Leo season begins: you are ready to shine!

Leo season begins exactly when the time matches perfectly with your personality: the high point of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The weather is hot and you do not mind if you burn a little because life is meant to be lived, right? Leo is the king of the Zodiac and asks you to put yourself first this season. Get to know more.
Leo season: putting yourself first
After the very emotional Cancer Season, we welcome Leo season. While the last season put us – almost forcing – to face our emotions and be comfortable in our own shoes, Leo keeps the emotional vibe but with a different focus. Now it is time to appreciate yourself.
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Appreciation is one of the keywords for Leo season. While in the season before, Summer was just starting kinda timid we can say, now it is otherwise. The Sun is shining, the flowers and fruits are blossoming, leaving an irresistible scent in the air. The hot weather makes you feel like you were in the savanna running with lions – very confident, of course.
Even if you want to hide, you can not help it. That’s the spirit of Leo season. The Sun is the very ruler of Leo and comes to this sign on July 22, staying up to August 21. You are about to have almost an entire month to learn your best forces and show them to the world with pride.
Leo season: the Sun elevates who we are
It is not by chance that the previous season and sign had as ruler the Moon and soon afterward we have season and signs governed by the Sun. We think that the Universe is perfect and it is always preaching some challenges on us.
While the Moon relates to emotions and our innermost and feminine side, the Sun represents the physical strength and the masculine side that we all have. At its perfection, the Universe gives us the chance to develop this more introspective side during Cancer season and when we get to the point of really knowing who we are, it is time to put out in Leo season.
This time of exploration of emotions of the previous season is necessary for our maturation. Now, we can live confident and proud of our qualities (and why not flaws too?) and love who we are, not caring much about what others will find.
Leo season: confidence and courage
Imagine the figure of a king. Majestic, powerful, rich and generous. This is Leo’s perfect figure. He knows of his values and the power he has, and because of this, he expects to be admired and loved. After all, everything good is meant to be glorified, right?
It is no wonder that this sign is associated with a lion. The strength and courage that these natives have is enviable and inspires people of all other signs to try to behave a little like them at least. Do you know that day-to-day laziness that keeps us from running after our dreams? Yeah, Leo does not have that.
They are so passionate about their ideals that they do not rest until they become reality before their eyes. This fuel that does not die outcomes from the purpose they have so strong within themselves that makes them think “if I’m right, doing the right things, why should it go wrong?”
Leo season: love at the fullest
A very interesting proposal for this season is to pay attention to what you have the best. People are not the same and they are born with different characteristics. Something that can be considered a weakness for some may be your strength and vice versa.
It is time to know your strengths, to put your feet on the ground and say:
I am like this and I recognize that I can add to the world and the people with whom I live. Thank you, Divine, for doing me that way.
Leo can practice self-love in a way exaggerated for some, but the beautiful thing is that they are able to love each other in the same intense way. If they want to be loved with devotion, they love with devotion too.
They are creative and dedicated to that or to those who arouse their interest, that is, they live with a lot of passion. And this is certainly one of the best teachings of Leo season.
Leo is the sun of fire, fun, and confidence. It will bring the joy everyone is needing this year and a little break from all the intensity of the last months.
Leo season: fun and peace
Saturn will be back in Capricorn which represents a big shift of energy, and will still be under the influence of the New Moon in Cancer of the 20th of July.
Despite that, the energy will be of joy and spontaneity. It’s a great moment to share quality time with friends and family, but also to focus on your passions, the things that make you vibrate and feel alive. Celebrate the little special things of life!
Many people, will also feel driven towards arts as well, or to try new forms of expression, even through fashion. Be yourself, shine, and enjoy the sun and the fire of Leo.
Leo season influence to your zodiac sign
Every sign will live the Leo season with particular specificities, challenges, and of course, lucky aspects as well. Check out both your sun and rising sign for a better understanding of the energies that will influence your life.
Dear Aries, it seems the subject is the same over and over again, but the career keeps under the spotlight in your life. You need to be consistent, and most of all, patient.
It’s much likely that you will be touchy as well. It’s important that you cultivate a sense of gratefulness towards your loved ones. They are there for you, and you know it. Recognize it and smile every day thinking how lucky you are.
Also, enjoy Leo vibes to spend fun time with friends and relax from the work duties.
