Leo Horoscope for August 2021

Here is your Leo Horoscope for August 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Leo Horoscope: what to expect

Leo Horoscope: Love
Usually for the Leonine, love is something spectacular, grand, sometimes even a little dramatic. Life is always more colorful next to a great love, receiving compliments, total attention, gifts, and this is like a complete surrender, so he also gives himself body and soul. We are in the Month of the Leo, and this scope will be on the rise, when it comes to changes that need to happen in a conscious and soluble way. Catch up on those conversations that have been the cause of unfounded suspicions. This month it will be possible to clarify and then be transformed.
Whatever other aspects influence your chart, what matters is that this is your month! The Month of your Brilliance!
With this in mind, I thought of a wonderful bath to be prepared to enhance all your personal magnetism.
Place apple peels in the early morning serenade, during the Crescent Moon. In the morning, place the peels in a pot with a liter of boiling water. Add three cinnamon sticks and half a ginger. Let it boil for 10 minutes and turn off the heat. After it cools, take this magical bath to increase your sexual energy and infuse your life with the energy of love.

Leo Horoscope: Money
There may be overwork at the beginning of the month and delays in completing what you had planned. See what you need to learn from all this. And remember that you cannot carry the world on your back. Your qualities and talents will be valued.
Mars and Uranus make good aspects in the sky, providing more speed, efficiency, and originality in your work. Your ability to interact and communicate will be on the rise, it is worth investing in your networking, and if there are challenges along the way, go ahead, you can overcome them. Continue with your self-confidence and self-esteem, it will be fundamental in the success of your professional endeavors.
To get or keep your income stable, ask each adult resident of your house for a coin. Leave them in a small glass. Place a mirror under the glass, to amplify the effect of the magic.
Cover the coins with honey. Set your intention for the magic. Clean everything and replace the old honey with new honey. Keep up this habit periodically.

Leo Horoscope: Health
At the beginning of the month, important celebrations can occur. Human warmth is always wonderful for you! Mercury and Mars are in Virgo. Perfectionism is very much in evidence, if you can channel this energy into some activity in which you can improve your physical or artistic talents, take advantage of it! Prioritize what is most urgent, the excess of work may have accumulated and now you may be running out of time. Avoid excessive criticism, as it can create a very difficult atmosphere, especially in the family environment. Divergences in values and opinions can create a tense atmosphere.
If you were planning an event, be aware that it may not turn out as you expected. Even if there are delays, many interesting surprises can happen. And they will bring you to the more joyful and carefree side.