.
Sacrifices do not satisfy you, if I offered you rites just to perform, you would not want them.
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