Libra and the 12 Zodiac houses

All 12 Zodiac signs are present in the natal chart! That means everyone is influenced by the energies of all signs, but in different areas of our lives, and with different intensities. The signs influence different aspects of your life depending on the house you find them. On top of that, the natal chart is composed of planets and aspects between the stars, like squares, trines, or sextiles. It’s complex, but by breaking down the information, you can learn how to interpret your natal chart.
Once you know your Sun, Moon and Rising signs, a smart move is to learn about the Zodiac signs you have on each house of your map. Here you can find information about Libra and the 12 Zodiac houses.
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Libra and the 12 Zodiac houses: find Libra in your natal chart
If you are not familiar with your natal chart, don’t worry! This is a simple step.
What you want is to find out the house where you have Libra on your natal chart. Therefore, after entering your data (there are multiple websites where you can do it for free), it will show you your natal chart. Double-check online the symbol for Libra, since sometimes there are slight changes.
After that, you need to find out the symbol on your chart. Spot the cusp, the line on the left that comes from the center, that intercepts Libra. In the center, usually, you can find the number of the house. Each house represents a different aspect of your life!
Right now, you are almost ready to find out how Libra influences your life. By scrolling down, you can find the way it interacts with all the houses.
Nevertheless, before moving forward to Libra and the 12 Zodiac houses, take a moment to learn more about Libra energies.
Libra vibes
An air sign, Libra is ruled by Venus and is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Libra represents harmony, kindness, unity, and balance. It wants to find harmony between the extremes and prefers softness and beauty. Diplomacy is extremely associated with Libra since this energy doesn’t handle conflict and always wants to find a solution that can promote a peaceful environment.
Learning about Libra in your natal chart and how it influences your life is important since it has the capacity of promoting that harmony inside yourself. We all have the inner contradiction that we need to face during life, and understand it and make sense of it is the best way to live in harmony with who we are. Therefore, this will especially apply to the area of your life affected by Libra.
Nevertheless, Libra is not extremely deep, like Scorpio or Pisces. This energy is lighter and more superficial. It also loves social life, arts, and fashion.
There is another important aspect of Libra, the relationship with the other. Consequently, where you have Libra you will have this energy of relating to other people, and you might face challenges that you can overcome by understanding your weaknesses, strengths, and needs.
On its low vibes, Libra lacks in courage to be true and honest, because the first goal is to be accepted and in peace with everyone else. Sometimes the others will perceive it as superficial, lack of authenticity, and reliability. Another low aspect is the tendency to follow the trends that results in a losing track of individuality.
On its high vibes, the capacity for promoting peace and well-being will lead to achievements and success in personal relationships and working life.
Learn more about Libra and the 12 Zodiac houses to understand how it influences you.
Integrate the energies of Libra in your life
By learning how to access the highest vibes of each sign, you develop your potential in the different areas of your life.
Frequently, we reject some influences, while often we also only access the low vibes of a sign. Consequently, is important to understand how you are dealing with the energies of Libra in your life. You can be rejecting it, accessing the down vibes of Libra, or already be using its most positive aspects. Adding to that, there are simple actions you can increment in your life that help you potentialize these vibes.
Concerning Libra, we have a few simple tips to share with you.
Three simple things to integrate the energies of Libra in your life:
- Call a friend, text a friend, or gather a group of friends and more often. Especially after you understand the house where you have Libra, you’ll understand how this relationship with the other influences your life and your well-being.
- Get yourself one piece of fashionable and quality clothing that you can use for social or arts events and makes you feel confident and beautiful.
- Observe how you react to others and what it shows about your own strengths and challenges. The other is always a mirror of yourself, and the biggest trip of Libra is to see how the relationship with oneself can deepen from your connection with others.
Libra and the 12 Zodiac houses
Libra in house 1
Having Libra as your rising sign makes you someone who loves art and beauty, and can’t resist fashion.
But there’s more, check out Libra in house 1 to learn about it.
Libra in house 2
Your relationship with your finances needs to be extremely balanced for you to feel secure and happy. Your technical skills are connected to fashion and beauty, or diplomacy.
Check out Libra in house 2 and learn more about it.
Libra in house 3
House 3 in with Libra shows a good relationship with brothers, cousins, or neighbors during childhood and a special taste for small travels for wonderful places.
But there’s more to learn about Libra in house 3 and the way you think and see the world.
Libra in house 4
You need a peaceful home, extremely organized and beautiful. That is so important for your balance!
Libra in house 4 will also talk about your roots, find out how Libra influences it.
Libra in house 5
You love arts and your pleasure and well-being are related to different art forms. Your social life also goes around it, and most likely you love to go out and party with your friends.
Check out Libra in house 5 and learn more about it.
Libra in house 6
You have harmonious relationships in your working life, and if you don’t that affects you in a very negative way. Work in groups makes you feel happy.
Check out Libra in house 6 and learn more about it.
Libra in house 7
Having Libra in house 7 will attract tender and calm partners into your life. These people will teach you about diplomacy and harmony in relationships.
Check out Libra in house 7 and understand how it contributes to balancing your life.
Libra in house 8
During your life, different transformations will teach you how to live in more harmony with yourself and your lives ones.
Check out Libra in house 8 to understand how it influences you.
Libra in house 9
You search and try to create a system of beliefs that promotes balance in your life, and it’s through it that you can find more harmony and learn how to relate with other people.
Check out Libra in house 9 and learn more about it.
Libra in house 10
You will integrate Libra more and more into your life as you get older. It represents the energy of your future, how your life will look like. Most likely, you will build a career related to arts or justice.
Check out Libra in house 10 and learn more about your future.
Libra in house 11
You like to be in groups and your social life is extremely important for you to feel confident.
Check out Libra in house 11 and learn more about it.
Libra in house 12
You have a beautiful and harmonious relationship with spirituality, and your biggest challenge is the relationship with others.
Check out Libra in house 12 and learn more about it.
Libra needs the other, the encounter, the light, and the mirror. Love is fundamental to this energy, and although it has its challenges, it also presents an amazing way of seeing the world. You have the chance to integrate the highest vibes of Libra in your life!