Libra in house 7: looking for good associations

The movements of the signs in the houses of the birth chart show our behaviors in various areas of our life. This time we will see the influences of Libra in house 7 and how it affects these vital areas.
Libra in house 7
The positioning of Libra in the 7th house has to do with partnerships, love affairs or business, public relations and legal issues. Natives in this astral cycle have a natural tendency to make partners and seek relationships.
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Although they are demanding about the image, they are interested above all in associating with pleasant and calm people; it’s both in business and romantic matters. People do a lot to make relationships work and everything goes well.
They want them to be accepted as they are in the various relationships and although they remain sentimental and demanding, they establish relationships of parity, fair, harmonious and intelligent.
In this period, people like to accumulate wealth and have a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. They seek material success and obtaining of beautiful objects. They are careful about their image; always showing themselves with an image of refinement and beauty in all circumstances.
They tend to have very good communication and can even talk more than necessary in an effort to establish fair relationships and equal distributions of duties and tasks.
Sometimes they can be very quick to want to establish romantic relationships, instead of doing it in a calm and patient way. Therefore, they can have misunderstandings or adverse interpretations of the other person.
The 7th house
To better understand how Libra’s position affects the 7th house, let’s know a little more about this house. It shows us our associations, such as businesses, contracts, partnerships, courtships and marriages.
House 7 shows us how we behave with people in society, especially with those closest to us. The seventh house is associated with the sign Libra and its element is air.
This is the house of us. It also refers to intimate relationships. According to the energy of various stars it can be a positive or negative cycle, if for example Venus contributes negative energies people can become dependent on their partner. If Uranus also delivers bad energies, there may be a divorce.
Libra in the 7th House: Love, work and health
Love and friendship
This issue is important in this period. People are looking for quick love links. There may be important marriages or decisions that involve living together, making commitments at the same time, or even divorces.
In this period the importance of interpersonal relationships is primary for people. They look for intelligent friends, who share similar tastes and hobbies, calm and fair people, they stay away from conflictive or aggressive people.
Work and money
People with Libra in the 7th house work better in society, as a team, but they demand rigor at work. It shows how individuals relate to bosses, peers and subordinates, almost always establishing relationships of equity and reciprocity.
In this period, good business can be done, if the natives are centralized in it. Contracts, commercial agreements and new partnerships that involve good economic profits.
The natives are concerned about their aesthetic and beauty image. They seek to go to the gym, establish a diet to improve their appearance and lead a healthier lifestyle, rather for a matter of beauty than of health.
They must be careful with their emotional stability since if the energies are out of balance they can become very dependent on relationships and will feel frustrated when they do not get what they want.