Lunar eclipse of July 2020 in Capricorn: welcoming endings

Around halfway 2020, we’ll be closing a cycle of two years with the lunar eclipse of July 2020 in Capricorn. There was strong energy of change that started on the 13th of July 2018, and for some of you it influenced your life in extreme ways with radical changes, while for some others the outcomes were softer, but they are always there.
In order to understand it better, and to go through the next months of 2020 consciously observing your life, the path is to understand the influence of this eclipse on your own personal story.
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Let’s understand the main energy of the eclipse and the main areas of influence in your life according to your natal chart!
Lunar eclipse of July 2020 in Capricorn
The lunar eclipse of July 2020 happens in 14º degrees of Capricorn, on the 5th (or 6th depending on your time zone). It will be opposing the Sun in Cancer. Adding to that, the main influence of this eclipse will be the south node in Sagittarius. These two energies together will be the most important during the period around the eclipse.
The lunar eclipse of July 2020 is, even more than other lunar eclipses, about endings. It can create turmoil and bring hidden emotions to the surface. It’s a symbol of destruction and darkness. Already afraid? Don’t be!
Our inner world, the one that is under the surface, is one that we need to access to understand ourselves, to develop in our mind, and sometimes to cure. There is only a true evolution and self-knowledge when we face and embrace our shadows, and the lunar eclipses are here to give us a hand in that process.
In this specific case, to fully understand the influence of the eclipse in your life, go back to the 13th of July 2018. Where were you? What life-changing events started at that point? Which conflicts were you dealing with? More than in any other place, there and in the last two years events, are the answers for the energy the eclipse of July will play in your life.
It’s about endings, about the ending of a cycle you have probably been working on in the last two years.
It’s possible that your life changes! Make sure your dream with love and high vibrations so that it changes for better.
Lunar eclipse of July 2020 in Capricorn: main themes
Although there is a personal influence, there is the main energy that affects us globally. That energy is connected to the astrological event, the lunar eclipse, and the zodiac signs connected to it, in this case, the most important will be Capricorn, Cancer and Sagittarius.
Capricorn is connected to responsibility, work, ambition, structure, perseverance, effort; while Cancer is the family, the self-love, our home, the roots and ancestrality. These two energies will be opposing, as well as it happened in the last two years.
The energy of Sagittarius, where is positioned the south node. This energy will focus on what we need to let go, on the personal philosophies, ideals and in higher education.
On a global level, it can mark a point of change in governments and social structures.
Lunar eclipse of July 2020 influence according to your rising sign
The best way to analyse the influence of an astrological event is by using your natal chart. Despite that, with the knowledge of your rising sun, it’s possible to understand the main areas of your life that will suffer a stronger influence.
If Aries is your rising sign, the lunar eclipse of July 2020, will affect most likely your working life and it’s balanced with your family life. It can be that your changes happen more on an internal level than on an external one. For example, it can be that internally you decide to be more relaxed about your working life and be more balanced in general.
It can also happen, that back there in 2018, you quit your job and you have been searching for a new path and you finally find it. Or that you have been all this time gathering the strength to finally quit your job.
Remember, each person will live it according to their own personal story.
The cycle that is about to end might be related to either your philosophies and beliefs, to high education or travellings, Taurus. Maybe all together, who knows?
Enjoy and make that most out of the period that you are living now so that your endings are of a calm and confident heart. Assume all your responsibilities, make all the efforts and make peace with everything that is surrounding you.
The lunar eclipses can be related to feelings of anger and frustration, and to avoid it and enjoy the best of each period of our lives, you’ll need to put effort and dedication.
Since the lunar eclipse of July 2020 will be affecting your deep shadows and everything that is under the surface, it can be quite intense for you. In your case Gemini, it’s most likely that the happenings will be on the level of the feelings and emotions, but that’s where any movement of our life starts.
It’s a moment to put the pieces in its place, to review the structures you have in your life and to prepare yourself for changes. It can be that these changes are already happening, whether you are aware of it or not. Since it’s happening on such a deep and important level for you, if you deal with insecurities, anger, sadness, it’s a great moment to start taking care of your health in a holistic way.
It’s most likely that you have been on a struggle between your personal space, value and love and your relationship with the others, especially working or love relationships.
