Mediumship and anxiety: how are they linked?

Everyone knows sooner or later the unpleasant emotion of anxiety, before an exam, in case of health problems or accident. But if it is well tolerated and punctual in some, it becomes pathological and harmful in others: the anxious feeling then hinders everyday life, prevents decision-making and action, while negative ruminations become permanent and painful. It is a source of suffering and alters personal, family, or professional life. But what is the link between mediumship and anxiety?
Mediumship and anxiety
What is the link between mediumship and anxiety, you may ask? It is a problem mediums frequently come across when they see or hear entities. These capacities differ from one medium to another, some see with their eyes, others see in the form of flashes which are imposed on their mind, and those who hear, receive messages by telepathic way.
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In other words, the latter hear the words in their heads. And you surely know like me that hearing voices and having hallucinations are symptoms of psychiatric illnesses. This is why many psychics live with these faculties very badly, which make them think that they are crazy.
Moreover, it is very important never to neglect the medical track. But generally speaking, when studied seriously, events end up speaking for themselves, because the visions and words heard make sense, and better yet, they are capable of teaching you things.
Other people face the opposite situation. That is to say, they want to see, hear and feel so badly that they end up seeing things that do not exist. In this case too it is important to be objective.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Several different diagnoses help identify anxiety disorders. Symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder often include the following:
- Restlessness and guilt;
- A feeling of uncontrollable anxiety;
- Increased irritability;
- Difficulty concentrating;
- Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
How to treat anxiety
You should know that anxieties will be there and that only the object or the nature of the anxieties will change. There is a form of adaptability of anxieties, which allows, in reality, anxiety to persist, in a way to feed and exist.
Anxiety, projects into the future, with thoughts “I’m going to be in trouble for money, health, etc.”.
To “thwart” it, it is necessary to reduce oneself to the present moment “here and now”. Tell yourself objectively, how are you, right now?
Then determine the source of anxiety, what am I afraid of today? Unless it is like in many cases a dull, unspeakable anxiety. If it’s a fear of the outside world, tell yourself that you’re safe inside the house.
If it is a dull anguish, look in the previous days for what could have deeply shocked you, an event that may appear trivial but painfully awakening your emotional memory.
For the professional field, verbalize, tell yourself that you are lucky to have work even if everything is not perfect; practice self-value without excess but objectively.
Therapies are effective
The first approach to treatment includes therapies, both cognitive and behavioral. These brief therapies learn to spot anxious thoughts and inappropriate behaviors and then learn new ways of reacting (what psychologists call “thinking restructuring”). They are as effective as drug treatments in generalized anxiety disorder and help reduce drug dosages.
Analytical therapies could be effective in certain patients suffering from a personality disorder and would allow the patient to understand why they developed this anxiety disorder.
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