A month full of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: what to expect

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will happen from October 31st to November 20th, 2019. On this same day, the planet of communication will begin its direct phase in Scorpio.
This celestial body fulfilled a similar journey, under the influence of Scorpio, from December 1st to 06th, 2018.
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In a general sense, we can say that, with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, the focus is on manipulation and distrust within personal relationships; the study of the occult sciences; personal secrets; and traumas associated with sexuality.
Likewise, this transit shows concern for episodes of emotional intensity, so it is suggested to avoid (as far as possible) introspection without purpose; insidiousness; obsessions; and discussions over jealousy or possessiveness.
Forecast of mercury retrograde in scorpio for the 12 signs
To determine the individual effects of retrograde Mercury in Scorpio, it is necessary to know the distribution of astrological houses, in the subject’s natal chart.
However, it is possible to know the main available energies, and to extract some orientations, taking as reference the solar sign of the native (position of the Sun at the time of birth).
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio: Aries
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will touch the House VIII of Aries, so it is essential to consider your financial and personal plans from a new perspective. Reflect before making a decision that involves the fate of your relationship, or the assets you share with others.
With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio transiting over the House VII of Taurus, it is necessary to cultivate flexible thinking.
If you had an appointment scheduled with your partner and the same could not materialize, instead of giving way to frustration, accept the changes. Holding on will only bring disappointment.
Take advantage of this period of the year to connect with the source of inner wisdom (Higher or Divine Self), clarify your personal goals, and to accept advice. The signing of contracts and documents should only proceed after a thorough analysis of the terms.
For the natives of Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will happen in the House VI of the sign, translating into a period dedicated to the organization, in the work and domestic environment.
In the professional field, if you are developing a project or initiative, it is convenient to have a reservation plan (do not place all the eggs in a single basket).
Likewise, you should evaluate the options available before making a decision, and place the focus on the macro objective (the big picture), without getting lost in the details.
Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo, so its transits have a significant impact on these individuals. Try to maintain a proper routine, devote time to meditation, and take the necessary care, in case of ailments of viral or infectious origin.
The retrogradation of Mercury in Scorpio will be projected onto the V House of Cancer, which can mean blockages on a creative level. This planetary movement can also cause interference in the communication with children, especially those who live under your roof.
To overcome the obstacles of this period, it is suggested to take advantage of the ability to adapt, enjoy free time, avoid becoming obsessed with negative facts of the past, and think positive.
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio: Leo
The apparent recoil of Mercury will touch the House IV of Leo so, if you are in the process of moving or remodelling your home, it is convenient to take the small obstacles calmly.
Avoid getting frustrated by situations that are beyond your control, and channel energy into other activities, without forcing the results. It is important that, if you are about to sign a contract for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate, read the details of the agreement carefully to avoid future surprises.
The retrograde Mercury transit over House IV of Leo is also an invitation to look at the mistakes of the past from another perspective, both to avoid repeating them, and to clarify what you really want in your life.
Likewise, it is a favorable planetary position to consider the possibility of a necessary reconciliation, with some member of the family group of origin.
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, in the House III of Virgo, points to a growing lack of concentration and the feeling of discouragement, produced by small failures in projects, and interaction with third parties.
This planetary position can be exploited, if you accept your mistakes, while recognizing your ability to amend them.
As a suggestion, dedicate time to meditation during this period of the year, and avoid criticizing yourself for past situations, which do not have any relevance in your present being.
This event will take place in House II of Libra, which means that the focus is on financial management and self-esteem.
The administration of available resources will benefit you, if you take advantage of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio to define your economic objectives, in the short and medium term.
With this information, you can draw a true work plan. If you plan to make a purchase or sale, during this time, read the terms and conditions carefully.
Note: as far as possible, do not buy electronic devices, until Mercury begins its direct trajectory, starting on November 20. If you cannot avoid the acquisition, check the conditions of the equipment and guarantees.
Mercury retrograde in House II of Libra is a powerful ally to get rid of old beliefs and to strengthen the confidence you have in yourself.
For natives of this sign, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio presents the opportunity to evaluate their ambitions and personal projects, which will allow them to adjust the parameters, and to even design new plans and strategies.
With this transit, you will get more from your interlocutors if you maintain open and honest communication. Manipulation attempts will not have a positive outcome.
During this period of the year, it is suggested to dedicate time to recreational or relaxing activities, especially outdoor walks, whenever possible for you.
The retrogradation of Mercury in House XII of Sagittarius refers to the relevance of two fundamental qualities: realism and patience.
If you are in a process of spiritual search or emotional healing, do your consciousness work step by step, without trying to cover too many aspects at once.
Avoid recriminations (and blame) for past events, and project your energy more positively, focusing on what you want to attract into your life, without idealizing (in a good or bad way).
There is the possibility of reuniting with former acquaintances, with whom perhaps there was a misunderstanding. You have no obligation to reate a relationship that does not contribute to your present.
The astrological event starring Mercury, during the October – November 2019 season, will take place in the XI House of Capricorn.
This planetary position (Mercury retrograde in House XI of the sign of the goat), emphasizes the need to trust others, especially friends and coworkers, to whom you should delegate functions.
It is also crucial to learn to be more flexible with your plans; foster closeness with people in your social circle, and community; and overcome the illusion of control over the different aspects of your life.
For the sons and daughters of Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in the House X of Aquarius brings certain conflicts in their professional area, so it is convenient to avoid murmuring in the office, or with colleagues.
Likewise, this transit invites us to consider an approach, with the paternal figures of the family clan; build a new concept of authority/leadership (section of old beliefs); and review your work goals.
In moments of mental or creative blockage, do not force the process or put more pressure on you.
Mercury retrograde in the House IX of Pisces imposes fundamental questions about self-deception and denial.
To advance your goals, you must observe the panorama with objectivity, cut with anxiety and really dedicate yourself to what you want. The obstacles in academic and international procedures can be resolved, as long as you work for it.
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