6 signs that you’re not living authentically

We all want to live the life of our dreams, full of freedom, but probably at some point you decided to settle into a logical and realistic life. You have lost the excitement of living authentically, in your own way, to live up to what others expected of you.
We have compiled some warning signs that will show you that you are not living authentically, and give you some tips on how to fix this.
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How to start living authentically (or 6 signs you’re wasting your life)
You feel completely lost
Let’s be honest, when you are out of alignment with your purpose, you feel it. Many of your actions are in vain and you feel that there is something bigger and better waiting for you.
You are attracted like a moth to the light by any article, resource, or book that sheds some light on what you’ve been missing. Let us tell you a little secret: the answer you are looking for is not on any website or book, it’s inside you.
You feel disconnected from yourself
Most of the time you’re living a nice life, but you feel disconnected from the passion and enthusiasm that others feel at work and in life in general. Deep down you know it’s possible, but you’re just not sure where to start.
Living Authentically – You feel unhappy
Looking at it from the outside, you’re probably living a good life, with a good job, enough money, maybe even a family, but you just can’t get rid of the unhappiness that lies just below the surface. You may even feel guilty about feeling that way, as there are so many other people in the world who have nothing to do. But despite all that, you know your were made for something bigger.
You feel unable to get out of your comfort zone
At a certain point in your life, you had big dreams and aspirations that made you feel excited and alive, but that was before you decided it was easier to just live a safe life and just follow the rules: go to college, get a good job, save for retirement, take care of your family and live happily ever after.
But you are not happy. You want something more, but you are afraid of the uncertainty that lies on the other side of your dreams and every time you start to think that it’s possible, you wake up to reality and commit to doing what is safe.
Living authentically – You feel comfortable with the uncomfortable
The consciousness that you were made for something bigger and better is there, and you are comfortable with the uncomfortable because, at least, you know exactly what to expect.
You know your desires disappear as soon as you build up the courage to do something about your unhappiness, fear creeps in and brings you back to the rules of normal life, and the cycle repeats over again.
Living Authentically – You never did what you really love
This is the biggest sign of them all. If you’re not doing what you love, you are not living authentically.
If you identify yourself with any of the previous signs, it’s time for you to do something about it. You have gifts to give to the world and when you don’t live an authentic life, you retain those gifts that may change the world to a better place.
If you want to living authentically, it’s time to
Let your true passions guide you
Be honest with yourself about what your passions are. What does really make you happy? What would you do if money was not an issue and you were not afraid? Let your passion lead you to your real purpose.
Living Authentically – Find a way to do so
After deciding what makes you happy, find a way to do that now. Not tomorrow, not next week, and certainly not when you retire. Life was “invented” to be lived and enjoyed in the present, so do it now. Your passion will catapult you forward and into a more authentic life
Seek for help
If you are not living authentically, probably you are facing some fears and blocks that keep you from moving forward. Find a psychologist that helps you overcome your fears and clearly define what you want.
When you start living authentically, you will experience a freedom and happiness that you never thought possible. Life is too short, you should do what you love.
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