Mercurial plants: have you heard about them?

Mercurial elementals have medium-sized plants with yellow flowers, penetrating smells and varied flavors. Many Mercurial plants are used for mental magic. Learn about three plants of Mercury and how they can help us achieve good health.
3 Mercurial plants and their benefits
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Thanks to its soothing and sedative properties, this beautiful Mercurial plant reduces the time to fall asleep, promotes a better rest and increases the duration of sleep. Thus, you will enjoy its benefits by preparing a tea 60 minutes before returning to your bed and placing a drop of lavender essential oil on a handkerchief, to place under your pillow.
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Furthermore, lavender is unbeatable to soothe headaches and migraines: apply two drops of pure lavender essential oil on the temples. Do you have a stomach ache after a meal? Again, this plant is your ally. It increases the secretion of gastric juice, activating the elimination of the bolus.
Burning, irritation, sting? Simple: two drops of essential oil of lavender aspic diluted in a nut of aloe vera gel relieve pain, regenerate the skin and promote its healing. It also works wonders on recent scars as it accelerates their disappearance.
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
As one of the Mercurial plants, fennel is an excellent digestive stimulant, it is part of the “four hot seeds” (with anise, coriander and caraway) in the ancient pharmacopoeia; they have effective powers against flatulence and are great for hunting intestinal gas. Thus fennel works by promoting contractions and activating the glands of the digestive tract, while fighting against flatulence.
Fennel is also a diuretic, it fights the retention of water from the body regardless of its origin and location: inflated ankle, feet, legs, belly and eyelids.
The fennel seeds will be of significant help for young mothers who do not have enough milk to feed their babies. So, they often use them as a galactogen (milk production). The leaves of fennel are great against engorgements of the breasts.
Mercurial plants – Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Parsley has a diuretic property, very suitable for removing excess water in the body. This stimulant effectively regulates the menstrual cycle.
Known for their aphrodisiac effect, its seeds stimulate sexual glands, arouse sexual desires and promote fertility. A cure based on this plant with multiple virtues is very suitable for individuals suffering from sexual dysfunction.
The consumption of parsley as a powder provides valuable protection of the intestines and liver. People use it as a poultice to treat pimples and to lighten the blotchy complexion. The essential oil extracted from its leaves is prescribed to treat rheumatism, cystitis and flatulence.
Qualities of Mercury
This is a planet of Individuation, like Venus and the Moon. Therefore, Mercury, with its mind, relates in priority to the Venusian functions (attractiveness, feelings and emotions, affectivity) and lunar (unconscious, inner world of the ego, psyche, traditional roots, daily living environment, material possessiveness and conservatism).
Its primary mission is to make the individual aware of their selfhood through the accentuation of dualities, the binary distinction of differences, the discernment of their environment, thus leading to discrimination, selection, understanding what is me and what the other is.
Mercury as a planet means knowledge, thought, and communication. It is associated with the movement and distribution of information in the mind and body via the nervous system.
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