Love predictions for November

Looking for the love predictions for November? Stars have shown what to expect for November 2018 in what comes to love and sex. Come and check it out!
Love predictions for November: what did the stars reserve to you?
November starts with the presence of retrograde Venus in the House VII of Aries until the 15th, which means that the natives of the sign they will try to solve sentimental situations, which were on hold.
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Note that the asteroid Pallas will enter the VII House of Libra, on the 4th, so your decisions will be based on an arduous process of reflection, which involves factors of the present, the past and the future.
On the other hand, the New Moon in Scorpio of the 7th November and the entrance of the dwarf planet Ceres in House VIII on the 11th, where the Sun will remain until the 22nd, indicate the overcoming of old events that affected your ability to trust others.
Finally, the entry of the North Node in the IV House of Aries, on the 15th (one day before the start of Venus direct in the VII House), means that it will change your concept of what is familiar and safe, just like the awareness of your own individuality in relation to the parental group.
A favorable exercise for this time of year is to forgive those people in the family group that in one way or another feel that you were hurt or abandoned. Please remember that to forgive does not imply to be involved again in relationship that was once toxic.
More predictions for November here.
The month of November, will be a positive period for the relationships of the Taurus natives. The New Moon in Scorpio on the 7th November will touch House VII of the sign, which translates into new commitments or change the status of old unions.
Likewise, the entrance of the dwarf planet Ceres in the same location, on the 11th, takes us to nurture ourselves through relationships, cultivating trust and understanding, but pay attention, you should avoid creating dependency links.
It is important to point out that the Sun is also present in the VII House of Taurus until November 21st, and from there it will move to House VIII, where it will meet Jupiter, which will enter this sector on the 8th.
With these alignments, there is evidence of the need to leave behind the burdens of the past and enjoy the present. That is, do not let the shadows of previous experiences influence your current relationship.
This does not imply that you hide your feelings, on the contrary, the idea is that you can treat any issues with your partner, a therapist or a friend, in order to dismantle old structures and negative patterns.
Finally, the beginning of the direct phase of Neptune in House XI of Taurus on the 24th, opens the door to resume relationships with friends and colleagues, with a fresh perspective.
More predictions for November here.
November will be an excellent period in what comes to sentimental matters for the natives of Gemini. The entrance of Jupiter in the House VII of the sign on the 8th of the month, announces the possibility of knowing a special person, or the change of status in the couple relationships.
This transit also benefits the healing work of old patterns or beliefs, which affect the way you interact with third parties, and even with yourself.
Note that on November 15th, the North Node will enter the Gemini II House, awakening old conflicts related to self-esteem, guilt and family situations.
Keep in mind that the entry of the North Node in your II House is the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself, change your scale of values, and free yourself from everything that threatens your self-love and the opportunity to shine, for who you truly are.
The temporary presence of the asteroid Vesta in House VIII, emphasizes that your true strength is not found in the possessions you manage to accumulate, the professional position or the social status achieved.
Authentic personal power resides in your inner self. If you place your value on the outside, you will be empty and disoriented the day it disappears or you will be forced to abandon it. Remember that we are constantly changing.
More predictions for November here.
November will be a moving month on the sentimental level for the natives of Cancer. The North Node will be activated on the 15th in this zodiac sign, leading to questions about the mission of life, the identity itself and the creation of inspiring goals.
At the same time that the North Node makes its entrance in Cancer, the South Node will do the same in your House VII on November 15th. Remember that the South Node speaks to us of what we must overcome or leave behind.
Upon entering the VII House of Cancer, which is connected to commitment, associations and legal issues, the South Node will emphasize the overcoming of the patterns that affect your relationships. This can be evidenced through the reunion with people from the past, or the repetition of lines of behavior you thought were a thing of the past: when you behave “as before”, or feel in a “deja vu”.
On the other hand, the entrance of Ceres the House V of Cancer brings the reconnection with children, but also the rediscovering romance and pleasure. However, if you do not pay attention to the pending (South Nodes in House VII), it is possible that the “ghosts of the past” interrupt your idyll.
More predictions for November here.