The struggle always asks for a new balance, for you, Cancer, to review the way you are dealing with both sides of the spectrum and reconsider the weight you are giving to each of it.
For those who have been in relationships problems, especially if dealing with abusive people, it’s a crucial moment. There is a positive aspect in the structure, serious and responsible energy, but it can push you towards people that put you in a hierarchy and don’t respect your wants and feelings. It’s time to choose those who use these strengths in a positive way.
If by chance, it’s the other way around, and you have been using the energies of your life to always try to be the centre of the attention, being selfish and childish, it also important to use this time to build a more balanced relationship towards yourself and the others.
Dear strong Leo, your routines have been under attack, right? It can be related to your work, your health, or your personal routines. You are probably being pushed to make structural changes since the habits that you bring with you from previous lives are still holding you back and you need to move on from that.
Try to understand what can you do to take that next step in your life, to live happier and lighter. None of that means to let go of the structured and organized life you love so much, it just means that you can use those strengths in a more positive way. Ready to take that challenge? Yes, you can do it!
The eclipse is about your free time, Virgo, your passions, or your kids in case you have them. It can go from a total revolution, or from a small new thing in your life.
You probably have boys, or girls with strong male energy, that might be a challenge for you during this time. Asking to put some of your sensibility and flexibility in this area of your life.
It can happen that you have such a commitment to one of the passions that you end up with the opportunity of turning that into your future career.
More love and flexibility are being asked to take place in your life, for the others and for yourself! Let go of being always so pragmatic, and with conscious and structures, let life surprise you.
In your case, Libra, the lunar eclipse of July 2020 will also affect the axis of your roots and your career life, of your mom and your dad, your past and your future. You probably had a strict education, a very organized mom, a bit cold and distant. You were raised with rules and order, and you take that energy into your own home, in case you don’t live with your parents anymore.
That structure that you have always been holding on to, might have been through profound changes in the last two years. Which probably made this a tough moment of your life. Whatever direction it is taking, you are about to sort it out and find again your path. Face the changes with love and confidence, trust the answers the universe has for you.
You have structured inner communication, and you do it a lot, Scorpio. You like to have your ideas and thoughts organized, and the challenges this period brought to you might end up with inner changes and the way you put yourself out there in the world.
It’s important to understand how have you been valuing yourself, your own knowledge. You probably have a lot more to share with the others, and it’s time to use the perseverance and structure of your way of thinking to add value to the world. It’s about to happen!
The way you attract value to yourself, Sagittarius, is important for you to feel safe, although you always seem the party in person! Is that structure really working, or you need to pay more attention to your real emotions and feelings. Are you attracting abundance to your life, or your fears are so strong that you end up in a scarcity route?
There are a request and an opportunity for you to get out of the fears, put your feet on the earth, and with kindness, build a more confident way of attracting value to yourself. Attention please, it’s not out of your wild spirit this time, it’s out of confidence with consciousness.
The eclipse will mainly affect the way the world sees you, the perceptions of the others towards yourself. Because of that, it can happen that strong changes have been taking place in your life. Probably you built a whole new journey for yourself.
It doesn’t mean that you radically change who you are, but for example, people didn’t expect you to go to university and travel, and now you are applying for a master and living abroad. You are taking it to a higher level.
Capricorn is an amazing sign if you are able to adjust its lower vibes with the softer energy of Cancer, especially when dealing with the world.
The structures of your shadows and your relationship with the divine are being strongly affected. The impact in your life, Aquarius, will depend on how much meaning and importance those aspects have for yourself.
If you are more connected to them, this moment can be of deep changes and on a personal and individual level, you can feel changes that the others may not even perceive. There is a strong energy of death in this case, but it can be on a figurative level.
You love organized friendships and this is probably the area of your life where you have been dealing with turmoil. There is a need for you to understand that no matter how strong, deep (and let’s be honest) a bit depressive your feelings are, the life moves on, and no one dies when things change.
It’s time for a new pattern, Pisces, for a different way of dealing with your loved ones, and you need to be strong and go with the flow without crying your eyes out.
Ending a cycle can be hard, and can also be one of the most beautiful moments of your life. We are constantly on the process of beginning and closing cycles, there is no end because it’s the only way we can evolve. Remember, the universe is perfect and the changes that you have been going through will only take you closer to your path and destiny.
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