Mental games of insecure men to be aware of

Falling in love and loving someone involves jumping into space. To share the most intimate things of our being. For this, some people feel a certain insecurity in love. To love is to have confidence, it is to let time run out and open up to others. The partner must be a safe area where you can express yourself and show yourself as you really are. If this is not possible, it is likely that the relationship will end because of insecurity and doubts, probably after dealing with mental games of insecure men.
Mental games of insecure men
Internal insecurity is a condition that we sometimes go through, or that we experience daily. This state colors the world around us with our own fears and anxieties.
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Insecure men will be very attentive, flatter, enhance, make their partner laugh. They do not seek to seduce the other to love or protect them, the other is only an instrument which reassures through conquest. Because what seducers are looking for is to flatter their ego, and they can’t stand failure.
The brainwashing game
Brainwashing is a psychological term defined as:
“A form of psychological violence in which the aggressor repeatedly manipulates situations to make the victim distrust their own memory and their own perceptions …”
You see, if you are in a relation with an insecure man playing games, it’s not your fault. It never was. He made you believe in things that are not real in order to screw up your self-confidence and feel better.
His plan was to shake your self-confidence, so that you can trust him completely. Thus, he could do whatever he wants with you, most likely to keep you to himself.
Mental games of insecure men: The game of guilt
This is another way for insecure men to play with. When he needs something from you, something that is not so reasonable, he will make you feel guilty for not giving it to him.
He will make you sing with his emotions, just to make you succumb and give him what he wants. Unfortunately, you still have feelings for him and, at some point, you feel sorry for him, so you give in.
He has no problem going down to the bottom to get what he wants. He only care about feeling better about his insecurity, and that’s why he succeeds in his game.
Demean the partner to feel more secure
To feel less insecurity, insecure men also use the moral principles of their women. They exploit their faults, their doubts and perhaps their inferiority complex to control them. Also, they go so far as to exploit their problem of emotional dependence and abuse their kindness.
They multiply the reproaches to make them feel guilty and that they doubt them. With this mental game, they spend their time belittling the partner, sometimes with subtlety so that it goes unnoticed. All while sporting an angel’s face so as not to be exposed. Whether their girlfriend or their lover loses confidence gives them a feeling of superiority which make them feel less insecure. The most seasoned will always pretend that they care about their women’s wellbeing and that they act in their interest.
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