Lunar calendar for health and beauty 2020

There is no doubt that the moon has a strong influence on our lives, in all aspects. Each of its phases and its transits around the earth affect, in one way or another, the beings that inhabit this planet. Therefore, knowing in advance how that energy will be can become a powerful tool. This lunar calendar for health and beauty has that purpose.
In this post we will analyze month by month how the moon will influence hair, skin, diet and exercise and health in the first half of the year.
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With all that information you can plan your year following the lunar calendar and make sure you are always using the energy in the best way.
Lunar calendar: how to harness your energy from January to June
Lunar calendar for health and beauty for January 2020
We start the year and there is nothing better than doing it with energy. Remember that the full moon in January 2020 will be on the 9th and the new moon on the 24th. This is what you should keep in mind regarding lunar energy for health and beauty in this first month of the year.
Haircuts: when yes and when no
Starting the year with a haircut is not a good idea. In fact, on January 1st you should do absolutely nothing in your hair.
The same on days 18, 19, 27 and 28. If you cut your hair on those days, it is most likely that dandruff is generated and difficult to fix. Even if you can avoid it, you shouldn’t wash your hair those days either. Leave it alone for a few days and you will see that the results are then much better.
Instead, there are days that will be ideal for cutting hair and making a change of look: January 11, 12 and 13. It is your time to make that change that you have been postponing! The following days (14 and 15) the hair will be ideal for hairstyles and changes, as it will adapt to them easily. It is a good idea to think of a permanent.
If you want to change the color of your hair, the best days for hair dyeing will be January 5, 6, 7, 8, 25 and 26.
Skin care
Skin care is also extremely important for everyone. From January 1 to 9 and from 25 to 31 will be the best days to apply facial masks, lotions and revitalizing massages.
Personal care
The time that goes from full moon to new moon (from January 11 to 24 specifically), will be the best time of the month to focus on weight and food. Good time to do detox diets, start an exercise routine and take care of your body.
Those days will also be particularly good if you need to do some kind of treatment or medical consultation. Nothing better than starting the year with up to date health!
Lunar calendar for health and beauty for February 2020
In this second month of the year, this is what you have to know to take maximum care of your beauty and your health according to the lunar rhythms.
Haircuts: when yes and when no
Are you thinking of making a change of look? You should know that February 1 to 5 are the best days of the month to do a hair dye. You can also leave this to the end of the month: on 28 and 29 you will get great results.
As for having a haircut cut, the ideal is to do it on February 8 and 9, with the arrival of the full moon. On February 10 and 11, with what is left of that lunar energy, it is a good idea to take care of the hair, perform some type of treatment such as a straightening or waving.
On days 15, 23, 24 and 25 you should not disturb your hair. If you can avoid even washing it. Bad days for your care!
Personal care
As in January, the best times for skin care are the first days of the month and the last. It is about the times of the crescent moon. From February 1 to 8 and from 24 to 29 will be the best days to apply facial masks, lotions and revitalizing massages.
Health care
The time that goes from full moon to new moon (from 10 to 23), will be the best time of the month to focus on weight and food. Good time to do detox diets, start exercise routine and take care of the body. These days are also good for medical consultations and treatments.
Important recommendation: unless it is an emergency, do not attend the dentist on February 1 and 2 or on 28 and 29. Instead, the best days to get dental treatments are 12, 13, 21 and 22.
Lunar calendar for health and beauty for March 2020
March is for many the return to the usual routine. It is, in some way, a second beginning of the year and that is why it is very important to know how lunar energies will work in this month.
Haircuts: when yes and when no
March 6 and 7 will be the best if you want to cut your hair, which correspond to the crescent moon in Scorpio. On the other hand, the following days (8 and 9) will be very good to do hair treatments and take care of hair in general.
Instead, haircuts should be avoided on days: 12, 13, 21, 22 and 23.
On the other hand, for those who want to dye their hair, this will be a great month for that. Especially the first days of the month (1, 2 and 3) and the last days (from 26 to 30).
Personal care
From 1 to 8 and from 25 to 31 are the best days for skin care. As the crescent moon is the best time to apply facial masks, lotions and revitalizing massages.
On the other hand, if you like to do all kinds of cosmetic treatments, it is recommended to do them between 10 and 23 of the month. The ideal day is 17.
Finally, for the care of hands and feet, getting your nails done, going to the manicure and the podiatrist and other treatments, the ideal days are 17 and 18.
