Leo Tarot 2019: major advices

What to know about Leo Tarot 2019? First of all, in 2019, we have two astrological events that will directly affect the natives of Leo: the Full Moon Total Eclipse, January 21, and the Venus Star Point, August 14.
The Full Moon Eclipse in Leo (21/01) points to the culmination of a cycle within a sentimental relationship, reconnection with children or personal projects, and the need to vibrate with what cheers your heart.
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On the other hand, the Venus Star Point in Leo alludes to themes such as the expression of natural talent, the idea of having offspring or building your enterprise, and relive the spark of fun and pleasure.
Leo Tarot 2019: advices and recommendations
The following is a series of advice or recommendations, obtained through the astrological spread, to accompany the personal development of the sons and daughters of Leo, during 2019.
Arcane: 10 of Swords
House I: self-affirmation, personality and its external manifestation.
Advice: a new cycle begins, but first it is necessary to say goodbye to the past, even if it implies sadness and a process of mourning.
Arcane: Queen of Cups
House II: resources, material possessions, and personal appreciation.
Advice: financial stability, which makes it easier to invest in self-care, personal growth and family security.
Arcane: 5 of Cups
House III: communication, mobility and thought.
Advice: pessimism cannot be the master of your thoughts. There are people at your side (family, friends), willing to accompany you to overcome disappointment and sadness.
Arcane: 7 of Swords
House IV: home, family and origins.
Advice: there are individuals who will try to take advantage of your goodwill, so be careful who you allow into your home, and circle of friends.
Arcane: 8 of Pentacles
House V: romance, creativity and children.
Advice: new projects and relationships require time to flourish. Possibility of success in personal entrepreneurship.
Arcane: 2 of Pentacles
House VI: health, work and service.
Advice: despite some stability in your work environment, you may not feel comfortable, or you may not consider your opinions to be valued. Keep in mind that this is temporary, and that the action will return to normal, sooner than expected. Beware of spinal injuries.
Arcane: 6 of Wands
House VII: personal relationships, contracts and declared enemies.
Advice: in relationships, you must devote attention to your partner and maintain honesty in communication; otherwise, certain situations will work against you.
Arcane: 9 of Cups
House VIII: sexuality, transformation and shared goods.
Advice: social gatherings will bring joy to the couple’s relationship. Singles will have the opportunity to meet someone of interest, linked to their group of friends. There is a pending learning, around giving its fair value to the money, and the goods that you share with third parties (inheritances, businesses, family patrimony).
Arcane: The Emperor
House IX: Philosophy, higher studies and travel.
Advice: the best investment will be in activities associated with your personal and professional growth (courses, workshops, trips, seminars, new equipment). Possibility of international expansion, with the help of a friend or mentor.
Arcane: 5 of Wands
House X: vocation, aspirations and public life.
Advice: power struggle related to a position or position within the business hierarchy. Do not hesitate to show your talents, to differentiate yourself from other candidates.
Arcane: Knight of Pentacles
House XI: friendships, groups and social awareness.
Advice: joy. Projects that have the support of friends and colleagues. Don’t underestimate the time you share with your social circle.
Arcane: The Lovers
House XII: mysticism, karma and hidden enemies.
Advice: connect with your intuition and spirituality. When making a crucial decision, opt for what contributes to your peace.
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