November will be an interesting period for the natives of Leo, motivated mainly by the entrance of Jupiter in the House V of the sign on the 8th, and the activation of the North Node in House XII.
Jupiter in Leo’s House V alludes to possibilities of romance, a trend that is reinforced by the entrance of the Sun in the same sector, on November 22nd, and the interest in creating new projects or forming a family, an energy that connects with the New Moon in Scorpio, from the 7th November onwards in House IV.
Keep in mind that Mercury’s retrograde will also occur in Leo’s V House as of November 16th, which means that hasty decisions about children, romance or projects will be going through a second filter, before the final answer is given.
On the other hand, the activation of the North Node in the XII House of Leo, indicates that introspection is the key to evolution, and it is necessary to reconnect with your own spirituality and your inner world instead of being carried away by external waves.
This is not a reference restricted only to your intimate life, since the South Node will be activated in Leo’s VI House on November 15th, where it will encounter Pluto, Saturn and the asteroid Vesta, which eliminates harmful patterns in work routine, to be linked consciously to true personal power.
More predictions for November here.
With Juno retrograde in Taurus there is a resistance at the moment of committing to those habits, which Virgos know contribute to their overall well-being.
You may feel unmotivated to make changes, or tired of not getting results in the short term, forgetting that it is about creating a lifestyle that you enjoy and that is sustainable over time.
In this sense, the entrance of the asteroid Pallas in the VI House of Taurus on November 4th aims to help you organize your goals and meet the needs of your physical body. However, it is also a transit that must be observed with care.
Pallas in House VI can promote an excessively rigorous behavior, both at work and in health care and in the implementation of new life habits.
Keep in mind that rigidity is not the best companion for this type of personal endeavor, and if we add the influence of retrograde Venus in Taurus House VI until November 15th, evident patterns of self-punishment emerge.
For example, overeating or buying compulsively to alleviate an episode of sadness, stress or frustration, and then plunging yourself into the guilt of unbalancing your budget or breaking your diet.
The available alignments can lead to destructive self-criticism, but if you manage to change your perspective, you will notice that they simply constitute a reminder that we all have ups and downs.
The only constant is change, and it is the experiences of contrast that drive it to grow, to evolve. Although it may sound like a cliché, after each fall, you can get up with more strength and learning.
In this period of the year, and with retrograde Venus in the House VI of Taurus until November 15th, it is worth bearing in mind that the first relationship you must take care of is the one that you maintain with yourself.
Listen to yourself, to your body, mind and spirit, practice self-pity and exercises such as meditation. Another aspect that you should consider, in November 2018, is the entry of Retrograde Uranus into the XII House of Taurus on the 6th, which in addition to causing alteration in sleep patterns, raises questions about the hidden fears that restrict your independence and personal freedom.
More predictions for November here.
November can be a difficult period for the natives of Libra. The entrance of retrograde Uranus in House VII of the sign on the 6th, is related to strong arguments with your partner or associates, for unresolved issues linked to responsibilities within the relationship.
In the case of single natives, this transit alludes to the level of commitment you have with yourself. Do you push yourself to achieve your goals, or instead you let everything run on your own feet, then blame yourself for the results?
On the other hand, the activation of the South Node in House IV of Libra on November 15th aims to detach from the impositions and family patterns, to trace your own path. It will not be an easy task, since Pluto and Saturn are in the same location, in House IV, but the effort will be worthwhile and glorious.
More predictions for November here.
Retrograde Venus in the XII House of Libra, during the first half of November, constitutes an unmistakable sign of the appearance of old loves, or the repetition of situations that you thought you had overcome.
This stellar transit is aligned with Juno, who also fulfills her phase of apparent regression, but in House VII of Scorpio, raising questions about the reasons that drive you to maintain relationships, or why you attract a certain type of person.
It is worth noting that on November 7th, the New Moon will be produced in Scorpio, marking an excellent opportunity to reinvent yourself, practice introspection and self-knowledge.
The lunar event will precede the entry of the Sun and Jupiter into the II House of Scorpio on November 8th and 22nd, respectively, which represents an important change in your scale of values, and the way you lavish love.
