Libra Horoscope for March 2021
Here is your Libra Horoscope for March 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Libra Horoscope for March: what to expect
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Libra Horoscope for March: LoveThe arrival of the Sun and Venus to House VII of Libra (on March 20 and 21 respectively), announces the celebration of engagements and marriages, in constituted couples. As the Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction) will happen on 03/26, in House VII of Libra, we talk about facing desire and making decisions, regarding the future of romantic and professional relationships. The Venus Star Point also points out that it will be the love you feel for yourself, which you will see reflected in the environment, and in your social interactions, hence the importance of cultivating a relationship with yourself, at this time of year. Remember that Uranus remains in your VIII House, so the dynamic with the life partner is going through a process of change, oriented to new concepts (it applies to the deal you have with yourself). For the singles of the sign, the conjunction Mercury – Jupiter in House V, points to the encounter with a person, capable of generating a powerful intellectual attraction, on the native. The curious thing about this case is that those qualities that you admire in the other are part of your internal harvest, even when you do not recognize them or fear to explore them in yourself. Finally, on 03/23 Eros will enter House IV of Libra, where Pluto is also found, which indicates that the native will be more inclined to start an adventure or relationship, if it has the potential to last over time. |
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Libra Horoscope for March: MoneyFinances will remain stable for the sons and daughters of Libra, during March 2021. Although the presence of Uranus in House VIII suggests a reformulation of the system through which the goods, resources and investments were managed, which you share with third parties (couple, family, partners). On a professional level, the entry of Mars into House IX of Libra (03/03) indicates that the native will assume a combative attitude, in the face of academic, personal, and work remains. Mars in House IX encourages you to abandon the conformist attitude, and recognize your own desire for expansion (growth), beyond external circumstances and limiting beliefs. In this sense, the trine that Mars will star in House IX and Saturn in House V (03/21), will encourage you to connect with your creative potential, and resume old projects, which had remained in the shadows. Note: on March 4, Mercury and Jupiter will hold a conjunction in the V House of Libra, pointing to proposals and ideas that defy convention, leading the native to a new level of work. It is worth noting that the conjunction between the Sun and Neptune in House VI of Libra (03/10), will precisely emphasize a new professional ethic and higher work goals. The arrival of the asteroid Pallas to House VI of Libra (03/07), will allow you to analyze the current work systems, and devise the necessary reforms to increase efficiency. Likewise, this transit favors the organization of working hours, and the implementation of new productive habits. However, keep in mind that the New Moon in Pisces on 03/13 will touch your House VI, announcing changes in the professional area (attention to proposals!). The entry of Mercury into House VI of Libra (03/15) will impose the updating of work skills; contact with potential employers (inside and outside the usual work area); and new professional connections. However, remember that on 03/23 there will be a square between Mercury in House VI and Mars in House IX, so some approaches may collide with your personal short-term goals, generating tension. On the other hand, the arrival of the Sun and Venus to House VII of Libra (on March 20 and 21, respectively), suggests meetings with potential partners or allies, in long-term projects. In the same way, the Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction) of 03/26, on your House VII, refers to favorable judicial decisions, in pending matters for some time. |
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Libra Horoscope for March: HealthThe entry of the asteroid Pallas into House VI of Libra (03/07), facilitates the organization of routines (domestic and professional); cleaning cabinets; and planning a fitness or eating regimen. As the New Moon in Pisces on 03/13, will happen in House VI of Libra, the native will feel inspired to transform their lifestyle, opting for alternatives closer to their interests and objectives. The fact that Mercury makes its entry into this site (House VI), on 03/15, invites us to obtain information (in consultations with doctors and specialists), before taking action. Another astrological aspect to take into account, during March 2021, is the Full Moon in Libra on 03/28. This full moon in your sign speaks of recognizing old negative patterns, and opening space for the reinvention of the individual, and their relationships. |