13 magic symbols and their meaning in your life

Magic symbols are a way of the universe to speak. Some of these signs are clear and easy to understand, some of them give you direction in an unconscious way, and some reveal and acquire important meanings in your life.
The only way you can become conscious of the messages is to believe that these signs are true. You can learn more about them and use these symbols to correct, change or reassure the direction you are choosing for your life.
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Magic symbols can be signs of the Universe: what do they mean?

Intuition’s magic symbol is the Crescent Moon, the celestial body is a sign that light always comes after the darkness. The moon reminds us that life happens in cycles and the Crescent Moon is about the need to follow your intuition and trust that the things you’re going through in life are necessary for your development and to shine again.

Truth is symbolized by the Feather. The symbol represents lightness and pureness, which is only possible by speaking the truth and living a life that is led by the truth of your heart.
If the symbol is repeatedly appearing to you, maybe it’s time to be honest, and to “clean” something in your life.

The magic symbol of Compass asks you to clarify the direction where you want to put energy in your life since North is related to home knowledge, South is creativity and passion, East is about new beginnings and West is reflection, self-knowledge and growth.

Wild Power
Symbolized by the Wild Heart, this is the power that will take you one step forward, that will make you feel fearless and face the fears that have been keeping you small.

Destiny has its magic symbol in the Endless Knot and asks you to trust in the unfolding side of life. Life is an eternal process, this is shaped in relationships with others, the relationship with yourself and with the world. It reminds that nothing is ever separated and asks for a recommitment with this eternal process.

Unity is love and the magic symbol Healing Love represents what makes humanity believe and keep going forward. This love needs balance, between the time and energy you give to yourself and for the others and the world, the balance between sharing and giving and receiving. Make sure you keep your balance!

Magic Symbols – Friendship
Friendship is symbolized by a Pineapple. Why? In the New World, families used to hang pineapples nearby their entrance door to perfume the entryway and to make guests feel welcomed!
The fruit symbolizes a truthful and happy connection. Pineapple will remind you of gathering your friends, to smile to people and feeding these bonds.

All the potential of the world lies inside a small Seed. Potential can be symbolized by an acorn, reminding you that even though sometimes it seems like nothing good and big can come from small actions and decisions, the every day tiny steps are the key to achieve your goals.

The symbol of roots is the Tree of Life. Like the tree is connected to the earth but growing towards the sky, it’s necessary to have strong roots to be able to grow and develop.
This symbol is meant to remind you of the importance of the bond between you and Mother Earth, but also with your family, the things that have meaning to you, time and spaces.

The magic symbol for serendipity is Fortune’s Favor. It reminds you that sometimes you have to believe that everything is in its perfect order, that you are at the right place at the right time. Believe and trust in life!

Magic Symbols – Adventure
The symbol of Godspeed protects you on your path and adventures. It also points to the previous adventures you have been going through and to gather all the trust in yourself from your previous conquers to face the ones ahead.

Magic Symbols – Alignment
Alignment is balance! The symbol of Cosmic Balance integrates both masculine and feminine energies, the sun’s light and the moon’s reflection.
It’s important to find a balance between the power of doing and the need of thinking and feeling, the will of being active and the need of stopping.

Magic Symbols – Abundance
One of the most common symbols, the Hand of Fatima. This is an ancient talisman related to feminine power. The feminine used to be related to abundance since is the creational force. It points to the reflection of where your abundance comes from, but most important, how do you deal with abundance in your mind?
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