Libra Tarot 2019: major advices

What to know about Libra Tarot 2019? First of all, in 2019, the North Node will be located in the House X of Libra, which means that the natives of the scale will have to work in the construction of personal objectives, and not those that respond to the interests of third parties, especially family members.
In the same way, the presence of the South Node in House IV of Libra alludes to the need to overcome old resentments and family conditioning, so that the individual connects with their essence, without distractions.
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Libra Tarot 2019: advices and recommendations
Below is a series of advice or recommendations, obtained through the astrological spread, to accompany the personal development of the sons and daughters of Libra, during 2019.
Arcane: Knight of Wands
House I: self-affirmation, personality and its external manifestation.
Advice: enthusiasm. Confidence in the future. Desire to learn and evolve. Focus your efforts on the present, to create the structure of the future you want.
Arcane: 6 of Cups
House II: resources, material possessions, and personal appreciation.
Advice: in order to organize finances, you must face old beliefs that threaten the consciousness of deserving, such as compulsive shopping patterns, or not recognize the economic value of your work, knowledge and experience.
Arcane: 10 of Wands
House III: communication, mobility and thought.
Advice: the road to success, which you designed, does not have to lead you to exhaustion or to placing excessive pressure on your shoulders. Clarify your ideas, so as not to spend more energy than is necessary, nor to assume responsibilities that correspond to third parties.
Arcane: 8 of Cups
House IV: home, family and origins.
Advice: possibility of moving. Leaving the family home behind. Cut with the past, to open the doors to new opportunities for success and well-being.
Arcane: 9 of Swords
House V: romance, creativity and children.
Advice: fear of loneliness. Creative blockade. Possibility of feeling stuck in a relationship. Avoid getting involved with someone if you are unsure of your feelings. Close the pain cycle.
Arcane: Temperance
House VI: health, work and service.
Advice: stability. Projects will progress slowly but surely. Cultivate your network of professional contacts. Pay attention to the functioning of the urinary system.
Arcane: The Wheel of Fortune
House VII: personal relationships, contracts and declared enemies.
Advice: opportunity for a new relationship, which motivates personal growth. Take responsibility for your own success.
Arcane: 7 of Swords
House VIII: sexuality, transformation and shared goods.
Advice: power struggle in the relationship. Beware of people who approach, for interest, even within the family group. Trust and honest communication will be key elements to overcome this period.
Arcane: 9 of Pentacles
House IX: Philosophy, higher studies and travel.
Advice: satisfaction with the objectives achieved (academic, professional or personal). Tranquility. Share success with your loved ones. A generous heart attracts greater joys.
Arcane: Ace of Cups
House X: vocation, aspirations and public life.
Advice: new stage in the professional field. Connection with the purpose of life. Be sure to follow the desires of the soul, not social pressures.
Arcane: 4 of Swords
House XI: friendships, groups and social awareness.
Advice: self-isolation. Necessary pause in the activities of the social circle. To dedicate time to the reflection, will allow you to listen with clarity to the inner voice.
Arcane: Knight of Swords
House XII: mysticism, karma and hidden enemies.
Advice: integration of a new level of consciousness, which makes it easier to accept criticism from others, without destroying personal trust. It brings out the best in each situation.
Wild Card: The Pope
Sometimes, during a Tarot reading, a card comes out of the deck without being taken directly, so it is incorporated into the spread, under the name of wild card, i.e. additional information offered by the Universe (or Divinity) to the seeker.
In the case of the astrological spread for Libra, the High Priest or Pope’s joker was presented, indicating that the native must seek the connection with the master or inner guide, renewing the spiritual bond and faith in Divine Providence.
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