➡️ Click here to see Aries predictions
We won’t lie, it won’t be such a smooth time for you. A lot of changes are happening in your life, and you might find yourself reviewing the way you interpret the world, your truths, and beliefs. That process might as well determine that some people stay in your life, while others you need to let go.
You should focus on communication-based on your true self, with kindness and strength.
➡️ Click here to see Taurus predictions
Last months weren’t easy, right Gemini butterfly? You have faced fears, loss, changes. But Leo season is the start of something new for you. A new dream, a new stage is around the corner and you can already feel it and start enjoying it.
Start planning, and don’t be afraid to dream of a bright future.
➡️ Click here to see Gemini predictions
Dear Cancer, after a month putting everyone crying and feeling a little more kind as well, it’s time for you to work on your balance as well. Leo season will ask you to have fun and enjoy yourself, but without being all the time “up and down”. Your sensitivity is priceless to the world, but gaining balance and strength will only make your existence easier and happier.
Besides that, you also need to find a balance between work and effort, and joy, and fun. You need to be persistent, to commit, even if you don’t have all sorted out yet. It might take a little longer, but clarity will arrive.
➡️ Click here to see Cancer predictions
Leo, you’re happy, aren’t you? You love to shine and you know the stage is your place. Nevertheless, first things first. Have you been working on your flexibility? It can’t be all the way you want, and even though you are the king, you need to learn a better balance.
Despite the fact that you are, like almost everyone else, dealing with painful endings, it seems that a new opportunity is coming your way during the Leo season. Keep your eyes and heart open, so that it can arrive.
During this season, you might also be challenged to see things in a different way. Enjoy it and expand your ideas and beliefs, but fight for what you think is right.
➡️ Click here to see Leo predictions
Dear Virgo, how can we start? You need to enjoy the fire energy and have some fun, without losing focus on the things you love. Can you do both? If you can, it’s a matter of time so that everything works out. If on either lose sight of the things you have been working for or if you try to push results too fast, you might get lost.
Trust on the people by your side to help you find a balance, and enjoy life more.
➡️ Click here to see Virgo predictions
Dear Libra, so life is not perfect yet, right? But can you sense a wave of optimism in your life? We hope you can still be a believer, and enjoy this new vibe. It’s like that fresh wind on a hot day that makes you close your eyes, knowing that soon everything will fall into place. Especially, in what concerns your career, achievements are starting to pop up.
➡️ Click here to see Libra predictions
Leo season starts with a moment in which you are focusing on higher studies or your systems of beliefs. It’s a great time to travel (if it’s possible), something that can help you figure out where to broaden your visions of the world.
It’s a time for commitment, but also for enjoying yourself. Plan your life in such a way that you can do both things. If you are in a relationship, those good times will be shared with your significant other, but if you are not, that person can pop up in your life on the beginning of August.
➡️ Click here to see Scorpio predictions
You love the going out energy of Leo, but it might be hitting you in an unexpected way! You’ll be working on your feelings and emotions, and life is pushing you to not only acknowledge it, but also to speak up. There is a great energy of transformation on what concerns your bondage with the others.
But Leo season has two more amazing aspects for you. A sense of fulfillment related to your work life, and a deep connection with your creativity that will bring you a lot of passion and fun.
➡️ Click here to see Sagittarius predictions
The fire will light up inside you on the form of commitment. You are ready to commit to your relationship with yourself, but also on your partnerships. You have the energy, the will and the confidence to take the next step, and surprisingly, you feel comfortable to be open about your feelings.
Keep it light, and you’ll have the chance to live a great moment of inspiration and love.
➡️ Click here to see Capricorn predictions
All the things from the past that you haven’t let go yet, you need to. Leo season starts under the vibes of a new moon, and that means a new beginning. In your case, that beginning has been around for a while, so all you need now is to release what you are still holding on to.
Once you do that, you’ll feel the alignment between your ideals and reality, and to make it all even better, unexpected positive conditions are favoring a happy balance in your life.
➡️ Click here to see Aquarius predictions
Leo brings a lot of clarification, so don’t spend all the time having fun, stop a little bit to connect with your amazing intuition. You are clarifying your new path, and this is all you have been looking for, the opportunity to focus on the things you love the most. Leo will boost the sense of hope and faith, especially if you put effort into sharing with the world your skills and work. Good news is coming your way.
Dear all, enjoy the incredible vibes of Leo, have fun but keep the focus, and enjoy this break.
➡️ Click here to see Pisces predictions
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