Leo Horoscope for July 2021

Here is your Leo Horoscope for July 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Leo Horoscope for July: what to expect

Leo Horoscope: Love
The month is going to bomb! Mars and Venus in Leo are boosting your power of conquest and open paths to new things. There will be success in your intentions. You are charming and very attractive. Go in the direction of your goals. Only, at the beginning of the month, avoid exposing yourself, as there are very tense aspects, which increase vulnerability, uneasiness, and contamination.
For singles, there will be several opportunities and temptations, if you create opportunities. After the Crescent Moon near the 13th. There is a lot of magnetism for one night and nothing else, near the 17th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd onward. Unless of course there is destiny and affinity between the birth charts.
For committed people, there will be increased libido, and physical and sexual magnetism. Be careful that all this energy does not turn into conflict. Prioritize some leisure time, outings and trips to clear your head and forget your problems.

Leo Horoscope for July: Money
This month is favorable for saving. What you manage to accumulate and preserve, both in resources and energy, will have the potential to multiply in future investments. Especially during the Waning Moons at the beginning of the month until the second week. Professional and business opportunities arise, especially after the 13th.
Until the end of the month, especially around the Full Moon, you can get an idea of the maximum return and results from your investments. After the 24th, you will be favorable to close outstanding matters, and cut extra expenses.

Leo Horoscope for July: Health
The first half of the month will bring a series of tense, and complicated aspects. Where there is doubt, uncertainty, and fear, it will be important to stay focused and concentrate on the essentials. On small simple actions, one step at a time. Soon more uplifting energies will come, now stifle difficult emotions with physical activity in nature.
From the second week on, there will be a series of moments of overcoming adversity and spiritual, or karmic, demands. There is superior spiritual power to protect against envy and covetousness. With great power for success and recovery of your enthusiasm.