Health care
As you know, the best time for body care and health, detox diets, controls, and exercise plans are in the phase from full moon to new moon. In March it will be between the 10th and 24th.
Unless it is an emergency, do not start the month by going to the dentist, since March 1st is not a good day for it. Nor on 26, 27 and 28.
On the other hand, the best days to get treatments on the teeth are: 10, 11, 19 and 20.
Lunar calendar for health and beauty for April 2020
Beginning the second quarter of the year, the lunar calendar for health and beauty remains essential. Here is everything you need to know to make the most of April.
Haircuts: when yes and when no
April 3 and 4 will be the best if you want to cut your hair, corresponding to the crescent moon in Leo. On the other hand, the days will be very good to do hair treatments and take care of hair in general. The month ends with a crescent moon in Cancer, so the 30th will also be spectacular for haircuts.
Avoid going to the hairdresser and make hair changes on the 9th, 10th, 18th and 19th.
As for hair coloring, it is preferable to do it on day 7 or wait until the end of the month (from 24 to 27).
Personal care
From April 1 to 7 and April 24 to 27 are the best days for skin care, whether to apply facial masks, lotions and revitalizing massages. It corresponds to the crescent moon in Cancer and Gemini respectively.
On the other hand, if you like to do all kinds of cosmetic treatments, it is recommended to do them between 9 and 22 of the month, although the ideal days are 13 and 14. These days are also the most suitable for treatments on hands and feet.
Health care
As you know, the best time for body care and health, detox diets, controls, and exercise plans are in the phase from full moon to new moon. In April it will be from 9 to 23, beginning with a moon in Scorpio and ending with a moon in Taurus.
Unless it is an emergency, we do not recommend going to the dentist on days 8, 23 and 24. Instead, it is a good idea to do so from 15 to 17.
Lunar calendar for health and beauty for May 2020
May starts with a moon in Leo and will be ideal for working with hair and skin. Since this month may come when we are already a little tired, the best way to face it is to choose the best days for personal care.
Haircuts: when yes and when no
The first day of the month will be ideal for cutting your hair. Meanwhile, days 2 and 3 are ideal to maintain these cuts, make hair treatments and take care of hair in general. On the other hand, on May 27 and 28 there will also be a growing room in Leo and they are another two perfect days to devote to hair and, why not? Think of a change of look.
For its part, avoid going to the hairdresser and make changes in the hair on days 6, 7, 15, 16 and 17.
As for hair coloring, it is preferable to do it on days 4, 5, 23 and 24.
Personal care
May 1 to 6 and May 13 to 14 are excellent days for skin care, whether to apply facial masks, lotions and revitalizing massages.
On the other hand, for those who prefer cosmetic treatments, it is recommended to do them between 8 and 21 of the month, although the ideal days are 10, 11 and 12, which correspond to the waning moon in Capricorn. These days are also the most conducive to hand and foot treatments.
Health care
As you know, the best time for body care and health, detox diets, controls, and exercise plans are in the phase from full moon to new moon. In May, these days go from 8 to 22 of the month, starting with a moon in Sagittarius and ending with a moon in Taurus.
Unless it is an emergency, we do not recommend going to the dentist on days 20, 21, and 22. Instead, it is a good idea to do so on days 13 and 14.
Lunar calendar for health and beauty for June 2020
We have reached the middle of the year. This month personal care is still very important, especially to be able to face the second half of the year with renewed energy.
Haircuts: when yes and when no
June will not have good days to cut the hair until the end of the month. The ideal days to cut hair are 23, 24 and 25 and correspond to the crescent moon in Leo. The following days, meanwhile, are ideal for maintaining such cuts, making hair treatments and taking care of hair in general.
For its part, avoid going to the hairdresser and make changes in the hair on days 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 and 30. As we see, it is not the best month to work with the hair, but still you can find the right moment.
As for hair coloring, it is preferable to do it on days 1, 2, 28 and 29.
Personal care
June 1 to 4 and June 22 to 30 are excellent days for skin care, whether to apply facial masks, lotions and revitalizing massages.
On the other hand, for those who prefer cosmetic treatments, it is recommended to do them between 6 and 20 of the month, although the ideal days are 7 and 8. These days are also the most suitable for treatments on hands and feet.
Health care
The stretch between a full moon and a new moon this month corresponds to the days from 6 to 21. Remember that it is the best time for the integral care of the body, weight and health. The recommendations are to start exercising, implement some type of detox diet and do medical treatments if necessary.
June is a good month to go to the dentist. You can do it especially on days 9, 10, 19 and 20.
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