Libra Horoscope for September 2021

Here is your Libra Horoscope for September 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Here is your Libra Horoscope for September 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
The new Lunation will take place on September 6 in the sign of Virgo. The luminous planets are in exact trine with Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Libra, favoring arts in general, leisure activities, literary productions, exhibitions, sports or competitions. Venus, planet of Love, is domiciled in Libra, and this favors elegance, justice among all, diplomacy, and a refined ability in human dealings.
This month it will be important to be patient with everyone and everything at the beginning of the month, due to the denser energies of Mercury. It is best to concentrate on your obligations, prioritizing the most urgent things and not procrastinating, as you will be a little busier than usual due to the accumulation of responsibilities.
Even so, take the time to relax. If someone asks you out, have fun and allow yourself to have fun. Don’t focus on past experiences by wallowing in gluttony.
Unwind the future with your present. Just as you remember the bad experiences, focus on the good ones. Be inspired and not held hostage by emotions that you can’t handle right now. The frustrated expectations that came from disappointments try to mar your dreams of starting over. Don’t make important or final decisions now.
At the end of the first week, going into the next, things will clear up and what was not defined will now take shape. Accept opinions, but consider them.
Take moments to socialize with family, give attention completely.
There are planetary aspects that are in full swing in this first week, stimulating your financial life and patrimonial matters. For best results, legal advice would be interesting. Mars and Pluto are in harmony, favoring unexpected gains. You will count on originality and your intuition to overcome daily challenges.
Some new responsibilities will arise. It is important to assume a more positive and confident attitude, stimulating everyone around you. Focus on what is working well, as difficulties are transient.
Social activities will be in evidence, and invitations to go out in the second week (sextile Moon and Mercury).
In the middle of the month, turn on the antennae for technology. You can use it even more in your social interactions, favoring your work.
In the last week, you will be able to exercise leadership in your work. You will be more confident. Besides all the baggage from the past that will bring recognition in the present, Mars and Sun in the sign of Libra enhance this moment.
Stop procrastinating about doctors and exams, and try to eat properly. Avoid taking medicines on your own. It would be very smart to do what is within your power to do.
Your interests in the collective can broaden into a more spiritual or philosophical context. It would be good to open your mind to study, opening up new horizons of reflection. You may feel uncomfortable not receiving the recognition you feel you deserve. Don’t be discouraged and value the internal changes that are being promoted now.
Avoid useless discussions and the waste of energy looking at what does not matter.
In the last weeks, you will have opportune moments to develop your projects, write, and enhance your knowledge, leveraging potentials.
The beginning of spring marks the month you are saying goodbye. Keep investing in your intellectual life, prioritizing what is relevant to you. Too much information can make you irritable.
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