Love and Astrology: What Aspects to Consider in Your Relationships

Love and Astrology have always walked together in the mystic world. Millions of people look to understand Astrology a bit more in order to know better themselves and their relationships. But not all of them are conscious that there is much more beyond the famous question “What is your sign?”. If you want to find out other aspects to consider when relating to someone, this article is a perfect match for you.
Love and Astrology
When you are an Astrology lover, you can not help but try to understand the connection between love and Astrology at any cost. After all, Astrology is a known tool that can help us in almost everything we want. We just need to learn how to interpret the sky and our cosmic birthmarks. If this sounds a little bit complicated, we are here to clarify.
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If you have been interested in the subject for a while, we bet that “What’s your sign?” is a common question when meeting a potential partner. Even for the people who have been studying Astrology for years, the Sun Sign is a strong indicator if we should enter a compromise with that person or not. But, this happens to be only a little piece of the puzzle that a relationship might be.
There are other personal aspects that when combined with the other’s is almost a dialogue. When you access a birth chart it is as if you were reading an instruction manual or a recipe. All the parts that build a person’s personality are there, except by the fact that the “how-to” depends on your interpretation and will to make it work.
Love and Astrology under a more complex light
The Sun
As everybody knows, the Sun Sign is the first thing we learn about Astrology. It is easy to discover anybody’s Sun Sign because knowing the birth date is enough. Actually, the Sun Sign is the only astrological mark that depends only on the day we were born. To find out all the other aspects in a birth chart we need the birthday date, the exact hours and the local of birth.
Asking if Aries is a good match to Gemini is a fair question because the Sun Sign reveals what is in the deepest in us. The Sun represents our true essence and our mission in this world. This is not by chance, after all, the Sun is the brightest star and the guiding light that gives life to us, here on Earth.
Under this complex light which Astrology is, our personality is affected by the combination of other aspects, but the essence of the Sun is never missed. Even if we need to take some things off sometimes to see it clearly.
Love and Astrology – The Moon
If the Sun rules what we have the most important (our essence), the Moon rules another important aspect when regarding love matters: our emotions. The emotions are what build feelings, and they are uncontrollable – well, except if you have a tough Moon in Capricorn – so that is why the Moon should be considered in a potential partner.
The way we deal with our emotions can lead a relationship towards success or failure. And this is essential even for the relationship we have with ourselves. Our emotions are instinctive but can be worked if we need, both to control or to unleash them.
If you know somebody’s Moon, you get the idea of how he/she reacts to what is put in front of him/her in heart terms. In other words, you end up learning how people deal with and communicate the way they are feeling.
The Elements
Western Astrology divides the 12 signs into four elements of Nature: Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).
The element of our Sun Sign is important because it will guide our essence, but do you know if another element prevails in your birth chart? Sometimes, the majority of planets fall on an element different than the Sun Sign’s. What happens is the way we relate to people is also influenced by the elements.
Fire makes people with a more dynamic attitude. They like to feel joyful and energetic in their relationships, as if a person or relation could be the fuel for them. Earth will make people look for structure and practicality. They need to feel they can build something real and solid with the partner.
On the other hand, Air looks to flow in areas that often can be forgotten in the heat of passion: the mind. These people need to recognize intellectual compatibility more than the others. Closing the elements, Water is the one about emotions themselves. They are sensitive and look for empathy and emotional nutrition in a relationship.
Balance is what should be pursued for everybody in life. Often and even unconsciously, we look for what we do not have within us in others. That is, it is common that couples with different (but compatible) elements have success. Those are Fire and Air (air feeds the fire and fire heats up the air) and Earth and Water (earth limits the intense flow of water and water makes things grow on earth).
Venus is the planet that rules our love sector. The name Venus (Aphrodite for the Romans) comes from the Goddess of love, beauty and luxury. She interferes in everything we attract, are attracted and feel connected by the terms of eye and pleasure.
In other words, Venus indicates what we look for in a partner in order to live romance and happy relationships. Venus in Taurus will make people be attracted by solid partners, who can offer security and stability. Venus in Scorpio will probably make you feel attracted by mysterious and very sexual people, and so goes on.
Love and Astrology – Mars
If Venus is linked to our feminine side who looks for deeper and longing connections, Mars rules the masculine side. This side is about instincts, quick responses and sex. The influence of Mars appears when we are in bed and the way we desire to feel the sex.
As Mars is a masculine figure, it is very common for women to not only be attracted but attract men with the characteristics of the Mars they have in their birth chart. If your Mars fall in Pisces, there is a tendency for relating to men who look fragile. If you have Mars in Capricorn, you will look for men with ambition and maybe older than you.
House 7
Last but not least, we have House 7. House 7 is an important compound of love and Astrology because it is the House that governs what happens in the relationships world. This House is associated with Libra, the most social of the signs, and it is called the House of Marriage and Partnerships.
Beyond love, this House tells about how you live and collaborate in society. What happens in House 7 also influences business and commercial partnerships, as well as marriage – which is a contract indeed. Astrology also recognizes marriage as a contract, too.
The planets and signs you have in this part of your birth chart will help to elucidate what has been happening in your love life. They also give hints about the person you are going to probably marry.
Now that we have presented all the aspects you need to have in mind when thinking of love and Astrology, do you feel ready to interpret your relationships with more understanding? We hope so. Go grab your birth chart and tell us how you are doing!
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