Mediumship and dreams: what is the link between the two?

Our dreams are reproductions of our subconscious that happen spontaneously, without us being able to guide them, without the participation of our ego. They form from psychic connections in our network of complex nodes in the subconscious. So what is the link between mediumship and dreams?
First of all, we need to know that these are not fantasies or meaningless messages. Although seemingly incomprehensible, dreams are the result of intense emanations of the experiences lived by our spirit; they are recorded in our subconscious, and they can refer to our present life, past lives and also to future predictions. Whatever the dream, it will have messages and meanings that can be decoded.
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Mediumship and dreams
What should one think of the meaning attributed to dreams?
Dreams are not true as some might understand; it is absurd to believe that dreaming of something means it will happen. They are true in the sense that they present real images to the spirit, but often have nothing to do with what is happening in body life; often, too, it is a memory. It may sometimes be, at times, a foreboding of the future, permitted by a higher being, or a vision of what is happening at that moment in another place to which the soul transports itself.
Do you not have numerous examples of people who appear in a dream and come to warn their relatives or friends of what is happening to them? What are these apparitions if not the soul or spirit of these people who come to communicate with yours? When you are sure that what you saw actually happened, is there no proof that it was not a simple imagination, especially if it was not at all your thoughts during the vigil?
Mediumship and Dreams: what is the relationship?
Are the dreams of those who have developed mediumship like those of others?
No. Those who have developed and refined mediumistic faculties usually report that their dreams have less symbolic content, there is less to interpret because their ostensible unconscious is much more open to consciousness. This opening brings natural relief from the tensions of the unconscious, because mediums can deal more harmoniously with spiritual messages.
Can dreams have information from other people’s lives?
While most dreams carry aspects of the dreamer’s life, with realities that belong to their minds, people with developed mediumship are able to dream about information from other people’s lives. Not all mediums can, this is rare and requires a special and well-developed psychic faculty.
And the premonitory dreams?
Premonitory dreams happen most often in those who are already studying and seeking to develop their mediumship. However, they can also occur in sensitive people who possess this ability even without intentionally developing it. It is usually those recurring dreams that actually happen. This is not a simple matter.
For a premonitory dream to happen, the medium must have contact (during sleep) with the spirit that gives them this knowledge; they also should have the ability to search their unconscious for information that allows them to foresee the future. And they are not usually clear and absolute predictions. The interpretation of these messages can be confusing especially to those who have no control over their mediumship.
There is a possibility that the premonitory dream may occur. However, it is not absolute because it always comes mixed with ideas, emotions and information from your subconscious and also from the disembodied spirit of the information collector. Normally, when a medium has premonitory and recurring dreams, he or she should write them down and take them to people who have psychological and spiritual knowledge to help them understand the present messages.
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