Mediumship and Virgo: seeking logic doesn’t help

You are a Virgo and you have been wondering about mediumship and Virgo? First you have to understand the etymology of the word medium which means middle or intermediate. Based on this premise, we can understand that the medium is a person who acts as an intermediary and who can come into contact with spirits (deceased, entities, etc.). They are therefore “a link” between the world of the living and that of the dead.
The medium is going to be extremely sensitive to all phenomena that affect spirits or entities. He or she is a person who serves as a channel to establish a connection between the two worlds.
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They have no power or influence over the spirits with whom they come into contact. The pure medium (I insist on the word pure, since there are several categories of medium) knows nothing about the past, present or future life of the person who consults them. We often consult this category of medium to deliver messages of the deceased.
Mediumship and Virgo
If you are of the zodiac sign of Virgo, born between August 23 and September 22:
- You can sense dangers and predict disasters;
- Your power of medium helps you to know informations before their release;
- You can formulate a correct prognosis which for others could appear as a stroke of genius;
- Your gift is also to anticipate things to avoid the inherent danger.
Virgo attitude
Virgo is an Earth sign, but it is distinguished by its ability to easily interpret complex messages and signs sent by the universe.
People born under this sign are endowed with quiet a force and great practical sense. They like to analyze the facts and get into the details before taking action. However, despite their apparent slowness, the natives of Virgo are intelligent. They also have a developed sense of communication, via speaking.
They are sociable beings, who like to reflect on the meaning of life, and who aspire to peace and also to the harmony of body and mind. And for that, they are among the most spiritual astro signs.
At some point in life, we are led to reflect on the spiritual aspect of its existence. But for the aforementioned astro signs, their quest for peace, truth or harmony, take precedence over material aspects.
Virgo and mediumship
Virgos are usually very logical people who seek rational explanation for everything. This can both help and hinder the development of mediumship. It is important to use your analytical perception, believing and listening better to your intuition. Thus, use all your keen intelligence to pay attention to your dreams and interpret the messages of your subconscious.
The “mediumship and Virgo” is due to this sign’s healing power by the hands. However, the practicality of this sign and the constant search for logical things, most of the time, stops them from reaching this gift.
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