The Sun and Jupiter in House II, can lead you to thoughtless expenses as a mechanism to not pay attention to what happens inside you, so it is crucial that you keep in mind that your personal value resides in the internal, and not in the material objects – the exterior.
More predictions for November here.
November will not be a good time for Sagittarian singles, in terms of romance, due to the entrance of retrograde Uranus into the V House of the sign on November 6th, which translates into unrequited attractions or relationships with people who do not they pay due attention to the native.
This transit, the retrograde Uranus in the VI House of Sagittarius, can also cause tensions in the interaction with the children, especially with those who go through adolescent age, or young adults who reside under the paternal wing.
However, Sagittarius couples will not have a bad time, because the activation of the North Node in House VIII of the sign on November 15th, announces new common projects, and a greater intimacy that is consciously addressed.
On the other hand, the entrance of the asteroid Pallas in the XI House of Sagittarius on November 4th will be an excellent tool to mitigate the damage in your group of friends, caused by the retrograde of Venus in this sector of the astral map, transit that will culminate on November 15th.
With Pallas in the XI House of Sagittarius, in the company of Venus, you will enjoy happy moments with your social circle, and you could even receive proposals of professional interest.
Finally, with the entrance of Mars into your House IV on November 15th, the action on a topic related to removals or repairs at home will come up. It is time to put into practice what you have been thinking about for some time.
More predictions for November here.
Jupiter will enter the XII House of Capricorn, on November 8th, allowing to extract positive lessons from contrasting events, which would have generated uneasiness in the past.
In other words, you will be involved in situations that you have already experienced, and your current reaction will surprise you, when compared to old attitudes. Evolution becomes evident.
On the other hand, the activation of the North Node in the Capricorn House VII on November 15th imposes recognition of the importance of your partner for the construction of the relationship.
This does not imply that you throw yourself into a compromise you are not sure about, this is related to Juno retrograde in House V of Capricorn, but only if you understand that the interaction with your partner, is a valuable element that can impel you to growth.
More predictions for November here.
Although Juno retrograde in the House IV of Aquarius, suggests that there will be tensions in the home because family members try to impose agenda, the one over the other, the month of November is shaping up as encouraging, emotionally for the sons and daughters of the water carrier.
The entrance of the Sun and Jupiter in House XI of the sign on November 8th and 22nd, respectively, speak of reconnection with the group of friends, and moments of enjoyment with members of your social circle.
This type of meetings will bring interesting professional opportunities for the committed natives, and romantic for single ones, especially if the activities involve travel or interaction with people of other nationalities, from November 16th onward, when the direct phase of Venus begins.
More predictions for November here.
Mars will enter the House VI of Libra, on November 15th, which is good news for the natives of the sign of Pisces, since the arrival of the warrior planet will increase the levels of vitality and physical strength.
However, it is important to keep in mind that Mars also brings with it a certain aggressiveness, which although contained by the influence of Pisces, sign under which transit will occur, it is still an aspect you should pay attention to.
Mars in House VI of Libra can encourage discussions with people in the work or domestic environment, especially if there are patterns of guilt or victimization not resolved, by one of the parties involved.
It is convenient to look for constructive ways to guide the conversation, and avoid misplaced comments.
Remember that Venus is retrograde in your sign until November 15th, which leads us to a climate of high sensitivity, in which you can easily be hurt or hurt others.
Likewise, Retrograde Venus in Libra emphasizes the importance of keeping medical checks up to date, especially for those natives who suffer from digestive tract ailments, or associated with blood sugar levels.
During this stellar step, it is not recommended to make changes of image or wardrobe, or cosmetic surgeries. Of course, it is a favorable period to seek references of specialists in the area that interests you.
The entrance of the asteroid Pallas in Libra on November 4th, will help you to organize the pending activities for the last two months of 2018, November and December, and the beginning of the coming year.
It should be noted that the energy of Pallas in Libra will be aligned with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th, which will touch House II of the balance, the area of material and intellectual resources, and personal value.
With these alignments you will have the opportunity to redefine your goals and objectives for 2019, in case you have not been paying attention, when the Sun passed through your sign, during the months of September and October.
More predictions for November here.
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